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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. The Sabres had 20 points though 27 games last year, a season pace of 61 points (Finished with 54 after going into full tank mode late). This year they have 25 points through 27 games, a 76 point pace. This would be a 22 point improvement over last year, which to any reasonable fan is about as much as you could hope for.
  2. Like clockwork. I live and breathe gentlemen. I live and I breathe.
  3. If that's all we're gonna do, drop bombs, then running out of bombs is about all that's going to be accomplished.
  4. When I was in Denver a few years ago, I got the family settled at the hotel and walked over to the taproom at Great Divide. As I walked in the door the bartender rang a bell announcing 10 oz. pours of oaked Yeti for $1. I spent a few hours there and somehow managed to stumble back to the hotel. Yeti is good stuff.
  5. RIP Weiland. The lab I worked in at Children's hospital wore out a few Purple album cassettes way back when.
  6. There is no doubt in my mind that the Bills win this week. It's how they roll. The only question is in what game they decide to lay the egg that extinguishes any flicker of playoff hope. I'm going with Dallas at home.
  7. I just read that Pernicious took silver for American IPA at the 2015 GABF. A true west coast IPA in the southeast... glad you had the chance to try some. My local watering hole has had it on draft for the past month and I hope it becomes a permanent fixture.
  8. So an $11MM operation for the first time in 18 years asks for $100k from the county and instead only gets $50k, an increase of $50k over what they had been previously given? I'd say the Buffalo News has embarrassed themselves here with a non-story.
  9. My understanding is that USPS shipping would be illegal, FedEx/UPS just against policy. When I've done it in the past with homebrew and been asked about contents I've said they are "yeast samples" which technically is true.
  10. Well let's see if we gain any interest from folks in other areas, if not I'd be ok sending a shipment up your way and figuring something out. Let's aim for getting it set up in the new year.
  11. Reminds me of a restaurant sign I saw on my FB feed this weekend. No We Don't Have Wifi Pretend like it's 1995 and talk to each other.
  12. You know this reminds me that when I met weave this summer I told him I could arrange to ship some beers......and of course forgot all about it. I'd be willing to set up a little SS beer trading club if there is interest?
  13. Forgot about Fullsteam too, although when they first came on the scene most or all of their beers were "harvest" inspired. Sweet potato and basil beers didn't do it for me. I understand they now offer more traditional styles but haven't tried much yet. Did you get your hands on any wicked weed? Did you get some authentic eastern NC BBQ at the pit?
  14. Yeah, crazy stuff. I heard that story from one of our finnish hosts when I was there for a work trip earlier this year, he used it to illustrate how stubborn finns can be.
  15. Not sure if it has been mentioned, or if I'd necessarily recommend doing it, but I think you're still able to take out 401k/IRA funds without penalty for a down payment on a first time home purchase.
  16. Well the Finns are certainly tougher than the russkis anyway.
  17. And look at #1 Karlsson at 60.9 s/shift, a full five seconds ahead of #2. Kid is a beast.
  18. According to this site Eichel averages 48.1 seconds per shift, 5th on the team behind Ennis, Kane, O'Reilly and Gionta. 108th ranked in the NHL. http://www.sportingcharts.com/nhl/stats/average-ice-time-per-shift/2015/
  19. Forgot Lonerider, good beers there too. Brewery right by the airport. I've only been to Trophy a few times and they had solid beers.
  20. Wicked weed Pernicious IPA or Freak of nature double IPA or really anything you find by them are must tries. Foothills, draft line, aviator, triangle, devils backbone, highland, big boss, deep river and white street are all local-ish breweries with solid offerings.
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