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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. What you don't seem to understand is that I'm not excluding myself from any of it. We are all blind to it. You too. If you don't think that this same thing with Iran happening under GWB would result in the prevailing opinions from the left and right being opposite of what they are today then I'm not sure what to tell you.
  2. You're right, and because of that here's what is certain: If this had happened under a republican administrations watch you can just reverse pretty much all of the individual perspectives in this thread as to the real motivation behind the deal.
  3. Of course you can't, only you and bobis can hear each other.
  4. A friend of mine used to work at Cambria's firm, I was over at his house once and Marilyn Manson called him to discuss some legal issue.
  5. Trumps an extreme example with his incivility and immoralilty of course, but how many times have politicians of either flavor been caught doing immoral things and to one side it's an outrage and the other it's wholly defensible? People will always overlook the moral shortcomings of their guy as long as their partisan buttons are getting pushed. It's only bad when the other side does it. Hypocrites all.
  6. I'm not saying that, he would have to run his campaign differently depending on what he was pandering to, that's why he is a master. If he ran as an independent I think there'd be far less of the personal attacks or insults as he'd have a treasure trove of decades long hypocrisy from both sides to tap into. In the end, breaking up the status quo of the two party treadmill would trump all (pun intended) for me.
  7. Not at the same time in a presidential campaign, and that would be the point of supporting him. The slogans and insults have worked, are working and will continue to work as outlined in the article I linked. He's a master.
  8. http://qz.com/746524/the-epic-battle-between-clinton-and-trump-is-a-modern-day-morality-play/ I absolutely would vote for Trump as a third party candidate if he attacked both of the two establishment parties with equal vigor and exposed their hypocrisy. So would you vote Republican or "sit on the sidelines" then with Trump running as a Democrat? :P
  9. Yep, in a different world where the dem nomination wasn't preordained and there was a mess of 17 candidates vying for the nomination he very well could have chosen to push the partisan buttons of the left and done well. He'd throw bombs from the left and democrats would love it and support it with the same fervor that they despise him with now. The bolded I disagree with strongly, if anyone could do it, Trump could. He's a master of manipulation...did we not just pay attention to the last year of the Republican primaries? Everybody dismissed him and wrote him off...until it was too late.
  10. I don't need to want anything regarding the two teams. I know that both are equally bad choices and that both have no problem making themselves look "stupid" all on their own. Now on to Gary Johnson.... https://medium.com/@jsouzc/no-my-vote-for-gary-johnson-isnt-wasted-5a9a97394308#.51d70dx93
  11. Because the political winds of the time pointed in HRC's favor, so he ran as a Republican. He wouldn't be for a wall, or starting a huge ground war in the middle east and on and on. This just in....... politicians do whats expedient to get elected, then do what's expedient to stay there. If the circumstances were different and it was wide open for him to run as a Democrat, he would have, with the same crass personality just on the opposite side of the issues. Many democrats would eat it up, and some would hold their noses and vote for the "lesser of two evils". Just like we are seeing with the Republicans.
  12. He wouldn't be for any of those things though if he ran as a Dem, which he easily could have done having never run for or held political office previously. Of course anyone could see from eight years ago that 2016 was to be the coronation of HRC.
  13. I call bs on those who say they wouldn't be supporting Trump if he was the Dem nominee. You realize if he ran as a Dem he'd be throwing bombs from the left against your favorite conservative bogeymen, right? Most, especially the most partisan, would eat that up.
  14. Disagree. Deluca may be more verbose, but every single post is Republicans bad, Dems good. Bobis is the opposite, two entrenched uber partisans throwing bombs.
  15. Deluca = Huffington Post Bobis = Daily caller If you think one brings a lot to the table, you've got to take the other as well.
  16. No logic or reason exists that isn't slave to intuition with moral arguments. We've been over this. But carry on... As long as each team wishes to dig in and demonize the other side with no attempt at understanding, the sandwich giant turd analogy will apply.
  17. Go Team!!!! On the road to oblivion....
  18. Says the biggest partisan hack from the left on this board.
  19. When every single other national politician speaks in canned talking points where they say a lot while saying nothing at all, the one that doesn't to me is refreshing/a change of pace, incivility notwithstanding. In short I loathe Trump as a candidate, but love what he's doing to shake the tree.
  20. I know,i didn't mean to suggest you were, just pointing out the loudest partisans on either side are massive hypocrites, but I understand why they're blind to their own hypocrisy. I'm not a fan of Trump's incivility either, but people surely recognize a big part of his appeal is that he speaks off the cuff, if you take the incivility and low blows out of it I find it refreshing in contrast to HRC and her canned often shrilly delivered rhetoric.
  21. And Trump supporters think exactly the same about those who vehemently support HRC. Two sides not understanding how the other can dig in behind a sandwich/giant turd. Go Team!
  22. I can't say that I blame 'ole Bill for catching a power nap.
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