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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. As someone else mentioned GMTM tried to package our three seconds to get back into the first two years ago, reportedly he was targeting Dylan Larkin. No dice. I'm sure there is an NHL draft pick value chart somewhere, I'd be shocked if three seconds totals even half the value of a top ten pick.
  2. Any GM who trades #8 for three seconds should be immediately fired. Insanity.
  3. I love me some deluca uber partisanship on a Sunday morning! It's a nice balance to the Dick Morris tripe post.
  4. Taking a break at homebrew con in Baltimore. Southern Tier has a fairly large presence, just tried a German Pils by them that they say they will be canning. Maybe it's on shelves already in WNY?
  5. http://amazingribs.com/tips_and_technique/debunking_beer_can_chicken.html
  6. Heading up to Baltimore for Homebrew Con 2016 tomorrow. I believe there are still conference tickets available for anyone in the area. No you don't need to be a homebrewer to enjoy, just a craft beer enthusiast.
  7. Yes indeed. Don't go wishin' your life away you SS whippersnappers, you hear?
  8. Not sure if I've heard any of these words, but mainly I find that the 20 somethings I work with talk low and fast with little annunciation. I'm often asking them to repeat themselves, but I'm sure they just think I'm hard of hearing.
  9. All things being equal, and sometimes when we even want to over pay, I still say the marquee players will choose almost anywhere else over Buffalo. We still have a FA recruiting problem IMO, which is why the successful tanks were so crucial. I'm with those who say there is zero chance Stamkos comes to Buffalo, but I'd be delighted to be wrong.
  10. I've heard the whispers from those in the know for quite some time. As much as I hate the Canes, I don't want them to move.
  11. Well I was shut out on tickets along with most people in the presale and folks aren't happyy with the sleazy scalpers and their ticket purchasing bots scooping up all the tickets. https://www.thestar.com/entertainment/music/2016/06/01/tragically-hip-fan-frustration-was-tragically-predictable-rayner.html One friend of mine did manage to get tickets to the Ottawa show and he said I can have one, but logistically it will be almost impossible for me to make it. In a little bit of good news, it's possible that CBC may air the final show from the the Hip's hometown of Kingston. http://www.cbc.ca/news/arts/tragically-hip-kingston-broadcast-cbc-1.3609414
  12. Cliff's notes blog on the Righteous Mind. The Elephant/rider metaphor basically states that the elephant is our intuition when presented with a moral dilemma, and the rider is our conscious reasoning that simply serves the direction where our intuition initially takes us. Or like TB said upthread we only seek out news, data etc. that confirm our beliefs. It really is a fascinating read, and you'll find that political conversations you've had with those you don't agree with seem less frustrating and begin to make a lot more sense. http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/jonathan-haidt-the-moral-matrix-breaking-out-of-our-righteous-minds/
  13. Let's put it this way, it's very very rare.
  14. I'd encourage everyone to pick up a copy of the Righteous Mind that I linked up thread. Drunkard is absolutely right, nobody is ever going to change anyone's mind when it comes to politics. Understanding a little bit about the underlying reasons as to why that is from a moral psychology viewpoint just may help improve the tone of political discourse though.
  15. The strawman was in the ridiculous Obama bad examples you used to make your case.
  16. And a big strawman to boot. You're on a roll.
  17. I guess I'm confused at the importance you place on those seven minutes. With W there's so much more legitimate fodder there to use to criticize his presidency in terms of actual policy and long lasting effects. I don't think even the most ardent of Bush critics puts your example in their top 100 since to do so smacks so strongly of partisanship. Not to mention that there's zero way of knowing how any other president reacts in that situation. In my opinion history...that's the keyword here, will not treat either of them kindly at all.
  18. No I don't know that, IMO W and Obama are a coin flip as to who is worse, albeit for vastly different reasons. Either way I wouldn't resort to politicizing 9/11 to try to make your argument against W.
  19. Agree 100%, different reasons but equally disastrous presidencies .
  20. One thing is for sure, this fad won't go away easily. Breweries are loving the fact that these beers are so popular and they can brew them with a light, low cost grain bill and still charge the same price as a full on IPA.
  21. But what if you want IPA level hops at a 4.5% abv? Call it a low gravity IPA or an unbalanced pale ale. You're right it's an invented style, but I think it has it's place under the banner of just good beer if done right.
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