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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. No high horse, I think I've been pretty consistent in my disdain for both parties on here over the years on a variety of issues. Gary Johnson will be getting my vote once again.
  2. So you're saying that Trump the outsider still doesn't have the spin chops of the best of the political insiders? Trump is amateur hour, but get ready for when Hillary is directly asked about the emails she lied about.... whenever that is you just know that the masters of spin will show everyone how it's done. It gets clearer every day that the two parties are more the same than they are different. In terms of how they operate, spin and mislead they are pretty much indistinguishable.
  3. Bobis, paging bobis. Far right political rhetoric balance needed stat.
  4. All of this would be gold for the Dems if only the attacking on truthfulness ship hadn't already sailed for Hillary.
  5. Hypocrisy does not exist in politics because it's only bad when the other side does it.
  6. Hold on one second here.....We have politicians doubling down when caught in an act of "untruthfulness'? Shocked I tell ya, SHOCKED!
  7. 716 day in NC? Grilled wings with cherry wood smoke, painted with Frank's wing sauce and seared. A beer for myself and the wife.
  8. http://www.wral.com/nice-tragedy-brings-back-memories-of-attack-on-unc-s-pit-/15853822/
  9. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
  10. Good analysis of JV's options. Putting myself in his shoes, I'd sign with the team I grew up rooting for.
  11. Former Bill Jon Dorenbos doing well on AGT. Pretty cool card trick here..
  12. My gut tells me it's Boston and Chicago as 1 and 1a.
  13. Had to google, had no idea who Jake Owen was, but he looks exactly like a friend of mine.
  14. So he's out of options? He's finally going to serve his damn suspension?
  15. Just saying DD's expectation is in line with mine. Vicinity of 95 pts is a bubble team.
  16. Right in line with where I'm at. Playoffs are a reasonable expectation, but essentially we should be a bubble team and falling just short still would have the rebuild on track.
  17. There's no counter-DeLuca far right fringe voice left here since Matrix was driven mad by the tank.
  18. The coddling, entitlement and whiny bitchiness of JV unless of course he ends of signing here, then forget about all of the above.
  19. Not according to my source who knew him well. Nothing fake about GMTM's public persona at all. WYSIWYG
  20. Haha GMTM, I know we joke about his ZFG attitude, but in terms of schmoozing a coveted player I hope he did ok yesterday. When we hired him one of the first things my BiL told me, and he had many interactions with him during his time with the Sens, was that it can be very awkward having a conversation with him at times due to his direct, serious nature.
  21. I happened to be watching live last night as events unfolded and saw the footage of two officers down, presumably already dead. Sickening. I'm with Whiskey that we're well past the shouting and blaming with this crap.
  22. Google and good ole confirmation bias, everyone can find information to support their position (and ignore contradicting info) in just a few clicks.
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