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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I can confirm that these are both indeed available at the Wegmans Pub on Transit. I've had Heady Topper before, but the Focal Banger is right there with it. Dank hop explosion.
  2. Wake county I'd guess is definitely over a million. The city of Raleigh alone has to be about 400-500k. If you include the whole triangle region (Raleigh-wake county, Durham- Durham county and Chapel Hill- orange county) I'd guess it's in the 2 million neighborhood. Whatever it is, I know the road infrastructure here cant support all the droves of people moving here. Traffic here in the last 5 years went from being just an annoyance to sucking major balls.
  3. I'm heading to Buffalo to visit family for the week, so of course I had to open my untappd app to research some good beer venues. Apparently the Wegmans Pub on Transit has Heady Topper and Focal Banger? If true, that might be my first stop...even before seeing my family!
  4. Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit tonight in Cary, NC. They're co-headlining with Father John Misty who I'm not familiar with at all. As long as I bring the 100% deet insect spray it should be a fine time.
  5. Is there some kind of pro sports team owner minor leagues that Robert Kraft and George Steinbrenner attended to learn the ropes? Uber rich people buy sports teams, the vast majority of which earned their fortunes in some other discipline. I don't get the hand wringing.
  6. Wow
  7. Thanks for at least finally admitting it's a crusade.
  8. I know you aren't saying that, my apologies. Theres been pretty much been only one crusader who has been banging this drum ad nauseum.
  9. That's kind of my point...the bitching about Ralph changed nothing. He had to die before it changed. Pegula is here for the foreseeable future. Players can change, coaches can change, GMs too. This constant wishing for the Pegulas to step back and retire to a yacht in Florida is never, ever happening.
  10. A guy made a ***** ton of coin and bought two professional sports teams. He can and will run them however he pleases. Bitching about it will matter zero and change nothing. Still I'm sure the crusade will march on....
  11. Thank you ROR for putting in a Conn Smythe performance and ***** the Bruins right where they breathe!
  12. A little late with the delay button for the 4th time. Lol..
  13. A lot of empty seats. If this were the Sabres losing at home in game 7 I'd leave, but in an alternate universe where Buffalo sports teams had won multiple championships over the past 15 years id like to think that id stay.
  14. Beautiful. Suck it massholes.
  15. I appreciate the sentiment, but didn't the whole Chet & Muffy trope jump the shark around the same time that "jump the shark" jumped the shark?
  16. Brutal. Seriously...F Boston.
  17. This is the first thing I thought of when I heard his name. If the Sabres have Dr. Van Nostrand in for a skin cancer screening clinic we are in big trouble.
  18. I get it. Alcohol and testosterone fueled males at sporting events can be a powder keg. I've been there myself in situations down here at games with a few beers in me with canes fans doing some jaw jacking and having beer "accidentally" spilled on me where I'd have loved nothing more to pop someone in the face. But I didnt, and I never will because I'm not a troglodyte. Again, its 2019, now more than ever it's imperative to just walk away. But at the same time I operate in my daily life under the principle that at least half of the people I encounter will be idiots. So in the end...you're right!
  19. Someone just sent me a video of a fight breaking out among Bruins fans. It looked to me as though the one guy was around my age (mid 40-ish) against a 20 something kid. Its 2019, cameras are everywhere, I just imagine how embarrassed I would be at my job and among my family and friends if I got caught up in this nonsense and it went viral. Idiots.
  20. F the Bruins. F Cam Neely.
  21. Sympathy level for Bruins getting screwed..... zero point zero.
  22. Womens "junk" band name, and perhaps my all time favorite: Snatches Of Pink Suggestive album titles from the "***** rock" era... VH - OU812 Kiss - Love Gun Warrant - Cherry Pie
  23. This much I know.. The trade sucked donkey balls. It's over and done. Spilt milk and all that. A sliver of a silver lining can still be achieved if ROR helps deny the Bruins the Cup.
  24. I think this was the best scenario for Boston hopefully losing in the next round. They are playing like a well oiled beast of a hockey team right now. Maybe the extra time off will allow some rust to develop.
  25. Not yet, but I didnt see nary a one on a car on my drive into the office this morning...beautiful. I do feel bad for my neighbor who is one of the true diehards. I'll just keep my distance for awhile.
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