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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. So for years you pined for the Sabres to get rid of an above average goalie for what reason then?
  2. Maybe, but I'm also old enough to remember some truly brutal Bills football through most of the 80's. I didn't take one second of those Super Bowl teams for granted because of that. Also it seems like the "just one before I die" train with Buffalo sports has sped up considerably as I'm getting closer and closer to looking 50 square in the eye. In the south in general NFL football is a passing interest compared to the rabid college ball fanatics. I think an Alabama team would receive similar support that we see with Jacksonville.
  3. I don't buy any of this. Still there's no question the NHL is none too happy with our two successful tanks. 23+15 = FU NHL.
  4. Yeah I suppose you're right in terms of recency, but overall the Lions are nearly as sorry as we are for the past two decades. For a big chunk of Bills fans just making the playoffs will be like winning the Super Bowl at this point I guess. I'd suspect most bills fans around my age are "meh" with simply just making it.
  5. It's close, the Lions have made it to the playoffs twice in the last 15 seasons, going 0-2. Of course when Detroit made it last year they lost by getting screwed by poor officiating. Imagine Buffalo finally gets back to the playoffs and loses in that fashion or Music City miracle redux? The city would implode. The Lions playoff record since their last playoff win in 1992: 0-6. The Bills playoff record since their last playoff win in 1995: 0-3. Maybe a rung above in overall suck, but the misery index is higher with zero playoff success over a longer period. Cleveland I think takes the cake in suckitude and misery though. An 0-1 playoff record (2002) since their last playoff win in 1994 and for three seasons in there they had no team at all.
  6. I agree with the first paragraph. The rest not so much, I know I'm in the minority but I feel the Bills are beyond the help that any coach, players or football czar will remedy on their own. The Bucky article touched on the "unlikabills" theme as well. With the team these days you get the sense from the players that if they win "great" and if they lose "oh well" My brother somehow has kept his season tickets throughout this whole mess, and I believe it was after the Giants game this year that we talked on the phone. He said he sat in his seat and watched multiple players on the Bills walk off the field joking around and laughing it up. The Bills need more guys that hate to lose.
  7. Precisely, but there have been other seasons in this drought where you can say the same about a few calls. We should expect to keep getting the short end of the stick on those calls until they start winning consistently. In other words, I think the Bills have to be better than a playoff team just to get to the playoffs at this point. Same with Detroit and Cleveland. They're going to need to be dominant like the early 90's teams..just to get in.
  8. Yeah no Brady certainly wouldn't guarantee anything, but it would go longer than any coaching, front office or realistic player changes could. The Bills will still have to deal with shooting themselves in the foot on a regular basis and the "earned" officiating bias created by being irrelevant for 16 years and counting. A Brady-less 2016 marketing slogan #WeReallyMightBeatPats*OnceMaybeTwice #NoFoolingYourselfRequired
  9. I'm not a big fan of Bucky, but his piece on the 30 for 30 documentary nailed it. http://bills.buffalonews.com/2015/12/15/it-was-a-different-time-for-bills-and-fans-but-what-a-time-it-was/
  10. You need some serious high powered analytics to be able to answer this question.
  11. Give Tom Brady and incurable case of Peyton Manning disease and/or a career ending injury in the remaining weeks or playoffs. Right there is your path of least resistance to the 2016 playoffs for the Bills.
  12. Run for the bus or win out? I'm up in the air, it could go either way... What I'm orders of magnitude more confident about regardless of how this season ends is another 7-9 wins in 2016. Wash, rinse, repeat.
  13. If you lived through it and were fortunate enough to experience it, then its a dumb question. Bills in the early 90s were a blast outside of four Sundays in late January.
  14. NFL and NHL are completely different beasts. Once Brady retires the Bills will likely make the playoffs soon after despite themselves.
  15. It'll be different next year. I'm positive!
  16. Darby is awesome. NFL games are unwatchable live, and you don't typically win with 13 penalties. #billsfootball
  17. A lot of QB play in Buffalo post 96. TT showing promise, but Flutie still best post JK.
  18. And the hole the OL opened when Kenny Davis went to the wrong side to accept the handoff. TD if Thurman was in there. Ugggh.
  19. Watched 30 for 30, it was well done. If Bruce and Thurman could sit and watch those Super Bowls, any fan should be ok stomaching it. Did not know it was someone in Harry Connick, Jrs crew that moved Thurman's helmet.
  20. #scarredfans. This ain't a tank in any way, shape or form.
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