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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Yep I'm a biomedical researcher as well. Corporate research lab lackey.
  2. I wasn't in Buffalo for any games in 2006, but I've been to many games in various arenas in my time and those games in Raleigh in 2006 were the loudest by far. Some have accused the canes of piping crowd noise through the arena sound system...who knows. I think its more to do with the low ceiling at PNC arena, but it was ear splitting in there. A lot of Chet and muffys and kids at canes games too.
  3. I was at that game. I was also at 2 games in Raleigh in the 2006 ECF. Much louder in Carolina for every goal the Canes scored. FNC really is fairly cavernous.
  4. I may be doing the Tennessee game and the London game.
  5. I have to admit the ice girls are nice at the Canes games.
  6. I still say that more than anything, it's arena architecture and acoustics that set teams apart for in game atmosphere and decibel levels when all other things are equal in terms of having a good team to cheer for. Sure some of the in game aspects can be tweaked at FNC to help, but I always use the Canes as an example of a very loud arena (once upon a time), and they likely have an even higher Chet and Muffy / kid friendly atmosphere than the Sabres do.
  7. I imagine the money will be sweetened a bit by a few endorsement deals as the new face of USA hockey. He will be wearing a Sabres uniform opening night in October. Reinhart too.
  8. Yes, but only if all in caps and bolded with exclamation point My favorite filter loophole... I need to score some ###### tonight.. I'm going to lay the wood to a bunch of snatches tonight.
  9. Outside of the Sabres wining the lottery this is the best possible outcome IMO. McDavid not in the east and the NHL's tinkering with the lottery rules blows up in their face by sending the next one to a league marketing wasteland. Love it, although I do feel bad for McDavid.
  10. If the Sabres won the lottery I think GMTM still takes some jabs at the PRO-cess, albeit with a smirk on his face. He's been very consistent in his disdain for the whole affair.
  11. I believe I can find a quote from GMTM where he very clearly indicates how well he understood the 80% McDavid-less probability scenario.
  12. More than anything, the hand wringing and whining about McDavid just reinforces that the average person has a very poor grasp of mathematics and basic probability concepts.
  13. FWIW. Someone said on GR recently, Paul Hamilton maybe, that Sabres were elated when Oil took Nurse and Sabres also had Risto ahead of Seth Jones on their board.
  14. Yep, time to start making the playoffs so GMTM doesn't have to take part in the process anymore.
  15. It's not so much about what outlandish price it would cost as it is about any GM having the balls to trade the next Gretzky/Lemieux/crosby. It's just not happening. Start rooting for Eichel to end up being a better player than McDavid, that's much more reasonable.
  16. Predict the winning combo: I'll go with the 2, 3, 7, 9 Sabres win.
  17. Perfect sense. Certainly not everyone will agree, but I do 100%.
  18. i'm not speaking for True Blue, but for me the bolded is the key word there.
  19. The notion on it not being worth it if we don't get a cup seems to be hinged on us going through two all time terrible 52-54 point seasons. I guess that I'll never understand how being 20 points better, "suffering" a little less and still not winning a cup somehow changes the needle from complete failure to acceptable.
  20. We of all fans should understand there are a multitude of variables that play into winning a cup, luck not being the least among them. Of course we all want the cup,its the goal and reason for existence and all that, but the tank only ever could be about giving us the best chance to win one.
  21. If the only success criteria is a Cup, then then entire history of the franchise is one colossal failure.
  22. Good to know. I haven't watched a Devils game myself in years, but I do remember them playing a fairly boring brand of hockey anyway.
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