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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I discovered this on Google music a few months ago..... The Headstones return with a couple new tunes and acoustic arrangements of some of their best. I like it. http://www.amazon.com/One-Chamber-Music-Headstones/dp/B00OTAKFWU/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1445529369&sr=1-1&keywords=headstones
  2. That tune and Cemetery by the Headstones go hand in hand. For some reason my wife loves both of those songs. :devil:
  3. I had saved vacation time for this week because my brother and I wanted to take our dad to the London game and spend some time in Ireland too. My dad being the curmudgeon that he is nixed the whole thing and refused to go. So instead my brother and I are taking our wives to Vegas for a long weekend, the game will be on at 6 am there so unless I stay up all night it's highly unlikely that I'll end up watching it.
  4. I cannot compete with the facial hair unless we're talking the amount of gray, then I win. If I posted a pic SS might implode on itself, Roby has nothing on me when it comes to scars.
  5. Evander has made the rounds at other sporting events recently. He passed me in the JK club at the Bills/NE game and I gave him the first bump. He was with his girlfriend who was still absolutely stunning in jeans and a t-shirt..
  6. Didn't know he went to the Mets game. I know he was in Toronto for the Jays game and took a helicopter.
  7. TrueBlue is probably right about the Bills D, but honestly I don't watch the games closely enough to feel comfortable engaging in deep analysis of the Bills and what is or isn't wrong with them. I'm at the point where I've seen the same results for a decade and a half and I feel most comfortable just chalking it up to the Bills still being the Bills. The lack of a real QB, the untimely stupid penalties, the controversial calls/non calls, questionable coaching, Brady still going strong and on and on... these collectively to me equal Bills football, what is "wrong" with them and the perpetuity of 6-9 win seasons.
  8. Ok couldn't place who was with him. Kane wearing traditional Jays cap, McGinn wearing white Jays cap.
  9. Geddy Lee keeping score in second row behind the plate wearing Jays cap. Also caught a shot of Evander Kane sitting in first row behind Jays on deck circle.
  10. Ok. wasn't there something like an 8 goal loss to Ottawa in there somewhere too?
  11. All I can say is that I'm thankful that I had a day at camp with my daughter for Y guides yesterday. Mostly because I was able to spend an awesome day canoeing, fishing, archery, bb guns etc. with my 7 year old, but also because packing up and getting ready for it made me forget that I wanted to bet on the Bills and therefore saved me a bunch of $. Lastly, if I didn' have the camp day I would have likely wasted another beautiful Sunday watching this hapless franchise remain irrelevant on the NFL landscape.
  12. I seem to remember the 05-06 Sabres starting out extremely poorly. No, I'm not saying this team can or will reach those heights....yet. Just trying to lend some perspective.
  13. Nah, were done because apparently you can't own your posting record. I'll leave it this, you're not going to be able to start Pegula threads or comment about him without your history coming up. It's just the way it is, and you've got nowhere else to look for blame on that other than in the mirror.
  14. Off the top of my head? I seem to remember an accusation that TP was using FNC to hold meetings to advance his fracking interests. That certainly was an accusation that you tried to lay at his feet that could be considered sinister. If you want to try to claim that you haven't attempted to paint the guy in a bad light beyond hockey decisions / meddling concerns then I guess we're done here.
  15. Now we're getting somewhere. I'm in 100% agreement with this statement. However, by words (reason for existence) and actions, the overwhelming body of evidence points to Terry being about bringing championships to Buffalo, and yes tanking is part of that evidence. Given that hes all in on a Cup and since you agree that we don't know, and likely never will know his absolute true motivations, I guess I don't really understand the constant need to try to uncover some nebulous and sometimes sinister reason for TP buying the Sabres.
  16. You mean like how you forgot about how you had claimed Pegula really isn't about winning a Cup? The OP wasn't innocuous when people actually remember what you've posted. Time and again.
  17. I click on every thread. To the bold: Again, why do you think that is? It couldn't have anything to do with the thousands of "Pegula bad" posts we've read in half the threads (on topic and derailed) on this board over the years. No reason at all to look at yet another Pegula thread with a jaundiced eye given that history.
  18. So your exhaustive negative posting history in regard to Pegula should carry no weight at all? The post should be read in a vacuum? C'mon. I'm ready for matrix to come back and start a thread "The merits of tanking" or for DeLuca to start a thread "You know Republicans ain't so bad after all".
  19. I mean why on earth would anyone around here think that yet another thread started by you about Pegula isn't about trying to undermine the guy and what hes done in some way?
  20. Not I. As long as he's providing all the tools necessary to finish the job for the Sabres, and he is, I don't give a rats ass if he bought the team so that he can prance around the corridors of FNC naked in the middle of the night.
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