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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I'm happy we have Jack.
  2. Nearly half of adults 18-30 have $0 in retirement or pension savings.
  3. Things still getting worse in NC. http://www.wral.com/-every-hour-it-s-worse-keeping-vigil-on-n-carolina-floods/16112213/
  4. IIRC when we did this during the tank the Sabres weren't a favorite once all year. Now that they are competitive it will create a new dynamic in this contest. One unit on Sabres tonight
  5. Its all down hill from here for AM.
  6. Yeah, the Pens/Crosby analogy isn't working for me.
  7. That doesn't look good at all. edit: looks like knee to me.
  8. Anything that doesn't involve what will be widely viewed as disrespecting the anthem/country/flag. When you involve things that are predominantly held as being sacred within a culture, the yelling and attention is always going to be about your method of protest rather than what you are protesting against. He could be kneeling during the anthem to protest the rise in childhood obesity and he'd still get a firestorm.
  9. Perhaps I'm biased, but gun to my head I think that I prefer Eichel-Reindheardt- A. Nylander to Matthews-Marner-W. Nylander.
  10. Karlos Williams to Steelers practice squad.
  11. Southern Rock Opera, Decoration Day, The Dirty South and Brighter Than Creations Dark are all 4+ star albums with me. I see they just released a new album that I'll have to check out.
  12. I think we need to wait until either Hank posts the lines or we agree when the lines are final from the site, otherwise we could all be wagering differing "units" as the lines move.
  13. Hank, Will you be posting the lines the day of the game?
  14. http://abc11.com/weather/road-closure-info-including-i-40-and-i-95/1545606/ 95 is still a problem in NC. The flooding is very bad in the eastern part of of the state and last I heard 17 of the US Matthew caused deaths were in NC, the most of any state. These were mostly due to people getting swept up in flood waters and evacuations are still ongoing.
  15. I'm not active on social media and I don't listen to sports talk radio so I'll take others word for it that his actions have sparked some meaningful discussion, but I personally have heard next to nothing in terms of constructive race discussions out of this.
  16. Yep. I agree 100% with his right to do it, but any protest about the flag is only going to serve to spark a national discussion about disrespecting the flag.
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