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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. My cousin did the infamous bowling ball shot as we passed that tailgate going into a game about 5 years ago. When we got to the gate he realized that he lost his ticket..... so he trudged back to the tailgate and there was his ticket on the ground beneath the bowling ball table, covered with a disgusting glaze of tailgating dreck.
  2. When we were potty training my daughter, every time my wife left me alone with her she'd in her underwear. Every. single. time.
  3. Another article today about Eichel and his adjustment to NHL life on and off the ice, the Moulson mentoring etc...and it got me thinking what about Rihineheardt? Any mentoring going on there or is he flapping in the breeze and trolling Chippewa with the reclusive Connolly showing him the ropes?
  4. I thought the article nicely laid out the three stages of the rebuild 1. The tear down.... Turning the old core into young assets and picks 2. The bottoming out... Rineheartdt / Eichel 3. Growing up and learning to win..40 games into this stage
  5. IIRC nearly every ardent supporter of the tank acknowledged the risk of swirling into an Oilers like oblivion, yet still were in board and willing to accept that risk versus treadmill of mediocrity. 40 games doesn't even come close to telling the tale one way or the other.
  6. Well yeah, but no chance of that video ever going viral..We Sabres fans in the south have turned every method of baby torture and consumption into a yawner.
  7. Everyone I work with knows I'm from Buffalo. I used to get a fair amount of ribbing from Canes fans back in the day, but with both teams sucking of late that has gone away. One guy who is a big Bears fan commiserates with me about our awful our teams are every now and then. But I've never had so many people come up and ask me about a Buffalo related story, even last year when the southtowns got that seven feet of snow, than I have over the last two days....all because some drunk a-hole lit himself on fire at a tailgate.
  8. You know what they say..seventeen's a charm.
  9. Damn......I remember those calendars. Would have it posted on my BB in my bedroom and wrote in all the scores too.
  10. Or to put it another way
  11. Not sure if you'll get odds on next year until after the Super Bowl this year. If you do Oakland might be a good long shot bet. I violated my no betting on the Bills policy yesterday and cleaned up. My neighbor is a huge Jets fan....and it was VERY quiet at his house around 4:30 yesterday. I warned him all year about Fitz.... :lol:
  12. The Bills win big games that don't matter? Who'd a thunk it?
  13. In the spirit of watching Bills of yore getting laid out..
  14. Meh. I won't actively root for them to shart again and I don't think reverse standings and the board acrimony it fosters is necessary. Let the chips fall where they may. IMO 25th-ish was about all that could be realistically hoped for anyway.
  15. Medical costs suck. Eight years ago when I got up in a car accident my bills totaled well over $100k. All was covered outside of co-pays. Today that same incident would cost me $10k out of pocket since my company only offers high deductible plans now.
  16. Taking my son and his friends today for his 11th birthday. Really looking forward to seeing his reactions to the movie.
  17. Sabres: some might say completing two successful tanks, you know the goal, was in fact a success. That the team is not challenging for the playoffs less than 40 games into the following season should surprise nobody except... Bills: You mean the Pegulas haven't turned around the most dysfunctional franchise in all of pro sports in their less than two seasons in charge? Color me shocked that the last two years were the same as the previous 14. But yeah..Pegulas bad! The Bills' problems are far beyond what any football czar is going to quickly fix.
  18. Chip Kelly out in Philly...Donahoe in? Where the hell has he been since imploding the Bills?
  19. In case anyone wants to reminisce on some of the 16 year drought "highlights" http://espn.go.com/blog/nflnation/post/_/id/192210/bills-close-to-extending-playoff-drought-to-16-seasons I watched this one while holding my two day old son the day we came back from the hospital. An appropriate way to introduce him to the futility that is Bills fandom. He will turn 11 on NYE and looks to be sandbag-free as he shows but merely a passing interest in the Bills. The best team of all time to not qualify for the playoffs? At least we've got that going for us...... :lol:
  20. Another law enforcement source said the woman was having “memory issues.”
  21. Had me 68% democrat. As a man of science most of that stuff doesn't disgust me in the least, but outside of social issues, which aren't really voting issues for me I don't identify with the Democratic party at all.
  22. As if you need any more proof of officiating bias. 1:21 left in game and NE gets their first penalty of the game? Umm yeah.
  23. Yeah you're like 30 minutes from me. Definitely let me know next time you're in the area. Did you make it to White Street Brewing in Wake Forest? Solid beers.
  24. I've got the bills game on down here in Holly springs if you want to come laugh / suffer. Pulled pork and pernicious IPA.
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