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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Government and especially entrenched politicians can be every bit as corrupt as greedy corporations. Double edged sword and I trust none of 'em.
  2. I had 4 impacted teeth removed and was on tylenol with codeine...so yeah when it wore off it felt like four spikes being simultaneously driven through my jaws.
  3. I very well could have as those were obviously the days before nets, and sitting in the gold just above the glass...whoaa..let's just be thankful there weren't cell phones back then to distract us. Whenever a puck went firing into the crowd I remember Roby often being amazed about "how more fans didn't get hit right in the squash".
  4. Abso-friggin-lutely. A long, long time ago a few days after I had my wisdom teeth out a friend called saying he had tickets to the Sabres vs. Penguins at the Aud...golds right behind the net the Sabres shoot twice just above the glass. My mom didn't want me to go, but being young and an idiot I told my buddy to pick me up anyway and away we went. I took a dose of meds just before I left and meant to take an extra dose with me....but forgot. Fast forward to after the game and we are driving back to Hamburg down Rt 5 ...around the father baker bridge I start feeling some mild pain, by the time we passed St. Francis high school it was getting worse, and when we hit Camp Rd by the Thruway I was dying. I had my friend doing 90 down camp road to get me home to my meds asap. Brutal. Get your meds immediately, don't forget any doses and for the love of all that is holy if you have to leave the house take them with you.
  5. Ok, since the lawyers are involved... what you really meant was in the conversation of teams very likely to not make the playoffs, right? :nana:
  6. The Sabres of 2015/16 were expected to be in the playoff conversation? News to me.
  7. This is great stuff. Fog game was a bit before my time as I was only four, but I vividly remember going to my first game in the Aud in 79/80.
  8. We're at 2.2% chance of making the playoffs right now. I'd say this season will be a huge success if they can merely make the playoff chase interesting...as in getting within 5 pts of the last spot within the last 10-15 games. I'll be optimistic and put the chances of that happening at 20%. http://www.sportsclubstats.com/NHL.html
  9. I believe there is just the one Publix in Cary at Davis Dr and High House and another somewhere else in town getting ready to open. I've never shopped there, I just stopped in once since it's near my office to see what the hub bub was and haven't been back. We go to Food Lion for a few quick items that we need since it's right outside our subdivision. My wife already drives to Cary to shop at Trader Joes. I don't know about any meat scandal specifically but being a backyard grilling and bbq snob I just can't use Food Lion for meats, but their produce is ok. Usually when I peruse their meat aisle the packages are close to their sell by date and some are already turning color. :sick:
  10. Around here all the nicer stores are already pretty over priced, so I can't imagine Wegmans being worse. Food Lion (think super duper / jubilee) has cheaper prices, but their stores are kind of nasty. This should be the opening battle of the great supermarket wars, I read yesterday this will be the first market to have a Publix and Wegmans. Publix came here a couple years ago with great fanfare. Meh. It's wegmans lite at best.
  11. A few years back I was heading to Buffalo on my annual Bills home opener weekend guys trip. We changed planes in Baltimore and the whole damn plane was Bills fans heading to the game..they played the shout song on a loop while we boarded and the flight attendants were taking drink orders as soon as you grabbed your seat. Our whole group had three beers each and they never charged us. Massive party. Anyhoo...the guy that sat across the aisle from me was a Wegmans exec on his way back from meetings. We grilled him pretty hard about Wegmans coming to NC and although he never offered anything concrete, all his answers were coy and given with a smirk that told me something was in the works. My only gripe is that it will be in Cary..I hate driving in that part of town
  12. All the WNY necessities (Sahlen's, bison dip, loganberry etc.) readily available to make your next raping, pillaging and baby eating tailgate a rousing success.
  13. http://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/community/cary-news/article55454620.html mods feel free to move to awesome thread if appropriate...
  14. Rumor has it JoeBa brokered the ROR trade....that meddling SOB.
  15. I'm with you on Manning, he just looks done. But if we can get the weather to cooperate and equalize the offenses...maybe, just maybe we won't have to endure those from NE in another Super Bowl.
  16. In Denver. Blizzard conditions. I'll take my chances against Brady.
  17. It's gotta be Denver, if Pittsburgh wins New England's going to the Super Bowl again.
  18. http://freakonomics.com/2012/03/08/it%E2%80%99s-not-the-president-stupid-a-new-marketplace-podcast/
  19. Well there is all that in addition to the pretty much universal agreement among economists that the president has little to no effect on the economy. But partisans gonna be partisan.
  20. The old system of NFL OT was trash. 60 minutes of war typically decided by a coin flip, a few first downs and a fuggin kicker.
  21. Randall Cunningham had the arm to make that throw. Elway too.
  22. So we're back to not tanking for a night?
  23. Once upon a time I went to Charlie the Butcher every Thursday for six months straight.
  24. All true, and they'd still be consistently good to great if they didn't cheat. But since they have my admiration is diminished.
  25. Was about to post the same. Put two linebackers behind the nose tackle and force him to audible or get punched in the mouth. Every friggin time they run that play.
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