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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Last night I was sitting on my screen porch and heard the squirrels in the yard going bat crazy. I walked out on the deck and looked up in the big oak tree where the racket was coming from, and there was a hawk attacking a squirrels nest. After a few minutes he flew away with a tasty treat in his talons. I hope he comes back for more, I hate those friggin' squirrels. :thumbsup:
  2. You never know..Howard actually came out of the libertarian convention as their candidate for NYS governor in the 90's. A volt for every vote!
  3. He's been on Stern numerous times over the past year or so begging Howard to be his VP.
  4. Now what kind of safety officer would that make me? Time, distance, shielding.
  5. For the past two months I've been stretched thin working on three projects simultaneously. Our site safety officer announced he was leaving earlier this week and yesterday I was approached to act as the radiation safety officer for the site until they hire a replacement. Are you fargin' kidding me? Given the way things go around here I'm sure that it will take months not weeks to hire someone.
  6. Quick search gave me this. To be fair it was probably more Drane leading the "not Cup focused theory", but you certainly have insinuated it as well. http://forums.sabrespace.com/topic/22921-insight-into-pegulas-one-buffalo-philosophy/?do=findComment&comment=632280
  7. Your posts over the years insinuate that he isn't fully committed to bringing a Cup to Buffalo, no?
  8. It seems he disappeared when some posters gave him crap about posting too many links. Last I checked he was on the HF Sabres board so I doubt he returns.. His GDT's were awesome.
  9. Why winning a Cup and developing and revitalizing a dead downtown Buffalo are thought to be mutually exclusive efforts I do not know.
  10. The Panthers looked strong against the canes the other night. A good test.
  11. It's plain as day. The above scenario is quintessential Bills October football.
  12. There are a handful of players for whom the refs swallow their whistle on that play, I guess the rookie next one is among them.
  13. See I'm the opposite and no matter who they trot out there I'm strongly considering breaking my rule of not betting on Buffalo teams and laying a hefty sum on the Bills on the ML.
  14. Yep, Bob Nystrom. And that particular one is where I can see calling it back. He was offside, immediately received the pass and scored.
  15. Guys have you watched the Bills the last 15 years? They win Sunday, then lose to Jacksonville.
  16. We have a few Buffalo Brothers here in Raleigh, I know the local bills backers meet at one of them. The guys who own it are from the Batavia area. Charlotte has a few too, ive only been to Tavern on the Tracks though.
  17. Yeah it was hard for me to tell how the upper deck looked being in a party suite, but I had many locals stop me on Saturday and ask why there were so many Bills fans in town. They said they'd never seen anything like it.
  18. That stadium was 35-40% Bills fans. Impressive effort.
  19. John Wayne .... Ri--diculous. That defenseless receiver call. One of the worst I've seen in terms of crucial potential game changing calls. The NFL needs to get its together.
  20. Watching this in person is brutal. In a bit of shocking news, the Bills are indeed still the Bills.
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