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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. In my mid 20's I played in a beer softball league where my roommate and I were the youngest guys on the team, most of the guys were my age now (~mid 40's). One guy was getting re-married and was about to move in with his fiance and he showed up to a game and tells us that he has something for us that he'd bring to the bar after the game. He pulls into the bar lot after the game in his mini van and waves us over, opens the tailgate and reveals a cardboard box with about 100 VHS tapes. Porn. He tells us there's no way he'd even try to get even one into the house so he figured we might want them. Naturally we took them. Fast forward a few years and I'm engaged and my buddies are throwing me a bachelor party at the Steer on Main St. As people are leaving they've got a table set up with party favors for them to take. Yep, paper bags with a few of those vintage 80's porn tapes inside. My uncles, cousins, co-workers were leaving my bachelor party with grab bags of porn. Paying it forward.
  2. Do it! DeLuca with a Trump or GWB avatar just might bring Armageddon.
  3. I think he's largely done overhauling the roster. He should never be done tinkering.
  4. The insanity is all around us... http://abc11.com/politics/charlotte-schools-dont-refer-to-kids-as-boys-girls/1460043/
  5. Heard it was a nightmare, but at least they're trying to make good. Still pretty inexcusable though, heck for my outdoor setup I ran multiple a/v tests during the day and had an indoor TV ready as backup in case things crashed outside.
  6. An insightful blog post by Haidt on microagressions. http://righteousmind.com/where-microaggressions-really-come-from/
  7. You're welcome. Watching the SNL performances and other past live shows on Youtube, you get to see the more animated and greater vocal range version of Gord than what we saw on Saturday night, which obviously should be no surprise given his health. It was an amazing gift from a dying man to allow for all his millions of fans this final tour goodbye. What Gord Downie Just Taught Us About Dying...And Living
  8. The offseason isn't over yet... (Didn't see this thread originally)
  9. Yeah in the article it's "round of golf" The guide also discourages staff from inviting others to play a “round of golf,” which assumes “employees have the financial resources/exposure to a fairly expensive and inaccessible sport.”
  10. Can't find these on YouTube, but here they are. The Hip appearing on SNL: Grace Too and Nautical Disaster. http://indie88.com/watch-early-footage-of-the-tragically-hips-1995-snl-performance/
  11. Here you go JJ, get ready for your head to explode.. http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/26/university-of-north-carolina-saying-christmas-vaca/
  12. Have to agree, seeing the Hip live in person is a transforming experience. Gord is a front man like no other.
  13. Definitely. But that song, that they never performed live for years as it deals with the death of his five yeard old nephew. He made it through, but surely emotional.
  14. Don't know how Gord makes it through Fiddler's Green. Damn.
  15. No that was just a YouTube video from the Buffalo show at outer harbor a couple years ago. My wife and her friend are out here, I told them they need to shut their yaps at 8:30 or they're otta here!
  16. My favourite Hip video. The Trailer Park Boys help steal an engine for Gord in exchange for a bucket of chicken....Don Cherry as the chicken delivery guy. Classic.
  17. Yeah I don't think they ever got much play even on Buffalo radio let alone other US markets in the 90's despite how big they are there, but I could be wrong. Probably their biggest US 'breakthrough' was playing SNL supporting Day For Night circa 1995, with fellow Kingston-ite and friend of the band Dan Aykroyd hosting. Maybe you've heard New Orleans Is Sinking if you haven't checked that out yet.
  18. With the same JV scenario with the Sabres as a perennial playoff team I'd say 5-10% chance, but a real free agent scenario with our deep pocketed owner allows us to sweeten the deal enough to compensate for much of because Buffalo eventually. It's always going to be an issue on some level for the Sabres IMO.
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