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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. These are the only games that I get to see. Last night I watched an entire period/OT/SO of Sabres hockey....of course it had to be a game where they wore those awful 3rds.
  2. Hosted our annual St. Patrick's day party this weekend.... 65 guests and 12 corned beef briskets, cabbage etc. Homebrewed irish stout and some local craft beer on the jockey box. And of course the Jameson....the fargin Jameson. Here I sit at work with cheek and neck tree rash due to a "yardwork mishap"
  3. The bandwagon Sabres fans were following UB in the other sports thread.
  4. So I'm assuming UB will be a 12 or 13 seed? They will be a tough out for someone.
  5. Had a rib eye steak for dinner, UB is in the big dance, and now for the big finish! A pretty nice little Saturday.
  6. When I was there UB was DIII. The only reason I ever stepped foot in Alumni arena was to register for classes. It was a sorry state of affairs, UB has come a loooooong way.
  7. UB up 61-58 with 9 to go for a trip to the big dance..
  8. Agreed. No more posting in this thread until everyone gets their steak and bj out of the way. I already sent my wife out to the butcher and will report back later.
  9. Sure we could have a GM who could blow smoke up our ass with visions of playoffs, but that type of GM would get crucified next year at this time, probably by the very same posters who are out of sorts in this thread. I'll take ZFG GMTM. No sugar coating.
  10. My goal is to earn a million dollars over the next year. Whether or not I choose to accept the stark reality that it's extremely unlikely that I'm going to reach that goal is on me.
  11. There's probably less than 10 posters here who won't melt down if we don't get McEichel. You've got the anti-tank crowd poised and ready to join hands with the McEichel or bust tankers for an all time epic sabre space nuclear melt down.
  12. New ownership, a high profile coach and all these shiny new toys and still I don't expect to see the Bills in the playoffs until the Bills are in the playoffs.
  13. So do I. Up to this point in my 43 years I'd say the sabres have been semi-legit to legit cup contenders maybe 10 times at most? That's not a good rate and I want it to change. I strongly feel that the course GMTM has us on gives us the best chance to increase our yearly contender status....eventually.
  14. Sure, sign me up. But given the historical frequency with which those types of trades occur should we realistically expect that GMTM can pull off a couple more blockbusters in time to deliver the Sabres to the 2016 playoffs? Starting 4/11/15 should GMTM be doing everything in his power to get the Sabres back to the playoffs ASAP? Absolutely. Is it going to happen next year? Pipe dream.
  15. There is of course this, which was put in place to discourage what the Sabres are doing now.....until the year when there are a pair of McEichel's available and DFL still gets you a piece.... :devil:
  16. Sorry if posted elsewhere, but puck daddy is providing their powerless rankings complete with "chances the NHL fixes the draft for them" for each team.. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/nhl-draft-tank-powerless-rankings--will-bettman-fix-the-lottery-for-your-team-181303868.html
  17. I don't think you see Murray signing players like the Mess and Balls this offseason. I don't think you see him ship out his two starting goalies who are playing well next season. These were clearly tank moves by design and those types of moves are no longer on the table IMO. If a miracle happens and they are on the bubble at the deadline, then yes I'd expect him to make some moves to acquire guys to help with the playoff push, but not at the risk of screwing up the pipeline we have built.
  18. That was more my attitude than what I feel GMTM believes. I don't think he's implying tanking again to gain the best odds at getting a top 3 pick as PA seems to be suggesting, he's just taking a realistic view at 2016, and 2016 only, and acknowledging that the Sabres aren't going to be a playoff team much less a Cup contender so let's go with this new system and hope it turns out well for us. We won't be. This year we're a bad by design. Next year we'll just be a bad team.
  19. I love that quote. It captures my sentiment perfectly on tanking / rebuilding. The 2016 Sabres aren't a Cup contender in any way shape or form. The old Sabres would have set the playoffs as the bar, but ZFG Tim Murray has no use for the false hope, feel good squads of the Sabres past. Give me a Cup contender or give me lottery picks!
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