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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. No it wasn't better than ours. Unless you think Matthews/Marner > Reinhart/Eichel. They were certainly handsomely rewarded as you should be for a successful tank, but I like our results better.
  2. Believing in jinxes and bad juju is pretty much the same as believing we were destined to beat the lottery odds.
  3. Lol. Well this won't discourage tanking now will it? I'll take Rhineheardt and the Tower. F the Loafs.
  4. One of my least favorite Rush songs....but let's get this on! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZmK4PKrJ60
  5. On the Howard Stern show no less... :P I was never a huge Prince fan, but I certainly recognize his immense talent. This article should speak to anyone who has an artist who has been the soundtrack of their life. http://www.charlotteobserver.com/entertainment/arts-culture/article74458597.html
  6. Gotta follow the Denver model and go all in on punishing the QB. If the four game suspension stands, maybe the jets, fish or us can dethrone NE this year but I'd rather he just get Theismanned into retirement.
  7. GMTM rubbing off in DW...bills moving up. This is the move that ends the irrelevance!
  8. He told Terry to tell Doug to take Shaq.
  9. I thought three was waaay worse than the terrible twos. There was a funny FB meme awhile back about how "3 year olds are ass-holes"
  10. Having kids can be the best thing you ever do, but raising them will unquestionably be one of the hardest jobs you ever embark upon. I have a friend with two kids under three and he is always saying how he "can't wait" until they're my kids age (11 and 7). I just shake my head a try to tell him that it really never gets any easier, the challenges are just different. And I know going through the teenage years ahead, with my daughter especially, very well might kill me.
  11. Steel Panther show tonight in Raleigh. Always an awesome display of superior musicianship mixed with raunch that would make a porn star blush.
  12. Fuggin Brad Park. And why couldn't Andre Savard move a step to his left and take that one to his junk? I seem to remember that was an afternoon start for that game maybe? I know I began watching one game that series at school after we talked (berated) our teacher into letting us watch.
  13. First try: 1. Edmonton 2. Buffalo 3. Arizona I think I want this to happen more than the Sabres winning. All the hand wringing and dicking around with the lottery......and nothing changes.
  14. They might, but the colors could ruin the suspense. Didn't the NBA used to do the card thing and then when they came to a team that wasn't in its expected slot, they jump to the top three reveal?
  15. Revisit when Jack is 23-24. He's just a pup.
  16. Assquatch is a stand up dude. He tracked me down to give him my charity so he could pay on the bet. A bet that ended up much closer than I anticipated.
  17. A lot more than can be reasonably expected goes right for them. I think bubble playoff team is a reasonable expectation.
  18. I spent last weekend out at the coast at camp with my daughters' Y Princesses tribe. We had a wonderful time fishing, canoeing, shooting bb guns, archery, searching for shark teeth, singing karaoke and on and on. My daughter still hasn't stopped talking about it. It's a wonderful program for dads to spend quality time and create lifelong memories with their kids ... Here's what sucks..one of the dads from another tribe collapsed from a heart attack and died on Saturday. They did a good job shielding the kids from the incident and did their best to carry on the rest of the weekend as normal, but after the girls were asleep and the dad's from our tribe gathered around the campfire things grew pretty somber. That nightmare could have been any of us and our families. Despite how much my daughter loved the weekend, I still can't stop thinking of that what that poor girl and her family are going through. Life just ain't fair.
  19. I always thought of CBW as a nanobrewery operation, it's very difficult for a nano to realize much of a profit at all. In fact, most nanos start only to build a brand until they can get into a position where they can expand.
  20. What??!! Man that sucks. I love Spirit of the West and saw them a few times back in the day at the Tralf. It kinda shines a new and extra sad light on their song Unplugged.
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