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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Very light pale ale. 4.8%. Oats lend to smooth mouthfeel, mildly assertive hop bitterness. It didn't offend any of my macro beer consuming family so I think it hits the mark for what they were going for.
  2. At southern tier now drinking One Buffalo right now. Its a crowd pleaser for the stadium crowd no doubt.
  3. Their CPA is good. Honestly their beers are just decent, nothing spectacular but all solid. I know they are in the process of constructing a tap room, are you sure that they're doing tours now?
  4. Likewise weave. I wish I could have stayed longer. Thanks for all the Chautauqua Lake area insight and tips.
  5. What you expect me to actually read these damn threads? :doh:
  6. Anyone on Untappd? It's social media for beer, but will also let you know what beers are in your vicinity.
  7. I realize hell will freeze over before this ever happens to a degree that makes a difference, but when both parties put up candidates, and they do... how about voting for neither one?
  8. The wall comes at different times for different players, I get Bradys optimism/delusion but there's no freaking way he doesn't hit the wall until 45.
  9. We do have one here but it's in the airport in the terminal I rarely fly out of. I've been to the Gordon Biersch in Vegas a few years ago and remember being impressed.
  10. yeah but that stuff tends to even out, Detroit with a melt down from their kicker and the Minnesota game come to mind as two we had no business winning.
  11. Absolutely. Probably a top three beer that I've ever had was a Hofbrau Original (Helles) from the original Hofbrauhaus in Munich. To quote a colleague that I dragged with me there: "I'm not a beer guy at all, but I could drink this all damn day long." I used to brew an Alt often when I was brewing regularly, in fact if I ever dust off the brewing equipment that might be what I do first. Generally true, but if you can find it in a keg it's still usually pretty damn good. The bottled Hofbrau I've had here haven't been nearly as good as what I had in Germany.
  12. Yep there is absolutely nowhere to hide imperfections in pale lager especially. The other difficulty comes from having the ability to lager a beer properly as well as the consideration of tying up a tank for lagering for an extended period which probably makes considering brewing one a non starter for many of the smaller guys.
  13. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale may be "tired" but it's a classic that defined the style, to me that's still something. Celebration is an awesome beer as is their Bigfoot barleywine. The SN Porter is very solid beer. Hefeweizen is not a go to style for me, but their Kellerweis holds up to the German tradition admirably. Most of my recent love for Sierra Nevada stems from their new brewery in Asheville (I'm in Raleigh) and the unique style offerings they had there. A mild and a bitter super fresh on tap, those are very rare styles on the craft beer landscape in this country and they were done quite well. Yes, and they are more difficult to put out on a variety of levels. Troegs sunshine pils and Victory Prima Pils are must haves.
  14. Good? Every last one is at minimum good. I'm not a big fan of Fat Tire or their wheat beers ,but Ranger IPA is certainly better than good, I like Shift as a good change of pace from a traditional lawn mower beer and some of their seasonal releases, Hoptober/Red Hoptober come to mind, were damn fine beers. I liked their session IPA too but I'm not remembering the name now. To be honest, outside of La Folie I haven't thought much of their Lips of Faith series have stood out, the Gratzer I had last month was pretty good.
  15. You called them swill, which quite frankly is laughable. Chalk it up to different strokes, but you'll not find agreement among the majority of beer connissuers regarding the offerings from SN and NB.
  16. I get the mystique sentiment with Pliny ( I haven't yet had a Heady Topper), but I just think in Pliny's unique case it is most definitely worth the hype IMO. It really is that well done, and Vinny at RR arguably invented the style with his Blind Pig IPA before he came up with Pliny. It's been voted the best beer in America seven years in a row by the AHA's Zymurgy magazine readership. Those folks aren't your average every day hipsters succumbing to the changing winds of hype, instead they are the geekiest of beer geeks who judge with discerning palettes. But still..different strokes and all that... Out of IPA's that I've had the ones that I'd say are in the same ballpark with Pliny would be Wicked Weed Freak of Nature, Firestone Walker Union/Double Jack and Bell's Two Hearted and even though it was many years ago, I do remember being blown away by ST's Unearthly, but I'll have to try a bottle from the brewery when I'm up at Chautauqua Lake next week.. In the next tier would be Great Divide Hercules, Stone Ruination and Victory Hop Wallop. Personally I'm not much of a fan of DogFish Head 90 minute as it's too heavy on the crystal malt for my taste.
  17. Suspension or not, I'm not expecting the Bills to win a division title or have a realistic shot at the playoffs until Brady either retires or suffers a season ending injury early in the season.
  18. Yep, confirmation bias has run rampant with the Pegula and Battista conspiracies for quite some time around here.
  19. Too many people were on to 'ole Battista. He didn't really resign, TP just wants to make everyone think he resigned. Now Battista can continue as the TP hatchet man with his ruthless meddling and pulling of strings and be completely invisible to the common kool aid drinking fan. I mean isn't it obvious?
  20. Here's the thing about ST IPA, #1 its been a few years since I've had one,#2 every Tom, dick and Harry who has opened a craft brewery in the last five years has an IPA and some if not most are truly bad. You'll get no argument from me that it's not the cream of the crop,but its certainly in the top quartile unless they've completely lost what they had. LTS aren't you the one who doesn't like Pliny?
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