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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. His theories are by no means dogma, but to me it can lead us to a greater understanding of other points of view in contrast to the simplistic rhetoric that says there just must be something wrong with liberals/conservatives that dominates political discourse everywhere. So yeah I think more people need to take the red pill.
  2. There's plenty of reason independent of serving your intuition, just not so much when it comes to moral arguments. But don't take my word for it, the research papers are out there, published in well respected peer reviewed journals, so feel free to read and decide for yourself if there's anything to it instead of dismissing out of hand.
  3. It isn't without reason, but rather reasoning that serves your intuition. I think there's some compelling research behind Haidt's moral foundation theory, but I'm not getting into it again. Like TBPhd said, I'll just keep muttering "read the book" from the sidelines. Once again, you apparently have not been listening.
  4. Absolutely. The back and forth here aligns quite well with Haidts moral foundation theory, the sanctity/degradation foundation is one that conservatives are highly attuned to and liberals not so much. http://religionandpolitics.org/2012/05/31/what-psychology-teaches-us-about-moral-and-political-divides/ Here's an example from the book about cutting up the American flag.
  5. Mitch Steele, IPA brewmaster guru extraordinaire, has left Stone to start up a new venture.... http://draftmag.com/mitch-steele-leaving-stone/
  6. Good guide to freezing barbeque. I think you're fine freezing it anytime after you've let it rest as you would normally before serving. http://amazingribs.com/tips_and_technique/reheating_leftover_ribs.html Also for Drunkard, a used Weber kettle grill can serve as an excellent smoker. I see them all the time on Craigslist in the $50 or below range.
  7. Because Buffalo to me has everything to do with it not being a very desirable place to play when trying to recruit talented athletes, and absolutely nothing to do with bad luck or misfortune on the field/ice.
  8. I heard him say it the other day on Sirius, claimed he had a pretty good source.
  9. Vesey signing here because we have exclusive negotiating rights for 2 months = something north of 0%. Vesey singing here if we waited to 8/15 with everyone else = 0%.
  10. Yep, and using one of four third round picks is certainly worth the risk, and pretty much necessary if we were to have any chance at all because.....
  11. Not yet for me. Okposo stated he has family in the area and that he already knew what a diamond in the rough Buffalo is. "Because Buffalo" exists because Buffalo (heh) is largely considered a wasteland by those with no personal knowledge of the area. This signing and the Draft certainly help though, I can see the corner but it hasn't been turned yet.
  12. This jives with much of what I was told during my recurrent retinal detachment ordeal. I suffered a ruptured globe, a much worse scenario, and the initial prognosis was still quite good. Medicine isn't perfect however, my shattered knee had the docs talking about having a permanent limp and needing a cane but in the end my doc said my recovery was poster boy material for recovering from that type of injury. My eye went the other way, such is life.
  13. There will be much disappointment if the Sabres aren't in the playoffs next year, but as long as they're at least a bubble team the rebuild is still on track IMO.
  14. Barnaby on Sirius just said he's heard Chicago being a team for Vesey.
  15. Gone in left eye, fine in right. It's the new normal for me for the last decade, but I had to quickly learn to NEVER move an inch without turning my head to the left first. I ran into a lot of people and knocked over many things during those first few months. I still struggle in crowds unless I'm with my wife as she knows to always stand on my left side.
  16. I'm sure that my injury was much worse than Okposo. I suffered a ruptured globe with glass that penetrated my eye and caused a spontaneous cataract, so they removed the lens from that eye immediately. Still, my initial prognosis was very good that I would regain normal vision with a healed retina artificial lens. Unfortunately my retina kept detaching (six times, six surgeries) over the next 12-18 months until it was time to say no mas. During my recoveries I had to remain in a certain position nearly 24/7 and could not do any heavy lifting or physical activity so as to not risk detachment. Okposo already went through that and is out of the woods so to speak. So although I'm not an ophthalmologist, if his retina has remained attached for this long I'd say his risk is very low for it to detach again, and I'm sure his acuity is fine.
  17. I know that I've been pessimistic on this, but "near future" could mean noon today.
  18. I forgot Okposo suffered the detached retina. As someone with a permanently detached retina I'm really rooting for this guy if he lands here or not.
  19. Me too, but still need to see if we had to extend ourselves too much to make it happen.
  20. Yeah, I think I once knew how to spell it correctly but I've spelled it so many different ways now I'm sure that I don't remember what is correct.
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