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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Trump. Hillary. Brutal both. There's another option.
  2. Southern tier pils at the brewery. It's not up to sunshine pils from Troegs, but pretty darn good nonetheless. Ill keep looking for it in cans.
  3. Homebrewers lead these style fads, I remember NHC four or five years ago and goses were all the rage. Black IPAs were also big in homebrewing circles before you saw them everywhere in the craft beer market. I actually enjoy the Sierra Nevada gose Otra Vez.
  4. Chautauqua lake. Firestone Walker Easy Jack. Troegs Sunshine Pils on deck.
  5. Landscaping Dishwasher Village of Hamburg DPW / Erie county Fair Furniture manufacturing Cook / barback/ bartender Med tech Bartender
  6. Ha, Hospital hill/ Gunther's hill! ....sledding through the trees. and of course you always risked sledding right into 18 mile Creek...
  7. At devils backbone brewing in the Virginia mountains. Altbier, German pils and Helles. So damn good, I really hope that the AB buyout doesn't dilute the production of these fantastic, rarely seen styles.
  8. I'm not quite 50, so I should probably get off the lawn, but if you remember the wheelchair juggling dude who sold peanuts in front of the Aud can I get a day pass?
  9. Yet another sobering tale of the brutal effects of a violent game. Former Bill Bryan Scott is 35. http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/20160805_Sielski__Bryan_Scott_s_story_should_terrify_everyone_who_loves_football.html
  10. Great post, thanks. I was remiss yesterday in not including you and weave with the posters that genuinely try to see both sides fairly.
  11. The foundations are more of a spectrum, rather than discrete buckets that you can drop conservatives and liberals into. An article I linked the other day gets into it. http://qz.com/746524/the-epic-battle-between-clinton-and-trump-is-a-modern-day-morality-play/
  12. He does say that conservatives respond to all foundations more broadly, but in a political campaign I don't think it's necessary to hit all of them. Trump is simply hammering on the ones that resonate strongest in this divisive political climate. He here argues how Dems can use MFT against Trump.. http://righteousmind.com/category/moral-foundations-in-action/
  13. He appeals very strongly to the authority/subversion foundation: "I am the law and order candidate", wall building... and the strong appeal to the loyalty/betrayal foundation is right there in his campaign slogan: "Make America Great Again" These are foundations that resonate strongly with conservatives and not so much with liberals.
  14. I think the book was focused towards laymen and not academics, thus the lack of hard data. Still you can search pubmed and find his research papers, some of which are free on the intertubes. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3520939/
  15. You've got it. The subtitle tells it: The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided By Politics And Religion. Understanding the why instead of digging in. Trump is an excellent study in terms of the moral foundation theory. He is a master at appealing to conservative moral taste receptors, even better than Hillary is at appealing to liberal foundations. This is why he can continue with the gaffes and he's never, ever going to lose his base.
  16. I agree the discourse is more civil here than is typical, but I see very little acknowledgement of the other side having a legitimate viewpoint. Off the top of my head Neo and Whiskey are two posters who strive to understand the other side. Otherwise it's usually dismissal, mainly in tone, of the opposite pov.
  17. The point is to understand how to talk about it in a more productive way. The current climate and prevailing mode of dialogue just pushes each side into their respective defensive corners. The way to persuade is to appeal to "the elephant" not "the rider". It's in the book. ;)
  18. Exactly. Discussing from the pov that the other side is wrong/misguided/evil etc. is what dominates today and that's what gets us nowhere. Trying to understand the other pov on at least some level would give us hope.
  19. Because....wait for it...confirmation bias!
  20. There it is, right in the article I linked.. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/01/07/the-top-10-reasons-american-politics-are-worse-than-ever/ Reason #1: the two parties purified themselves ideologically...
  21. Of course there is, the polarization has never been worse. I've taken the side of a right leaning guy and edited your original post to illustrate my point That's how a republican would use his or her confirmation bias to mirror your post.
  22. Awesome that you read the book. Evolutionary moral psychology, as a biochemist and researcher this field is just fascinating to me. This post reeks strongly of confirmation bias. :P
  23. I agree everyone can see the partisanship, not everyone, in fact almost nobody can see the WHY. At that point you can start to see that both sides are "right" in the sense that they both have solid logical arguments. So yeah read the book! And to follow on d4rk's link, here is good old Haidt's top 10 reasons why Washington is broken... https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/01/07/the-top-10-reasons-american-politics-are-worse-than-ever/ I know, I'm a broken record...but the evidence is too strong to ignore. We are all prone to confirmation bias and it's just so much easier to get your bias fix these days..reason #7
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