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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I think it really might be as simple as that, sure we might have a few minority voices from the right, but I don't think we have a single Trump cheerleader. Clinton cheerleaders abound however. I have called out bobis' cheerleading from the far right now that I think about it.
  2. Really? How so? I think it might seem that way only because this thread leans heavily left and thus provides more opportunity to call out that team. Edit to add: I guess you can call my disdain for both parties as being "neutral", but that's not how Id put it.
  3. Wicked Weed, the food is almost better than the beer believe it or not. Sierra Nevada has great food too and is not to be missed. New Belgium has an impressive layout on the French Broad but overall it was meh.
  4. Rented a cabin for the holiday weekend outside of Asheville and spent the morning cruising the Blue Ridge parkway and some short kid friendly hikes, now visiting a few breweries.... Wicked Weed: Juiceless IPA Pineapple sage saison German pils Heading over to the brand new New Belgium brewery next. Sierra Nevada tomorrow...
  5. Indeed. Agree completely, but given what this has grown into in this country I can't see myself ever voting for a candidate from either team in my lifetime outside of local level.
  6. It's only bad when the other team does it, eh?
  7. I know swamp was referring to Bush the elder, see my edit Iraq was a clusterfukc and GWB deserves every bit of ire and criticism for getting us into it. What I don't buy is that he and his team of evil geniuses did it based based on lies that they knew would ultimately be debunked and bring the wrath of the rest of the planet upon us. I know Republicans are evil, but cmon.
  8. Well I'd argue that he didn't do it better at all, after all it's painfully obvious to everyone that he didn't get away with lying since he and his cronies forgot to plant the WMDs to justify their lies. HRC and Bill have the ability to avoid the painfully obvious tag. Talented. Edit: meant to reply to eleven, but you get the idea.
  9. 20 years hence here we are, with HRC on the precipice of the presidency. In no way do I mean to suggest that HRC is the only politician of any color who lies,obfuscates, obstructs (or who misunderstands and is a conspiracy victim depending on your team), in fact nearly every single one does on some level. But you'd be hard pressed to identify another who does it better and with such unapologetic aplomb as Mrs. Clinton. Go team I guess.
  10. #GordDowniesCanada Maybe this belongs in the photography thread, but some truly beautiful shots of Canadian landscapes (emerge) if you follow this twitter hashtag.
  11. One thing I found interesting in Haidt's work and it maybe relates to your thoughts above, is that he conducted experiments with right and left folks who had been characterized as such by his foundations test. He then asked those people to answer moral questions as if they were of the opposite ideology, what he found was that conservatives by and large were able to accurately answer as liberals, but liberals had a hard time thinking/answering as a conservative, particularly when it comes to the care/harm foundation. I'll have to go back to the text to dig out more details around these studies, but this was something that stood out to me when reading the book. To the last bolded, I think that's an outcome that Haidt would want from anyone who takes the time to read about his research.
  12. If you've read the Righteous Mind the whole Kaepernick thing and subsequent firestorm and who would be on each side could have been easily predicted. The reactions of those in this thread based on their previously aligned "sides" are not surprising in the least. The flag and how it can be used as a prime example of the sanctity/degradation foundation is referred to throughout Haidt's work. https://thesystemsscientist.com/2016/08/28/colin-kaepernick-and-the-morals-of-honoring-old-glory/
  13. I use lump for my egg of course, but Kingsford blue is fine and more convenient for the Weber kettle IMO.
  14. Yeah the insulation helps with holding temp for long cooks, plus it adds the advantage over traditional ceramic kamado cookers in that it's more responsive to vent adjustments to alter the temperature. With a ceramic cooker if you overshoot your 225-250 target temp for a low and slow it will take forever to get the cooker temp back down. Getting distracted while having a few beers and watching a game and starting a cook has resulted in this has happening to me more than a few times.
  15. https://grillstock.co.uk/festival/featured/50-cooks-ten-weeks-weber-summit-charcoal-review/ A nice review of the Weber Summit Charcoal. I'm still drooling over this grill. A friend who works at a local Ace has it in stock and told me that he can work out a bargain too. It's pretty damn impressive in person, my wife gave me the ok to buy it and I can afford it in theory, but I just can't justify it....maybe some used craigslist models will begin showing up in the spring. Also a friendly reminder to all the charcoal grillers out there to stock up on your Kingsford this Labor day weekend...big sales are everywhere.
  16. I like the analogy except it's more like a 4-1 Bruins lead over the Flyers. No matter who wins, we all lose.
  17. Pretty much where it begins and ends for me too. A guy I already considered a douche committing an act of douchebaggery? Meh.
  18. You're not the only one.... Go Team!
  19. Says right in the article that Murray hired him in Anaheim and that they've maintained a friendly relationship through the years.
  20. To be fair there are some folks who are highly allergic to bee stings so their fear is justified. My boss just spent a night in the ER from a single bee sting. EpiPens are mandatory for these people, thus the frustration with the skyrocketing costs.
  21. I've been at weddings where the garter hung in the air and dropped to floor amidst 10 bachelors with their hands in their pockets. :w00t:
  22. Really? I heard way more coverage of this over the past week than I have of Kaepernick. Maybe because I listen to or watch exactly zero sports shows, but that EpiPen thing has been huge in my circles.
  23. Ok, well then I'm going with dudacek that it had to be from Trouble at the Henhouse. You were at the Butts Wigglin table. :P
  24. The Righteous Mind condensed into a single cartoon...
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