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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Interesting. The highest ranked IPA that Ive had is grapefruit sculpin, and I didn't particularly love it, regular sculpin is better IMO. For DIPA the highest I've had is FW Double Jack, and that's neck and neck with Pliny IMO. Interesting methodology, but unless I missed it, I think it's somewhat flawed. Putting them in daily flights of 10 helps, but if all the judges got the same beers in the same order, the beer going 10th is at a pretty big disadvantage. I know they say the cleansed their palates, but IPAs wreak havoc on the palate no matter what you do. That's why I never entered an IPA in a homebrew competition.
  2. I don't know...320 lb DL coming down hard can cause damage.
  3. Darby hasnt looked good, but I don't think they envisioned putting him on an island against NFL starters as a rookie. With no McKelvin its baptism by fire.
  4. Schwarzbier from Devils Backbone Brewing. It's fantastic. Another style you often see, let alone done well. DB just became available in the Raleigh area, but at the same time as Wicked Weed so with little fanfare. So far I've had a Vienna lager and the schwarzbier and have been very impressed.
  5. Went down the beer aisle today at the local food dog..uggghh they're back!
  6. i thought the same, might as well gone full on zubaz.
  7. From our old pal Luke DeCock..... Hurricanes' ownership uncertainty looms over team.
  8. I don't buy the Bush lied thing either. Horrible decision? Absolutely. But if you believe he lied, then you also must believe that Bush and his cronies' evil genius plan to deceive the world ended with no further plan to deceive after invading Iraq when they knew no WMDs would be found. No plan to plant WMDs to justify themselves? Just go in on WMDs knowing none will be found and accept the wrath of the country and the world? THAT I find to be pure folly, but I guess that makes me bad for the country.
  9. In regard to the autobiographical memory thing, did you see where they looked back at 20 year old footage of Merilu Henner and she was able to give details about what was in them? Or the steelers fan who could recall the date, and score and details of any game when asked at random? There also is some science behind it too as they noticed differences in brain morphology by MRI vs. age and gender matched control subjects.
  10. Like others my earliest memory is about age five. Ever heard of Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory? Only a handful of people have been identified as having this ability where they can recall events and details from any day in their life instantly. Actress Marilu Henner has this ability, when she was interviewed by Stern a few years ago it was fascinating to hear the mundane details she was able to recall from her daily life in the 1970's.
  11. Can't view the video at work, but does it show the incredible diving catch that Hooks made around midfield that set up the hail mary play?
  12. Absolutely. I don't think Obama stands a prayer of coming out of nowhere against the Clinton machine without the highly charged political climate created by eight years under Bush. Now you have the pendulum swinging the other way with an even further polarized electorate under Obama helping Trump find his inexplicable appeal. I won't lay sole blame at the feet of GWB or Obama, but both were way more part of the problem rather than part of any solution.
  13. The Joe Ferguson hail Mary to Roland Hooks to beat NE is second to only the comeback game in my favorite Bills games that I've attended.
  14. Trump is a product of the far rights disgust with Obama, just as Obama was a product of the disgust of 8 years of GWB. Yay polarized America, we get what we deserve.
  15. 2005...when raping, pillaging and baby eating was merely a dream.
  16. Sous vide London broil then high heat sear over lump coal. Awesome.
  17. Yes indeed Aud, I saw that when it first aired. What a great kid, I'm rooting for him.
  18. You are correct, his sister has cerebral palsy. http://www.burntorangenation.com/football/2014/9/9/6128931/e60-marquise-goodwin-sister-deja-buffalo-bill-texas-longhorns
  19. I'm surprised, usually by this point we should have a few posters telling us how she's not really hot.
  20. My wife rented two paddleboards while we were at Chautauqua lake last week. I never used them, but she did along with a bunch of my cousins and aunts. My wife has done it a few times before, but there were many beginners and by all accounts everyone loved it.
  21. At Raleigh beer garden with the 360+ taps. Notice the brewery umbrellas on the roof top patio....
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