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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I reached out to my many family and friends who have seasons. Not one was going to game.
  2. Pork butt overnight on the egg. Pecan wood, 250 for 12 hours. Perfect bark.
  3. I think it's mostly fabricated, its an easy one to get some clicks. I mean who wouldn't believe that there's some dissention in the ranks of a franchise that just cinched its 16th straight year of meaningless December football? The Bills have been NFL irrelevant for as long as Lindy coached the Sabres. Ouch.
  4. I think you've pretty much nailed it. The last canes game I attended they had the customary blaring pop dance music going, and most everyone stared at the jumbotron watching as kids <12 did their best dancing to get their snippet of fame. In the middle of these quick shots of young kids having a blast, they stopped at a row of 20 somethings, probably 8 or so, every one either staring or typing furiously away on their cell phones.
  5. Beautiful. ROR is a beast. Thank you Avs for nickel and diming him. Pour it on boys!
  6. Yep in the NFL I'm only signing up for tanking when there is a Luck or Newton sitting there. Tanking for a few spots? Meh. Difference makers are there all through round 1, just need to avoid the Maybins.
  7. I guess so. I always enjoy a few, maybe sometimes more than a few adult beverages at a tailgate, but I guess I'm just an old fart since I think every last one of these kids with the ridiculous tailgating nonsense are a-holes.
  8. Well in all fairness I got the idea from my dad, he used to leave out a Genny cream ale for Santa.
  9. Left out something extra special for Santa. It was very well done, but not something Santa could finish alone, had to share with Mrs. Claus.
  10. In the spirit of Christmas Vacation... "Do you really think it matters Eddie?"
  11. This quote I think has more to do with it than anything specific to the Sabres.
  12. No. We'd look largely the same. Even still it is unthinkable because once the we set down the road to two consecutive tanks there was absolutely no way either coach or GM would have survived two seasons once the brutal hard truth of what it means to tank met reality. Especially with a coach that had been here 16 years already.
  13. Oh I fully admit that you can never completely quit the Bills. It's a fugging sandbag attached to each of us at birth, but whatever the mechanism I'm just thankful that at least I've mercifully reached the point where I simply don't care about their constant failure.
  14. I had to look, but that Dallas game was eight years ago and Trent Edwards was the QB so I wasn't too far behind you. So it was at the midway point of the 16 years of irrelevance that the Bills became irrelevant to me.
  15. I remember the exact point where I reached apathy with the Bills. It was the blown Monday night game at home against Dallas. I distinctly remember watching it all unfold with zero emotion, and when it was over I simply stood up clicked off the TV and went to bed. In previous years there would have been a big scene with swearing and yelling at the TV...they drain your soul until you simply have nothing more to give.
  16. Yeah I just sent them an estimate I got this morning and left the ball in his court on how he wants to proceed, but made it clear it needs to happen today or tomorrow since the collision shop said it will take a month to get the necessary parts. They're looking at least $1k out of pocket in rental car fees alone. I have all their insurance information too and extensive pictures of the damage on the day it happened, so I can call their insurance company if necessary.
  17. I made the same determination a few weeks ago, even though I usually get it heavily discounted or free. It just isn't worth it anymore.
  18. We'll see, the paving company doesn't want to file an insurance claim and just pay for the repairs out of pocket. I'm assuming this is to keep the incident unreported for their safety records.
  19. Well they didn't wait til the bus got too far before running for it. Just won a good chunk taking the skins -1/2 in the 1Q though.
  20. I was out for lunch with my son yesterday and walked out to see this.... Fuggin bobcat working to resurface the adjacent parking lot hit light post and knocked it over on my truck. Merry Christmas to me. :censored: :censored: :censored:
  21. My comment had nothing do with elite, I was responding to PA and his statement that he believed Miller was above average yet still wanted him gone anyway. If you feel that Miller was an average NHL goalie over his entire Sabres career, well then I can't help you.
  22. Like others have said, the vitriol like you have had on here in response to Trump is just as much proof that his game is working as the support he has gained. Trumps campaign, such as it is, has been absolutely brilliant. and the Trump/Morton Downey comparison is apt. My favorite is when Stuttering John from Howard Stern turns the tables on 'ole Mort. The fireworks begin around the 7:00 mark, but some of the questions John gets off before that are great.
  23. Thanks for confirming what I already knew. For years with Sabres rosters crammed with mostly mediocre and bad players you instead chose to pillory the guy who was the least of our problems. And the number of posts you've made in this thread doesn't support your waning interest.
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