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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Agreed. The sex with hot women analogy wasn't meant to quantify the talent gap between generational talents, but instead to capture the excitement level for the unexpected falling into you lap.
  2. Winning the shart is like guaranteed banging Scarlett Johansson, the lottery is finding out if Kate Upton will be joining for the threesome.
  3. Or you could simply be a rational human being and therefore believe in none of that nonsense.
  4. It would be appropriate if the Sabres clinch the CHL against a Columbus team currently on a "Sabres of old" useless run to no mans land..... But I'll take it against Carolina.
  5. In the spirit of consistency.. The shart will be ours!
  6. Yep, Halak was pissed for all 48 hours he was in Buffalo.
  7. There's not a place in town that won't have the Duke game on every TV tonight, so I'll be listening to RJ again. Here's to a big CHL two points for the good guys.
  8. I disagree. There's a massive WNY expat population within 150 miles of Raleigh who are grizzled Sabre fan vets. That more than anything IMO led to the widespread disdain of the Canes franchise. I agree that they aren't a traditional rival, but the hate is most definitely genuine and not neophyte fueled.
  9. Lose by 10 goals and look like for all I care, just bring home the shart. None of this matters next year.
  10. The Sabres have gone the entire year without being favored in a game by Vegas, I guess the Carolina game will be their last chance.
  11. I know dozens of hardcore, dyed in the wool Sabres fans. I know countless more casual fans, but im not talking about those types here. With the hardcores we have a month long email chain going among many of them following this tank saga. Every single one of them is on board with the tank now, and not all were at first. But now since it makes absolutely zero sense to not be on board we're all rooting for CHL wins. If you don't think the majority of Sabre nation wants this by now, then you're lying to yourself.
  12. Whew..there's just no way this could have happened thankfully...
  13. That's the nightmare scenario. If the shart comes down to the last game at home and we blow it....ugghh I don't even want to think about and its lasting effects.
  14. Yep. I posted in another thread that if the yotes lose out, that would mean they played at a 34 point 82 game pace since Feb 1. Our worst two back to back months of the season were Dec/Jan at 41 pt pace and Jan - Feb was a 39 pt. pace. They will have simply out tanked us at the wire. For comparison, if the Sabres finish 1-4-0 and clinch the shart that would give them a 9-18-5 record since Feb 1, a 59 pt pace which should have coasted us to the shart. But the yotes are tanking fecking hard.
  15. NHL shop embraces tank wars... http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/nhl-online-shop-twitter-briefly-embraces-tank-wars-010352778.html
  16. Sabres, Yotes and Oilers all win out. We still get the shart and anti-tankers are happy (I think).
  17. I hate to give more fodder to the ledge walkers, but here are two interesting trends that the Sabres bucked over the last two games (NHL speak): Sabres record when opponent scores first: 4-33-5. Arizona game. Sabres record when trailing after 2nd: 3-34-2. Toronto game. If Chicago scores first and is leading after two and the Sabres still win, then I just might budge a little off of my certainty that the Shart is ours.
  18. There's no need for a CHL thread next year from game one since not a single fan should think that is the season long goal, but if they play themselves into contention it might be worth following. Of course the shart won't carry nearly the same luster going forward.
  19. I noticed that Mike Cvik is a linesman tonight. He's the inspiration for what might be my all time favorite Roby-ism. "Wow, take a look at Mike Cvik. I've seen more meat on a butcher's apron."
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