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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Sheetz is taking over Central NC, there are at least three new ones along my work commute route that have been built over the past year.
  2. No pie for me that day, well maybe some, but only after I get my steak and bj.
  3. Yep, water under the bridge. They tanked two full seasons. As with anything, it might work and it might not.
  4. See if your clients can get you some Franklin BBQ.
  5. Yeah there's a magic Google phrase to search that reveals the pics of their faces. Try "Derek Roy drunk". They are JAGs grabbing junk. Not that there's anything wrong with that..
  6. In the Facebook post where I got this from, ST says they aren't closing any facilities. Only addition, not subtraction. I assume the same goes for Victory.
  7. New southern Tier / Victory partnership to be based in Charlotte. Western NC quickly becoming the top US beer destination. https://www.charlotteagenda.com/41666/southern-tier-victory-brewing-merger-headquarters/
  8. Yes what did Marv used to say? Once you let the collective fan voice begin to influence your decisions, you'll soon find yourself sitting with them.
  9. Its always refreshing to hear the sentiment that Democrats somehow aren't in bed with the 1% and corporate interests too. I'll keep saying it, the two parties are more the same than they are different, with the main difference being the masters they serve (hint: it ain't their individual constituencies). I've got no use for either of 'em.
  10. Wicked Weed Napoleon Complex APA. Yet another world class beeer by these guys.
  11. Not necessarily referring to this campaign, both sides sink low with the personal attacks trying to secure the nimination only to support the nominee in the end. Now admittedly Trump has brought the rhetoric to a new low, but thats his shtick. Both sides have done the mudslinging amongst themselves historically though.
  12. Example #15,237 of "it's only bad when the other side does it."
  13. Thank you. After the last two seasons, both quintessential tanks, you'd think folks would know how to recognize one.
  14. If management, the only variable that matters here, wanted to win last year then I suspect it would have been different because we would have iced a non-tank roster. Ownership is only involved up to giving a thumbs up to the plan to tank, and of course we all know by now that coaches and players don't ever tank, right?
  15. I think you knew what I meant, but ill clarify anyway. We were rewarded with McEichel, I don't think anyone expected the potential long term reward to be delivered less than one year out.
  16. I once had a drink or three with a slightly bombed Ted Cottrell after the Bills broke training camp the year Ted Washington joined the team. Man was he gushing over TW and what he would mean to the D, and he did so with some of that classic football coach speak profanity laced language. He was right.
  17. A half season tanking effort last year, which to me isn't even tanking at all, puts us in grave danger of being the Coyotes and out on McEichel. Last year required a real and committed tank for the entire year, and we were rewarded for it. This year is allowing your young, inexperienced and developing core to learn in the school of hard knocks, and not close to tanking IMO.
  18. I just believed Darcy when he said suffering. This is still it.
  19. During the super bowl years a friend of mine always wore a Mike Kadish jersey. We made fun of him then, but now it would be cool. Go with Kadish, or maybe Lou Piccone.
  20. They're not significant pieces of a big trade, much like Jamie McGinn himself wasn't a big piece in the trade that brought him to Buffalo in the first place.
  21. GMTM tried to package three 2nds to move back into the first round in 2014. No dice.
  22. See this is where I disagree as I still see an end to the suffering in sight, but I know it's largely colored by individual perspective and expectations. To me this season has not resembled the past two by any reasonable measure. I know the improvement hasn't been enough for some, but I don't think anyone can argue there hasn't been improvement. Lowest of low bars and all, but improvement nonetheless. If we don't see marked progress again next season then ill be ready to be concerned about the rebuild.
  23. DR's selling off was the beginning of the process that led to deals like we saw yesterday. It would be happening if DR, TM or any other GM was here running the show. I get not liking the players for assets trades, but it is how things are done in the NHL these days for better or worse. Like others have said if this rebuild progresses as planned we'll soon be on the other side of these deals by shipping out some of the stockpiled futures for real NHLers.
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