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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Zero. He rolls up on stage in one of these, says "Jack Eichel" and leaves via mini-tank. All the while showing his trademark ZFG GMTM half scowl.
  2. My brother in law made the cut and will be playing this weekend at the US Open. He lost his PGA tour card this year and has been playing on the Web.com tour, but he got into the US open through sectional qualifying a few weeks ago. He's currently at +4, but if he makes a run maybe he'll get a bit of air time today or tomorrow. http://www.torontosun.com/2015/06/19/manoticks-brad-fritsch-will-have-to-wait-and-see-if-he-makes-cut-at-us-open
  3. Yep, Trump is a self-aggrandizing jackhole and will act as such during debates. That on it's own is refreshing in contrast to "real" politicians who are as fake as a $3 bill.
  4. Well it took even longer than getting into the RnR HOF, but Rush finally made the cover of Rolling Stone. It's a pretty good article. I assumed it was mainly Neil's health issues and family that was driving them to scale back, but it sounds like Alex has some pretty serious health issues of his own. From Rush With Love
  5. I'm not tattoo a on my forehead certain, but I'd be up for a $250 charity bet with someone who thinks Eichel stays in college.
  6. 98 here in Durham. 102 forecast for tomorrow. I despise NC summers.
  7. The horse blanket character typically comes from using brettanomyces yeast.
  8. People are always leaving assorted crap beer in my man cave mini fridge. Right now there's some Milwaukee's best, corona and bud lights in there. When I need space I send out a text to the neighborhood to come get the free beer, if it goes unclaimed it gets tossed.
  9. Some friends invited us out on their boat tonight for a lake cruise. It's going to be hotter than hell, but nothing that a few beers won't ameliorate.
  10. When I began homebrewing about 15 years ago, the quality of malt extracts that were available were lacking and there was certainly a marked difference in quality between extract and all grain beers. That is not the case anymore, with the explosion of the hobby has come a wide variety of high quality suppliers of ingredients.
  11. Now that's awesome. Every girl I ever dated was on the spectrum from despising to barely tolerating Rush, thankfully my wife tolerates them, and therefore she knew better than to get me a ticket to the Taylor Swift concert in Raleigh the other night. :)
  12. And rumor still has it that they will be adding Losing It to the Toronto shows that will be recorded for release. They played it again at soundcheck yesterday so it's going to show up sometime, likely with the accompanying strings for that and hopefully other songs. Lyrically at least it's an appropriate song to play as they wind things down... Some are born to move the world to live their fantasies But most of us just dream about the things we'd like to be Sadder still to watch it die than never to have known it For you, the blind who once could see The bell tolls for thee.
  13. Yahoo printed that brilliant piece from TheMatrix31 a few months ago, so I don't know what you're talking about.... :P
  14. Sounds like Buffalo got the same version B setlist that I saw in Greensboro.
  15. Ahh the Hip, another great live band. Once they opened for Rush at Maple Leaf Gardens on the roll the bones tour. Wish i could have seen that one! As I've been told, the " I remember Buffalo..." line you quoted is in reference to a show I attended at UB where some jackass threw a boot at Gord and they promptly canceled the show.
  16. Enjoy the Rush show gentlemen and lady (assuming chz is going?)
  17. I understand the wine analogy, but beer isn't in the same league at all in terms of absolute price and discernible taste difference. You've got your macros, the macros trying to get a piece of the micro pie, and then craft (micro) beer. I think my earlier McDonald's analogy fits better with beer. McDonalds ($2 burger) = Bud Light Five guys ($5 burger)= Blue Moon (coors trying to pull off a witbier, but mostly failing) Grover's on Transit ($8 burger) = most craft beer
  18. A stunning level of ignorance regarding beer and it's varying styles in this post. Love 'em or hate 'em, American lagers and light lagers are essentially dumbed down versions of their European counterparts. Target mass appeal and slick advertising campaigns make them popular with large swaths of the American beer consuming public. I agree that they have their place. So does McDonalds.
  19. Almost. With the craft beer explosion it doesn't happen as often these days, but it wasn't too long ago when you'd go out to dinner and some places only offered bud, Miller, Coors and the like. I'd have water with those meals too.
  20. It's happened before. I had water.
  21. I'm probably as big of a beer snob as anyone, but even I can acknowledge that the fizzy yellow stuff has a time and place. Although there are two beers in that category you will never, ever find me drinking: Bud Light and Corona.
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