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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Horrible in terms of it being a productive way to bring about a national discussion on race and the police as is his stated motive. Doing anything that is viewed as disrespectful to the flag is never going to get people talking about the issue you care about in a constructive way, but it will certainly get people talking about not respecting the flag.
  2. Oh Liger if only you had lived here while it was going down.....scores of co-workers, friends and neighbors who don't know offside from icing rubbing it in.....it took a lot of restraint.
  3. The team with perhaps the worst excessive drinking tailgate culture playing the team with a now starting QB who uses a horrible method/schtick to push his social justice agenda. What could go wrong?
  4. French Broad maybe? I haven't been to Highland since last year, but they opened a rooftop bar in the summer that supposedly offers spectacular views.
  5. I'd recommend Asheville as well, but it's probably off the beaten path for a WNY to Florida trip. Must visit Asheville breweries: Sierra Nevada Wicked Weed Highland Highly recommended: Wicked Weed Funkatorium Wedge Burial If you have time: New Belgium Green Man Hi-Wire
  6. Absolutely. No Depression is in my all time top 5 albums, Anodyne is up there as well.
  7. Very true, but I'm not only hesitant to be all in because of the most obvious scenario of a wholesale implosion in classic Bills style. There's always massive injuries that gut the roster, blown calls (just give it to 'em...) that cost them games or a missed kick in the clutch to ruin things. We've seen it all before and they need to show me the money.
  8. If you're going I-90 to I-79 US19 etc. to Florida then Beckley, WV is a good stopping point in terms of a lot of reputable hotels etc, but it's about 3 hours north of Charlotte. Anywhere else looks like no mans land to me and I can't say one way or the other if you'll be in a deliverance scenario. Either way beware of Summersville, WV.... speed trap central.
  9. If they win the next 2 or 3 I still can't be in. After all this time of irrelevance it's going to take kneeling out the clock in a playoff clinching win before I believe.
  10. I have, all the work they did to repair that road and bridge I'm sure will be washed away when the waters recede. Bass lake park is my go to spot to take my son to train for cross country, I guess we'll need to find an alternative for awhile. I've been through a few hurricanes since I've been down here, but i don't remember ever seeing that much rain, almost 9 inches here in Holly Springs yesterday. There's a few downed trees in the neighborhood but so far my property came through pretty much unscathed.
  11. First Matthew rain bands moving through Raleigh now, expecting a ton of rain and 50 mph gusts all day long.
  12. Bogleheads unite! I'm in vanguard Total US, total international and intermediate bond. Rebalance yearly. I've rode it through the highs and lows of the past decade plus...staying the course.
  13. I think in general he gives good advice that people should follow for personal finance, but for investing I've found that he often recommends high fee/load actively managed funds that are bad news. Index funds are your best bet.
  14. Another piece of advice from investing author William Bernstein. It really can be as simple as he states here
  15. Great news. When I was in town for the Bills Arizona game I took three NC friends who had never been to Buffalo down to Gene McCarthy's in the Old First Ward...as we got in the vicinity of General Mills I asked them what they smelled..in unison all three said...Cheerios!
  16. :thumbsup: I'm about 10 years behind you, but I'm on track hopefully. Congrats! edit: I have that book in my library as well
  17. Here a good article that illustrates the almost certain damage that can be done to your portfolio when attempting to time the market. https://www.ifa.com/12steps/step4/missing_the_best_and_worst_days/
  18. Surveys of retirement spending. Two books in my library that I need to dust off for a refresher read: https://www.amazon.com/Bogleheads-Guide-Investing-Taylor-Larimore-ebook/dp/B00JUV01RW/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1475767924&sr=1-1&keywords=bogleheads+guide+to+investing https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002QX44IS/ref=pd_sim_351_1?ie=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B002QX44IS&pd_rd_r=8GMFDX3FEKVA0YKRTJDZ&pd_rd_w=69MIw&pd_rd_wg=JqHNg&psc=1&refRID=8GMFDX3FEKVA0YKRTJDZ
  19. Here's a good retirement calculator that I've used http://www.firecalc.com/
  20. I'm a huge fan of the Boglehead way of investing, one of their basic principles is not trying to time the market. Just offering this up as general advice to you, I obviously do not know nearly enough info about your personal situation to offer anything specific. I do think that the general principles of saving and investing should be taught in high school, it certainly would have helped me get serious about if before my early 30's. Boglehead Investment Philosophy: Develop a workable plan Invest early and often Never bear too much or too little risk Never try to time the market Use index funds when possible Keep costs low Diversify Minimize taxes Keep it simple Stay the course
  21. If you're young then you can handle way more risk. You have time on your side to weather a market correction.
  22. I'd strongly recommend starting here. The Bogleheads are a indispensable resource and it's free, this stuff really isn't complicated. https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Getting_started
  23. Yeah I have to agree NS. I'm going to retire from these threads by quoting my first post, and also point out that weave called it from the start.
  24. Yes. Bare minimum company match, that's like saying no thanks to extra $ your employer is offering. Not understanding investment options shouldn't stop you from contributing either, most plans offer a money market option so you can just park your $ there until you figure out what to do. A very general rule of thumb is to invest your age in bonds. So if your 25, 25% bonds, 75% equities. Starting while you're young is huge.
  25. No. I'm the guy who gets to say this. Last post wins! :)
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