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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Nice, good for you! I re-fi'd to a 15 year at 4.25% about two years ago. I seriously need to look into doing another. I put extra $ towards my mortage every month with the plan to pay if off in 6 years. That will be a fantastic day when I'm 100% debt free.
  2. We're getting there....
  3. Rush is #1 on my list, they have no peer IMO. After that there are many bands of various styles that I own their entire catalog.. off the top of my head these would be: Kings X, Zeppelin, The Tragically Hip, 54-40, BHTM, Southern Culture on The Skids, Uncle Tupelo, Wilco, The Jayhawks, Opeth, Snatches of Pink, Drive By Truckers, Porcupine Tree. As others have done, I'll highlight Porcupine Tree as a band that is criminally overlooked. If you enjoy Rush, Pink Floyd, Tool,NIN or Dream Theater then you should definitely check out PT. edit: I do own a guitar and dabble from time to time, but I'm nowhere near even decent at playing it.
  4. I've known a few car salesmen, and while this method works sometimes, for it to really work well you need to spend a lot of time playing games over at the dealership, something I have no patience for. I'd probably end up choking someone like DD almost did. The fax / email method is definitely the way to go. Fightingchance.com is what I used to guide me, although I don't advocate actually buying the guide he is selling as you can find most of the information elsewhere for free, the methods have worked for me flawlessly. I sent out the 15 or so emails and within the hour im fielding calls and getting quotes. Three or four end up being reasonable, then you just work them against each other. I ended up getting my Tacoma for $3k under invoice.
  5. Again kind of missing the point, but whatever. Carry on.
  6. No ###### sherlock :P My point is, to respond in that fashion isn't a good way to encourage new or infrequent posters to contribute more to the board.
  7. Give the guy a break, all fans don't peruse these forums each and every day, especially at this time of year.
  8. The only thing that I know for sure is that if we keep sending the same two teams to Washington who are more the same than they are different, then more of the same is an absolute 100% lock.
  9. That's what I like to hear. Throw them all out!!!
  10. Or better yet, as if he is going to be anywhere else but behind the bench as coach of the Buffalo Sabres for the foreseeable future.
  11. Yep. The only real vote for change is to not vote for either one of them. Both sides can spew their BS, but the fact remains that both candidates continue to lead this nation down the path to ruin. One guy just gets us there quicker.
  12. Can't say what it is, but there is undoubtedly a shell game going on here, I just received a similar offer for my wife's Odyssey. The last two new cars I bought I used the fax / email attack method to pit several delaers within reasonable driving distance against one another. I got great deals on both cars, and for one I had to drive half way across the state to pick it up, but it was well worth the time and money saved haggling with some jackass at the dealership. I never set foot in a dealership to negotiate on either car, only to sign the paperwork and drive away.
  13. Well since they have only been spending like the big boys for one season I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I just don't think in this particular instance with Doan that paying a 30% premium and him not coming is an indictment of 'hockey heaven'.
  14. Not be coaching in Florida.
  15. I don't agree in this case. It will look bad if the Sabres are a perennial contender and marquee guys STILL don't come when the big $ is offered.
  16. Bad idea. Going 180 degress the other way would be just as bad as having the troop of purse carrying nancy boys. With the addition of Scott and Ott and the way they have drafted recently it's clear that they have recognized the need and will be going for the right mix of grit and skill.
  17. I read that one, a very good read. I'd also recommend The President and the Assasin, about the McKinley presidency and assasination. I was interested to learn that the location of the Temple of Music where McKinley was shot is marked on a quiet residential street in Buffalo. McKinley assasination marker
  18. Yes, reading on a nook or kindle with eink is the only way to go. I can't read on my phone or ipad for very long without it becoming annoying.
  19. I'll give that a very strong second recommendation. An unbelievable story of a true American hero.
  20. I use calibre to manage my ebook library, there is an add-on for it that allows you to break the DRM if you want to convert to .mobi from epub for example. http://calibre-ebook.com/ As for the desire to watch your bookshelves fill up with conventional books, when you have young kids and all the crap that they accumulate, being able to hold hundreds of books in your pocket and not having the walls cave in around you has its advantages. Speaking of kids, four year old girls also can't rip out or write on the pages of an ebook either. ;)
  21. Exactly why I was reluctant at first, but I prefer the ebook now. And my father, a voracious reader and curmudgeon, scoffed at me when I bought him a kindle last year. He told me to return it actually, and one year later the man is addicted to his kindle.
  22. So you can still keep unlimited data if you pay full price for a new phone? i have the galaxy nexus so I'm not ready for a new phone anyway, but I was under the assumption that once that phone dies or I get rid of it then my unlimited data goes away too, correct?
  23. Out of curiosity, are there many people left who mostly read conventional books? I was reluctant to switch to a kindle a few years ago, but I now have a hard time going back when I get a book from the library or go back and re-read one from my library.
  24. EVERY last one of them.
  25. The analogy they used on Howard Simon the other morning is think of it as pro wrestling. Everyone knows it's fake, but people still use it as a form of entertainment. They did, but what was reported was only partially true.
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