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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. The Pats* aren't losing at home in the playoffs. They just aren't. Denver you're our only hope.
  2. I hate to resort to ripping off the canes, but they've got that big black dude who blows the horn during play to inspire the "let's go canes" chant. He stands right behind the glass where the Zamboni comes out and that damn horn echoes to the rafters.
  3. There's loopholes to keep your anonymity intact and you're an idiot if you don't lawyer up first before claiming any big jackpot, let alone one like this that has expanded media coverage.
  4. I should say that I only have had it three times while awake and alert. I had 13 surgeries over a year and a half and they usually had the decency to do it while I was under.
  5. Never had a kidney stone, but I've been roto-rootered more than a few times. Not fun at all.
  6. Fear mongering attack politics. Both sides do it. All. The. Time.
  7. 1 ticket, two matching numbers.
  8. I've got one in the family, my brother is a CPA. I'd pay him oh say maybe 25 MM for the advice. :thumbsup:
  9. Take the cash. I'd take 500 MM and put it in a conservative municipal bond fund. 500 MM returning even a paltry 0.4% would pay you 2 MM per year tax free and you'd never touch the principal.
  10. Cleveland Pittsburgh is like the Bills and NE. I know a few Browns fans who will begin frothing at the mouth if you just mention the Steelers. Mention the Browns to Steelers fans and it's thanks for the two easy wins every year.
  11. I can see a middle ground here. Make government less expensive and wasteful to run and I can maybe get on board. IMO bloated government waste is a far bigger problem than the select few wealthy who don't have to pay in....anymore. Getting that type of compromise in this political climate? Snowballs in hell come to mind.
  12. A thread with the old putrid Canucks jerseys without one of Tiger Williams? C'mon..
  13. Spent today streaming his new album Blackstar. Wow. Incredible. Howard did a long tribute to Bowie today, and I didn't remember Bowie performing at Howard's birthday party in the late 90's during his Nine Inch Nails collaborative period. Awesome.
  14. As long as we're going anecdotal, it would be nice to have a larger anecdotal data set. So.... quick survey. If you had health coverage before the ACA, have you seen your yearly health insurance premiums and deductible go up or down? For myself covering a family of four through the same employer: Yearly premium up > 20% Deductible increase of 400% My wages being in line with the stagnant wages reported nationwide certainly doesn't come close to breaking me even.
  15. Somewhere Sabretooth73 is going postal tonight.
  16. What an implosion by the Bengals. Made the Bills undisciplined penalties this year look like child's play. Idiots.
  17. A tank involves deliberately assembling a roster that is very likely to finish at the bottom of the standings. It is a season long effort with no half measures employed. Many people in this thread are lamenting how disappointing the Sabres are this year, indicating that they believe this roster as assembled is capable of more. That is wholly inconsistent with the definition of tanking.
  18. You either tank or you don't. There is no in between.
  19. Have the Sabres been disappointing through 41 games? Absolutely. Can they go .500 the rest of the way? Maybe. I certainly wouldn't bet against it. 20-20-1= 41 pts and 75 for the season. If they get there, and you were expecting much more than that out of this season, IMO you didn't have very realistic expectations.
  20. Just finished the series and WTF????? As a scientist I'm only commenting on the hard science evidence and not the rest of the mountain of head scratchers presented in this series. EDTA detection in blood. The FBI developed and validated a brand new EDTA test with adequate sensitivity in the span of two weeks? I call huge BS here. I'd be very interested to hear about the method development that was used, because if it were me I'd take known EDTA and non-EDTA blood samples and apply them to a RAV4 interior, let them dry and sit for the same amount of time they did in the RAV4 until they were sampled and test those to determine a limit of detection for the assay. Additionally they would need to perform this with EDTA blood that was years old just like the EDTA blood in the Avery sample vial that was tampered with. I cant remember the exact timeline between the victims disappearance and the discovery of the RAV4 (3 days?), but whatever it was you can deduct that from the 2 weeks they claim they had to develop the test, as you'd need to account for any possible environmental degradation of EDTA due to drying and exposure to temperature, sunlight etc. In short, there's a reason this type of evidence hadn't been used in any case since the OJ trial, and they developed a validated an assay in two weeks? This doesn't even get into the ridiculous extrapolation the prosecutions expert witness made about the three untested samples having no detectable EDTA only because the other thee didn't. I'm going to use that at my next group meeting... all 10 flu samples were negative, but I only tested five. I know the other five are negative because the five I tested came up negative. I'd be walked out the door immediately presenting that type of idiocy. The victims DNA found on the bullet fragment in the garage. This is an absolute jaw dropper. The scientist that ran the test contaminated the negative "manipulation" control. By their own protocol this requires that the test is declared INVALID. Invalid means all results are unreliable and not to be used. How this was allowed to be used as evidence is total and complete BS. Beyond that, from my own experience running tests similar in nature I'm curious how the scientist had no remaining sample to run the test again? Typically a DNA extraction would most likely be in volumes in the neighborhood of 0.5 ml, and the volume required to run a test would be a very small fraction of that volume, perhaps 0.05 ml at most. I'd be very interested to have access to the transcripts to see if Avery's lawyers did more probing as to why more sample was not available. WTF?????
  21. 16 years ago Claude.... was a single, kid-less, non-follically challenged dude residing in Amherst, NY. IOW......a lifetime ago.
  22. Chronic blue balls caused high school drop out.
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