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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I think this cuts to the core of the matter, some guys would not instictively jump the guy in your scenario, they just aren't wired that way. The Sabres as a team were / are made up of a bunch of guys who instinctively do not respond the way most would like to see when their goalie gets run. In other words I don't think any of the Sabres on the ice at the time fought the instinct to go after Lucic, they just did what their instincts dictated, which is to be a ######.
  2. My uncle who also lives down here near Raleigh is in a neighborhood with a lot of Indian and Pakastani neighbors. He is contantly picking up "broken" yard equipment, vaccuum cleaners etc. from these people in the trash. These items are usually nearly brand new and only need a new spark plug, air filter or something else to "fix" them. I guess if you are middle class over there you have servants to do all that stuff for you, so when they come over here even though many of them are brilliant scientists and engineers, they don't have even the vaugest idea as to how to perform simple fixes. We had a guy breaking into cars in our neighborhood a few weeks ago. The police happened to roll by at like 2:30 in the morning and caught him going through a neighbors car, they ended up chasing him down our cul de sac and through my backyard, right past my man cave and into the woods. I wish I would have left the light off at the cave that night because he probably would have ran directly into it with no light on. He got some computers, gps and other valuable from some of the neighbors, but I always lock my truck and my wife parks the van in the garage. Most of the neighbors got their stuff back since he ended up ditching most of it in the woods behind my house as he was fleeing, they didn't catch him though.
  3. It's out there on one of the twitter sources. I stopped posting direct links to those sources since when their names appear people get upset.
  4. I think with that offer it would be more than just Ryan coming back,probably picks and/ or prospects too.
  5. Stafford, Sekera, Adam and a 1st is the rumored offer on the table for Ryan
  6. For those that care, the guy who broke Kovalchuk was @nhlsourcessay
  7. Bad analogy. What does it matter if I dream up something in my head or I get something from one of these guys you despise as long as it breeds good discussion? For example, just yesterday I posted the rumor about Heatley and the Pens, but I left out the source. It led to a some exchanges about that scenario that you participated in. Had I included where I read that, we would have had two pages of complaints about the twitter guys yesterday instead of today.
  8. I never had a huge problem with him during the '06 ECF, he was just doing his part to stir the pot. But when he wrote this piece I thought it leaned toward the dishonest and fed into all the raping and pillaging stereotypes that we joke about on here. I've been to every Sabres game played down here since 2002, it simply isn't as bad as they'd like you to believe and I've sat in every corner of that arena. I've also said it before that the Canes themselves could do themselves a favor with whatever perceived problem there is if they would back off on antagonizing the Sabres fans during the games. Leafs games at FNC are far, far worse in terms of rowdy and passionate opposing fans. http://www.newsobserver.com/2011/04/03/1100857/take-back-whats-ours-canes-fans.html
  9. My whole point all along. If these can serve as a springboard for honest and interesting discussion, well then isn't that why we all come here in the first place?
  10. Well, in full disclosure, I only came across that as a retweet from Kevin Allen. Plus, I don't want you guys thinking that I actually follow Luke DeCock on twitter.
  11. If we can't trust good 'ole Luke DeCock, then who can we trust? Luke DeCock ‏@LukeDeCock Per @ice_chip, Columbus wanted Skinner, Dalpe, a prospect, two firsts AND another top-nine forward for Nash: http://bit.ly/OTGEDR
  12. Ok, so like you said your problem is the source, not necessarily the information. That's fine, but I don't see why others can't read these things and take them with a huge grain of salt and enjoy them as a form of entertainment.
  13. That's different, you said his source was Rutherford on the radio. HI has mentioned before that his canes source is indeed a Canes reporter.
  14. Rutherford went on the record weeks ago that the Canes were interested. But did he go on the radio the day before he signed and say they had a one year offer on the table and that the Canes were the frontrunners? I'm asking seriously, I catch some of the sports talk down here, but I didn't hear that.
  15. You forgot this one. Hockeyy Insiderr ‏@HockeyyInsiderr 25 Jul BREAKING NEWS: Semin and his agent carefully considering offer on the table from #CANES. Carolina front runners as per my source (1yr offer)
  16. Of course they are looking for attention. I'm not a huge twitter guy, but it seems with most anyone on there the main goal seems to be to gain more followers. Like I said I don't enjoy the chest thumping part of what they do.
  17. It's actually linking to these guys twitter accounts that seem to unnerve people the most. If you post something you find interesting, just take credit for it yourself.
  18. As sportsbuff outlined, there has unquestionably been instances where they have indeed been correct. The guy who got Kovalchuck was another one who I don't remember, not Hockeyinsiderr. That you dismiss them out of hand is your perogative, but what these guys do is post rumors. Most will not be correct.
  19. And I remember him posting those in existing threads or starting new threads. I agree that should not fly. Even Eklund, what's the big deal about posting them in a rumor thread? If you can't take rumors for what they are then we either shouldn't have a thread dedicated to them or individual posters who don't like seeing them should avoid the thread.
  20. You might be. Or you might be this. That's why it's a rumor!
  21. The guy who go Kovalchuck to NJ a few years ago is one that I remember.
  22. Right, and like it or not, some of these guys have indeed been first and correct on stuff before. Look I know some of you guys don't like how these guys go on twitter thumping their chests and calling out the TSN guys etc. I don't like that aspect of what goes on either. And I understand not wanting the board cluttered with this stuff and new threads started based on what goes out on twitter. But to call out posters for posting rumors in a rumor thread? No need.
  23. To be a rumor, it should in fact have no substance or basis to legitimize it's veracity. ru·mor    /ˈrumər/ Show Spelled[roo-mer] Show IPA noun 1. a story or statement in general circulation without confirmation or certainty as to facts
  24. Again, why there is a problem with posting rumors in a rumor thread I do not understand.
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