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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. So shrader, how are things up your way near Duke this morning? Duke got screwed in ways beyond which even a Buffalo sports fan can relate to this weekend. I wonder if the NFL would ever suspend an entire crew for screwing up so badly? <_< http://www.wralsportsfan.com/acc-suspends-officials-after-duke-miami-final-play-flub/15051420/
  2. Good to hear you found the fun neighbors. I often forget how lucky we've been to have had such awesome neighbors for the most part during our time here. I get to read about all the whiny ahole neighbors on our subdivision facebook page, and thankfully none ever seem to move onto our street.
  3. Not a good RJ call at all, but I'll take it with high frequency. Awesome
  4. If we aren't making the playoffs, which I never thought was very likely anyway, this is my dream scenario. Leaping up from the #7-ish spot and grabbing the #1 pick would produce a GMTM facial expression for the ages. It would be as if he was simultaneously skull fukcing all the NHL powers that be who felt it necessary to screw with the lottery because we had the nads to tank with such reckless abandon.
  5. if yours is anything like my neighborhood you'll be swamped. We even get gets by the mini van shipped in from surrounding neighborhoods. If you're left with a bunch you can always donate to the troops through one of the local dentists who do a buyback program. As for my plans... I walk the kids around the neighborhood while my wife stays to hand out candy. The first few stops close to my house are nice as my neighbors usually have an adult beverage for me. Since it's a Saturday this year we will then head back to the house and let the neighborhood kids watch a Halloween movie outside at my man cave.
  6. Definitely change it up. You're young and have time on your side when there's a crash. One of my favorite investment authors looks like he wrote a book targeted specifically to 20 somethings. $1 on kindle. http://www.amazon.com/If-You-Can-Millennials-Slowly-ebook/dp/B00JCC5JKI/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446146951&sr=1-1&keywords=william+bernstein I'd read that and then follow up with this from the library, an all time classic. http://www.amazon.com/Four-Pillars-Investing-Building-Portfolio/dp/0071385290/ref=sr_1_10?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446146951&sr=1-10&keywords=william+bernstein Here's a quote from the first book...
  7. I know, and with the shape we're in I don't think much of anything will be off limits. I'm not saying it's going to happen, I'm just not counting on it with 100% certainty.
  8. I agree Roths are great and I am invested in a Roth account. But to get this back on a more political bent... with the shape this country is in I'm not counting on withdrawls from my Roth being tax free anymore by the time I hit 59. Investing on your own isn't for everyone, but I'd advise going with a fee only financial planner if going that route.
  9. Yes the absolute minimum should be investing to the employer match, otherwise you're saying no thanks to free money. Here's the investing hierarchy I follow: https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Prioritizing_investments
  10. I'm not as familiar with TIAA cref, but if thats the choice at your employer anything is better than nothing. The funds that my wifes employer offer are absolute ###### with super high costs, but we still invest there for the match and tax shelter. As a general rule you should be more heavily invested in equities when younger, I'd go 80-90% at your age and gradually re-balance more towards bonds as you get older. Here's another great resource that's a companion to the book I linked above. https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Main_Page
  11. Here you go, the below article and book is the only advice you'll need to get started on an investment strategy. Low cost index funds are the way to go. You've got youth on your side man..you need to find a way to start now even if only a little bit, the magic of compounding interest works wonders. If I had started saving and investing more wisely in my early to mid 20's I'd be looking at probably retiring in 5 years at 50-ish. http://www.npr.org/2015/10/21/443192311/the-george-washington-of-investing-wants-you-for-the-revolution and this is my investing bible. http://www.amazon.com/Bogleheads-Guide-Investing-Taylor-Larimore-ebook/dp/B00JUV01RW/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1446131357&sr=1-1&keywords=bogleheads and finally.. Every 25 year old American Should See This Chart.
  12. Even when things are going well anyone with celebrity has to have some very thick skin to be engaged on social media. It's probably not wise for any athlete to be very active on there, especially during the season. I understand Watkins getting pissed, but man that's exactly what those trolls were looking for out of him.
  13. At this point EJ can go the way of Kofler, Dufek and Ferragamo. He's done.
  14. The game was not on in the sports book at the Mirage and from what I understand at any of the other books in town either. Some exclusivity rights mumbo jumbo, so I had to watch on my iPad but the quality was fine using hotel WiFi.
  15. Born and raised so no choice, but like I and others have said I've successfully reached detached observer status for years now and its just how I'm going to approach this team until they actually do something on the field and not on paper. If anyone wants to optimistic and keep the this time it's different approach, then more power to you, I'm not questioning your fandom at all. However, the best way I like to explain my approach to friends is to look at teams like the Lions or Browns in August every year and imagine having a friend or two who are big fans of either of those teams try to convince you about how it just might be different for them this year. Pretty laughable, right?
  16. Yes we do, some longer than others. Just looking out.
  17. Just looking our for my fellow brothers and sisters who are shackled with this Bills fandom anchor like me. They could bring back the resurrected corpse of Vince Lombardi and I still wouldn't be sold on a playoff team until it actually happens, nor should you. I know you don't want to admit it, but 16 years of irrelevance does mean something on a multitude of levels.
  18. Different leagues. Teams can turn around in NFL more readily without tanking. I'd advocate for a Bills tank if another Andrew Luck prospect comes along, but I don't see that type of prospect on the horizon.
  19. Uh huh. I've been a wuss for 16 years.
  20. Until its an actual reality, every Bills fan should have Jim Mora in their heads when they think playoffs.
  21. 15 years going on 16 shouldn't have anyone excited or discussing playoffs in August. 16 years = show me the $....then and only then should anyone believe.
  22. No. It lent me the wisdom to know not to count on a Bills playoff birth until they're kneeling out the clock in a playoff clinching win.
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