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Everything posted by Claude_Verret
Give the Rush CD a few more spins. As is common with Rush releases it takes a bit to digest and take hold. I was about where you are after a listen or two. Good, not great. After about five listens I was convinced it was among their best. The Anarchist, Carnies, Clockwork Angles, Seven Cities of Gold, The Wreckers, Headlong Flight, Wish Them Well and most of all The Garden are all Rush classics. I heard Slash get interviewed on Stern a few weeks ago, I do need to pick his CD up for a listen.
It's that time of year again, I'm off to the National Homebrewers Conference in Seattle next week. And in honor of the conference and fathers day, my wife is actually letting me brew tomorrow. F'N Fantastic!! To all my fellow Sabrespace beer geeks, I can't recommend attending this event enough. You don't even need to be a homebrewer, just a beer lover.
I saw that Neil RS interview, and honestly the first thing that came to my mind was that hell had frozen over!! Rolling Stone portraying anything Rush related in a positive way is unheard of. I guess Neil also did an extensive interview on Sirius XM Deep Tracks last night where they played the whole album and Neil gave extensive commentary between songs. I missed it, but I'm hoping it gets re-played or it shows up online somewhere.
True, not so much their age at the time, but the tragedies of Neil Peart losing his teenage daughter in a car accident and then his wife to cancer within a year in the late nineties. I certainly thought they were likely done as a band. Thinking about those personal tragedies in Neil's life and some stuff I've had to deal with makes 'The Garden' a real gut wrencher for me. What an epic and beautiful song, and perhaps Neil's finest hour as a lyricist.
I heard the Pete Towshend comment, but that's taking it a little out of context. Rush received an award last month in Ottawa and Towshend was also there. When Geddy and Alex were chatting with him they mentioned that they had a new album coming out soon, and Towshend said something to the effect of questioning the wisdom of making an album these days and he said that that they are a "waste of time". He's right in the sense that there is little to no money to be made anymore in making rock albums.
True, but 10 or 15 years ago did you think the boys would still be going in 2012, let alone producing epic works like Clockwork Angels?
Welcome to the club. I work for a fortune 500 company with 25k employees worldwide. Last year they embarked on a new job title hierarchy to go in effect company wide for research and engineering associates. The goal of this program was to get everyone on the same playing field throughout the company wide since titles could vary widely from site to site for people doing essentially the same job. So they unveil the new titles sometime last year, I get mine and think nothing of it really. That is until I begin to receive emails from colleagues in other groups at my site, people who I have worked with in the past who were hired well after me, and their new tiles in the email sig indicate their titles are above mine!!!??? Wtf?? Some of these people couldn't design a competent and well controlled experimental study if their life depended on it. I'm not one to make a stink usually, but I could not let this stand without going to the top. I get meetings with my bosses boss, HR leaders, the whole nine yards. Of course nothing ever came of it and all I got was corporate HR hand waving BS back at me. My main argument to them was that the company spent who knows how many hundreds of thousands of dollars on this program to get everyone throughout the company on the same playing field, and in the end they didn't even accomplish their goal at this SITE??!! You just can't fight the man in a bloated organization this big though. My form of simple protest was that I removed my title on my email signature and I ordered new business cards without my title on them. You really do have to just laugh at the corporate BS though or it will drive you mad, this place is like the movie Office Space times 10.
Well deserved. Congrats RJ! So many great memories.
Have you seen the lyrics and liner notes are up? It makes the story flow much better with Neil's 2-3 sentence intro to each song... http://cygnus-x1.net/links/rush/albums-clockworkangels.php
Ok, another full album listen in (and multiple repeats of some favorite tracks) and it's nudging closer to, if not surpassing some of those classics. At the very least it's the best work from them in 25-30 years. What an amazing piece of work, three guys approaching 60 years of age should not being making masterpiece rock albums like this. I got tired of the Rush in the RnR HOF debate a decade ago, but if they do ever get the nod I hope they just politely say "thanks, but no thanks".
I've listened to the whole album twice and yes it's damn good, but way too early to say it beats Moving Pictures, Permanent Waves, 2112 or Hemispheres in my book. I need to digest it a little more. The Garden is awesome.
The day has arrived, the leak is here. I have only had a chance to listen to a few tracks on youtube while working so far, but I'm loving The Wreckers, Seven Cities of Gold and The Anarchist. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvjqCOFESuo
For the Rush heads. 30 second samples of all tracks on the album are up on Wal Mart site... http://www.walmart.com/ip/20923974
Another track by track review with Alex Lifeson himself. This record is sounding more and more promising, I sure hope it doesn't end up being another letdown. http://www.musicrada...track-545614#!1
Here is a link to a clip from the SP show I went to, you can even see my fat head in the middle wearing the gold Sabres hat. This is the one man guitar/drum solo from Satchel, including nods to Deep Purple, Sabbath, Judas Priest, Ozzy, GnR, Metallica, and I think I heard some Maiden in there too. There are plenty of other clips up on youtube of some songs from this show, but being Steel Panther those are NSFW. This one is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yLsSdysf24
Congrats! Zone defense only from here on out, no more man to man. My wife was pushing hard for a third a few years ago, but I talked her down. Finish up work today and I head to Emerald Isle, NC for a week at the beach. F'n Fantastic!
Spend a week in NC in July and you'll never complain about NY heat again. I'll take Buffalo winters over NC summers any day.
I had an instructor at UB for a molecular Immunology course who literally did nothing but read and put overheads up straight from the textbook. She added absolutely nothing more than that. Once everyone caught on to this the class was very poorly attended.
Amazon lets you read a free preview of the first chapter or two online or have it sent to your kindle for a lot of books.
Yeah I see this a lot down here. Doing this or even being straight and just turning the wheel in anticipation of a turn puts you at risk in the event you get rear ended and pushed right into oncoming traffic. But people are morons. Sorry to hear this, hopefully things turn around for him so he can start kicking cancers ass in full force.
Damn, 54-40 on my birthday no less! I'd love to make a trip back home to catch that show but the year is already booked to the max as far as vacation time goes.
Steel Panther tonight!
From what I've seen and read the album has not leaked yet, but it likely will before it's official release I'd guess. Your idea sounds like a fantastic way to soak in the new album. As an aside, I've been lurking around some Rush forums recently looking for info about the new album. On these forums there are small groups of regular posters who seemingly hate everything Rush has done since 1979, and yet there they are, day after day telling all the other Rush fans about how much Rush sucks now and will never be good again. Sound familiar? I guess every board has them.
VT >>> Snakes & Arrows. S&A was a bit of a letdown, I'm hoping from much bigger things based on the three songs we've heard thus far from Clockwork Angels. Here is a track by track review of the new album, this review seems to confirm that Caravan and BU2B were re-recorded as BU2B has an acoustic intro on the new album. http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/rush-clockwork-angels-full-album-reviewed-track-by-track-542931/1#!1 :thumbsup: