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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Yep. Some team can also maim him to accelerate the retirement process. Tonight he and the Pats were ripe for the picking though...and the Bills did their Bills thing.
  2. I think they will too, after its 17-3 and too little, too late.
  3. There's the game. I'll give the Bills credit for finding a way to frustrate Brady, but you need to play a damn near perfect game in all facets if you hope to win in NE.
  4. Db doesn't turn around with hands up? Interference?
  5. In lieu of military action I suppose western nations are expected to simply be patient and learn to accept the the terrorist attack hits as the new normal. Patience people, we're going to win hearts and minds if we stop killing bad guys...someday.
  6. Nice, I'll check that out later as I can't view YouTube at work. The other night he covered the Faces song "Stay With Me". Awesome.
  7. It's very hard to go dark to avoid knowing the outcome these days, but I've managed to do it in the past. If I'm successful avoiding the score until I get home, then I just go out and lock myself in my man cave and I'm home free.
  8. It's a pretty darn small chance.... If we do pull off the miracle and this Pats* boycott of ESPN turns out to be true..... well then they just opened up that whole can of worms back to pre-season levels.
  9. @JeremyWGR: Word is the Patriots aren't doing any ESPN interviews for tonight because of Deflategate. #ThePatriotWay
  10. Nice, glad you liked it. There's still good music out there, you just have to stumble across it.
  11. This is why I always make a point of catching the opening band. Anderson East opened for Jason Isbell the other night. Blown away.
  12. No rubbish on R40 release day! Man cave cranked with double necks wailing late night..
  13. Sorry to hear all of this, I hope all goes well. A few years back after an auto accident I endured about 15 surgeries over the course of two years. The pain/discomfort after all those different surgeries varied wildly but when I woke up after they had screwed my knee together with five screws is by far the most pain I've ever felt in my life. They were able to remedy it fairly quickly by pushing painkillers through my IV, but man I don't wish that on anyone even for the few minutes that I felt it for. I don't say this to scare you, but rather to advise you to perhaps bring it up beforehand with your surgeon and anesthesiologist. Good luck with everything.
  14. Article from last year but coincides with what I've heard recently.. ISIS making $1 MM a day in black market oil sales.
  15. I understand, or you're murdered I imagine. I'm just saying that with the situation deteriorating to the point that it has in Syria it's too late to remove that financial motivation without enduring whats coming.
  16. Jason Isbell playing tonight in Durham. I've missed him the last few times he's been through town, but caught him as a member of the Drive By Truckers years ago. Even Picard is a fan.. Patrick StewartVerified account‏@SirPatStew one benefit of being married to @sunnyozell is the music I get exposed to...like the brilliant @JasonIsbell. Latest record is superb.
  17. Ok, Unfortunately whatever their motivation is it's too late for them and those who continue to join.
  18. I don't doubt that the financial motivation is real, but I think way too simplistic. What happens when those motivated to join for financial reasons are told to don their suicide vest?
  19. Our 15 year old cat is in kidney failure. My wife is an absolute wreck and we are likely going to cancel our trip to Buffalo for Thanksgiving to care for him. We kept him at the vet for 48 hours on an IV and brought him home yesterday after his blood chemistry numbers improved. We need to change his diet and give him a daily SQ dose of fluids to hopefully keep him happy for an indefinite period. My wife even being an NP couldn't bring herself to stick him with a needle this morning, but since I've worked with animals during my research career I had no problem doing it. We'll see how it goes, cats can live months to years with this therapy on whatever remaining kidney function they have but when they crash like ours did it's indicative of 75% loss of function. On top of all this we haven't told our kids yet that they probably won't be seeing their cousins next week. That should be fun.
  20. 2016-2017 Stanley Cup Finals. Sabres vs. Oilers. Sabres trail 3-2. Game 6 OT. Connor McDavid scores the winning goal after a mad scramble in front of the net during which the Oilers had the Sabres hemmed in their own zone for a minute. But wait! Upon replay it looks like McDavid was clearly offside for the initial zone entry. Hot Daniel attempts the coaches challenge, but it's too late as the wild celebration has begun with players, coaches and media streaming onto the ice. The next day we hear about some obscure memo circulated around the league that narrows the breadth of the unpopular coaches challenge rule. Uh huh.
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