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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I wouldn't cheer for the other team in our home arena under any circumstances, but that's just me. At the same time I'm not going to get all torqued about other fans who decided they wanted to go that route. It's a big meh for me, and all the indignation will be forgotten in short order.
  2. I'd imagine a package that the other team would ask for might include Reinhart too. The other team has to ask for the moon and get it to pull the trigger and run the risk of being forever known as the GM who traded away the next Gretzky/Lemeiux/Crosby. In other words it's never happening.
  3. It gets worse for Bucky, a listener emailed one of his GM for a day columns from a few years back where he lambasted DR for not doing enough to ensure a finish at the bottom of the standings and with a better draft pick.
  4. Valid point, and maybe GMTM would have done things differently had DR been let go sooner, but by the time he arrived I really think the die was cast and he didn't have much choice but to go down the ###### filled tank road.
  5. "We're turning this song into a movie, starring Peter O'Toole as the curmudgeonly lighthouse keeper...."
  6. The level of acrimony will dwindle for sure but the tank vs. Anti tank will always lurk below the surface. For example...if we blow the shart you can be damn sure the McEichel or bust crowd won't let it die. If we are fortunate enough to have McEichel in a Sabres uniform next year and he goes pointless in his first game, then we all know what we'll be hearing. At the end of the day it's all par for the course internet nonsense.
  7. Oh I would expect every Sabre to be pissed, but figured he'd dodge the question a little more.
  8. I'm all in on the tank and would personally never cheer for the opposition in our home barn, but at the same time I'm not getting worked up about those who choose to. Not a big deal at this point IMO.
  9. Check out the yotes HF board, they seriously want to lynch Dave Moss.
  10. 71degrees. Screen porch. RJ on radio. Pliny the Elder in my glass. Let's do this!
  11. Big picture this is awesome, at least for those of us who have been on board with the philosophy from day one. We wanted them to tank and thus far they have executed that plan beautifully, how could we not be happy with it?
  12. Way too much work travel coming up. Over the next 6 weeks Helsinki, Atlanta and Austin,TX. I really don't enjoy travel and I haven't been asked to do much over my 10+ years here up until now.
  13. You could also get on board, hope the Sabres lose, and get your meltdown entertainment over of the Coyotes HF boards. IMO after the Detroit game it was much better than anything we've yet seen here.
  14. Anyone been down near F'NC today? The stench has to be getting pretty bad down there right about now for this Carrion heavyweight brawl.
  15. Yep, 99% of fans will not care. It certainly won't be reported in the media from that angle. Stars fans got their Cup so their fans and the rest of the league don't care about no goal. Heck even the Pats* in two much more high profile cases of actual alleged cheating pretty much get a pass from most fans outside of NY and Buffalo, and as time marches on they will simply be remembered as a dynasty with little to no mention of the scandals. Just win, baby.
  16. Coyotes -115 favorites on the ML. The Sabres have yet to be favored in a single game by Vegas all damn year. http://hfboards.hockeysfuture.com/showthread.php?t=1862433 Well done GDT on the yotes board even though I disagree with much of the "analysis". My favorite:
  17. Yep, we're here. Now let's take care of the business at hand and be done with it.
  18. Good man. This is why belief in the shart must never waver. Still, I fully expect a roller coaster of posting irrationality unlike anything we've ever seen come tomorrow night. :P
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