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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Agreed on all counts. If it comes down to that last home game against the Pens then you you ain't seen nothin' yet, things will most definitely be U-G-L-Y at FN'C.
  2. If he did, ZFG might not be enough to describe GMTM.
  3. Where's that high horse and ladder image when I need it?
  4. The shart will be ours. I look at it this way, would I be willing to switch records and schedules with the yotes right now? No F'n way. I'd rather dance with the one who brung ya.
  5. Wait...what? You mean the players aren't in on this tank thing?
  6. You know we're gonna win that shart We're gonna win that F'N shart me and my Buffalo Sabres yeah yeah yeah
  7. Yeah I'd be way more pissed this morning if they actually choked the game way. I'd have 3100 extra spending money today had ND pulled it off.
  8. Before my time, but Rick lives not too far from me in Pinehurst area and I've seen him a few times in pubs when visiting my in laws. If I run into him again I'll ask him.
  9. I see a choke as a situation where it looks like a team has the game in the bag and they allow it to slip away. I watched the entire game and never had any sense other than it would likely come down to a last shot, which it did. Saying ND choked is a huge disrespect to how great a game those kids played.
  10. And that puck was caught by a young man from Sloan...
  11. I'll never accept its all about McEichel. Its ok to hope for the best possible outcome while also recognizing that you might have to merely "settle" for garden variety elite talent, and it wouldn't be the end of the world.
  12. Because its about probability,and McEichel gives us the best odds of icing a perrenial contender going forward, just as Strome or Marner would have us looking better long term than if we pick 15th. This has always been what the tank is about, increasing our chances. No guarantees.
  13. You mean besides those of us who accept the truth that there are no guarantees in life, right?
  14. San Jose could do same in their two games with the yotes. Lower Arizona's chances while increasing their own.
  15. Sure, let's give the teams that finish at the top a higher salary cap to play with while were at it.
  16. Yeah but Lindros forced that deal otherwise it never happens.
  17. What isn't nice is it looks like the Leafs might catch them.
  18. How about instead of citing single variables as the absolute, we acknowledge that it's usually some combination of high drafting, a savvy GM making trades and FA acquisitions, stable ownership and a little luck that creates great teams? If we're interested in true parity and eliminating incentive to tank why not also address the final straw that ultimately led the Sabres down the tank road and create a level free agency playing field? Of course there's no way to do this, but the Sabres have always been playing shorthanded in FA for one reason or another.
  19. That would have been akin to picking Strome over McDavid. Luck was the unquestionable sure thing jewel of that draft.
  20. This is a key point that I've maintained from the very beginning of all of this. Other markets simply could not afford to put their fans through such a blatant tank and hope to keep them coming to the games like Buffalo does.
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