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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I agree that rejecting the refugees is probably a bad idea overall, but at the same time there isn't much that we or other western nations have done, are doing or will do in the future that doesn't create or embolden terrorists.
  2. Easier but somewhat riskier from the ISIS perspective. Either way they're already here.
  3. I largely agree even if I'm not convinced at all that we have the ability to properly vet these refugees. Why would ISIS need to bother with smuggling in terrorists disguised as refugees when it's much easier to just walk across our southern border.
  4. Yes they should be minimized, however if you aren't willing to accept civilian deaths, collateral damage etc. on some level, as it appears that this administration is not, then I'd submit that you aren't really fighting a war anyway.
  5. So does at all costs mean zero tolerance of civilian casualties or is there some level that is acceptable like in your example with innocent American lives?
  6. Ok. What are your thoughts on collateral damage to innocent civilians in the process of taking out ISIS scum?
  7. Let's take it the other way then, let coaches challenge called offsides that were really onside. If proven correct on the challenge....penalty shot!
  8. I said it in real time watching the game before Simms said it, and that still looks to me like if he took one more step before jumping he catches that ball.
  9. True it shoulda/coulda been a TD and that's on TT, but it was there for a long completion at minimum if Sammy hadn't mis-timed the jump.
  10. "Well it took a couple hours of convincing, but I was persistent." :P
  11. Brady is all that matters. I'm going to continue with my pretty damn safe assumption that unless Brady gets injured this week or early in the game next Monday, then there really isn't much of anything the Bills can do that will result in a win in NE.
  12. I just don't see the need given the friggin delay it causes. Has there been a rash of crucial goals scored after missed offsides in recent years? Bad rule all around.
  13. Man cave outdoor TV = Bills game (neighbors choice) Man cave inside TV = Sabres game While I can't watch the games simultaneously, if I leave the cave door open a few shorts steps has me in front of either game.
  14. To follow up on weaves chili recipe I'll post one of my favorites that I made last night with some left over smoked brisket (Franklin BBQ style.) I followed the linked recipe, but replaced the ground chuck with the leftover brisket and used semi sweet bakers chocolate instead of cocoa powder. I also made it on the stove instead of my egg since I figured the brisket would provide the smoke. If you like spicy chili give this one a try, or if you like it milder go lighter on the penos and/or serranos. I've won a few chili cook offs with this recipe. http://eggheadforum.com/discussion/1133628/cow-lickin-chilli/p1
  15. If the Bills can somehow turn around the rain of yellow tonight then I think they actually stand a decent chance of coming out on top in this one.
  16. Political scientologist = Sonny Bono.
  17. It may have been talked about earlier in the thread, but Risto seemed especially surly last night and having no patience for any net front nonsense from the Bolts.
  18. So fun to watch a Sabres team with a dominant beast like performance from a true superstar in the making. Eichsie, Yeichel, Jacker..whatever..this kid is awesome.
  19. Didn't Thurman suffer a lacerated liver late in his Bills career on a pass where Flutie hung him out to dry?
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