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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. No. No matter what happens in these last few games the tank is done and we move forward with whatever top talent we end up with. Now they may very well be a bottom five team regardless next year, but it won't be by design.
  2. The strong belief that the plan they put in place was the right one and the hope that follows that it will one day bear fruit. That is all. There are no guarantees or certainties with tanking or any other road they could have chosen to go down.
  3. I agree that at the start of the year we were head and shoulders above the other CHL contenders, but once we had that huge December aberration then all bets were off and it was a legit race for the shart. I still like our chances and believe we've set ourselves up nicely with the elite CHL talent necessary to win this damn thing.
  4. Deep down did anyone really ever expect that the race for the shart wouldn't go down to the wire? If any team has this thing wrapped up before the final 3 or 4 games I'll be shocked.
  5. Call it whatever you wish, but I call it being a smart consumer. I ditched Center Ice before last season when I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that we were in for some piss poor hockey for a few years. Now if Direct TV suddenly came out and said that to be be eligible to get CI in the future you need to order it every year, then I'd be in the same boat with the season ticket holders and I'd order it but still not watch much at all. I've said it before that Sabres season ticket holders are the only ones who I have any sympathy for in all of this and that the Sabres need to find a way to reward them handsomely for their loyalty, but everyone else is just a glutton for punishment. Being a CHL fan in the modern era is best done from a distance via internet and phone updates, By getting too close to this show you really risk going bat schit crazy. :P
  6. Sounds good. This is a bet that I'll be thrilled to lose, but I just don't see it happening.
  7. I'm good with whatever amount you'll be comfortable with donating to my favorite charity. :P
  8. Serious question fellow CHL fans...how many of you still actually watch the games in their semi-entirety? I think I've watched maybe a total of the equivalent of three or four games this year, heck even the two games I actually attended I probably only watched a period of action since I was in a suite. If you're still punishing yourself by watching then I can see how you'd be weary at this point, but I'm still mentally strong for the CHL stretch run. On to the shart!
  9. With or without McEichel I think we are all but guaranteed to be a bottom 10 team again next year. So I'll take that bet..
  10. Great show so far.. Bob Odenkirk as Gil the porn star in Curb Your Enthusiasm is classic. Most definitely NSFW. edit: won't play embedded apparently so here's the link.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plrtX555eoA
  11. Ov splits..brickbar case on ice. Who's with me?
  12. I'm with TrueBlue, to do it with intent is more admirable than through sheer incompetence. It's almost over guys, we tanked hard on purpose, deal with the last 18 games however you wish.
  13. How can this be? Weren't the Coyotes supposed to win the rest of their CHL games and cruise to the shart?
  14. Will it be disappointing if we don't land McEichel? Yes. Will the tank be a "waste" if we only pick 3/4/5? Absolutely not.
  15. For anyone interested in getting into a bit more of the nitty gritty of this technology, without getting bogged down too much in the alphabet soup of molecular immunology jargon, this is a good resource that I found. http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/research-updates/2013/CAR-T-Cells
  16. I don't disagree with any of this, but once the Sabres found themselves in that spot they were faced with picking top 6 capable centers off the top 6 center tree which of course doesn't exist, or attempt to acquire them via trade or FA. Buffalo plays with one hand tied behind their back in each of those areas. I can tell you with great certainty that the Sabres acknowledgement of their inability to compete on a level playing field with other teams in the FA and trade route method of team building was a deciding factor in their ultimate decision to blow it up and tank.
  17. Only supposed to reach a high of 36 here in Raleigh tomorrow so you may have to wait until Florida to get any relief.
  18. Heineken is the usual example, but any beer in green or clear bottles are prone to "skunking". It comes from the light wavelengths that those bottles allow to pass through which causes a photochemical reaction with isomerized hop derived compounds in the beer that leads to the distinctive skunk effect. It doesn't have to be the sun either, store lights can cause the skunking too... get Heineken on draft or from a can it's a totally different beer usually.
  19. Perhaps, if you can magically transform Buffalo into a place where FA's want to come and rarely available impact players don't put on their no trade list.
  20. I'll echo the others sentiments bio, sorry to hear about your difficult funding situation. The uncertainty of funding is what led me to seek getting out of grant funded research a long time ago. Of course industry has its own pitfalls too...
  21. So nearly two full season into this thing, after it's crystal clear to everyone what GMTM is doing, it was this recent deadline and the shipping out of UFA's that everyeone expected or a player who clearly had no future here that has raised your anxiety and frustration to a new level? Would sitting where say Toronto or Carolina are right now, out of the shart race have been worth it? Because that's the absolute ceiling of what could have been done with the team this year.
  22. Geez man show some backbone will ya? At least in the CHL thread. If you go to the Edmonton and Arizona boards they have their chicken littles crying the same thing. We are gunning for the shart with all we've got, relax and let the chips fall where they may... As far as next season I don't know of a single poster or media member who thinks the losing on purpose continues next year no matter where we end up picking in the 2015 draft.
  23. Interesting, I'll have to check that out. There has been a lot of breakthroughs in recent years with cancer therapies using vectors that deliver their therapeutic payload in a targeted fashion to just the cancerous cells. I worked on a project a few years back around Herceptin, this was one of the first targeted therapies for a specific type of breast cancer.
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