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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I had the Southern Tier Harvest last night, it's absolutely fantastic and would be my go to fall brew if it was widely available around here. New Belgium's Fall release "Red Hoptober" is a slightly maltier version of the ST Harvest, but I prefer the plain Hoptober that they did the past few years.
  2. I absolutely can, this reminds me of another annoying trend. Vocal fry. http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2011/12/vocal-fry-creeping-into-us-speec.html
  3. Absolutely. A seatbelt saved my life as well, even wearing it I still cheated death. Had I not been wearing it I would have been decapitated.
  4. Bingo. It's amazing how people who should have seen all of this crap again and again over the years continue to eat this up and pretend that the other side is the only one lying.
  5. I picked up a six pack at the Wegman's in Fredricksburg, VA on the way back from DC this past weekend. I haven't tried it yet, but I was surprised to see it called an ESB with the described grapefruit hop flavor and aroma. Then again Southern Tier never brews it's beers exactly to style.
  6. When I was home to Buffalo in July, my dad told me about this. I've done it a few times now, works like a charm.
  7. Official lyric video for 'The Wreckers' by BNL..... I mean Rush.
  8. Neighbors have reported seeing coyotes not far from our house. They are developing some land for a big shopping center that is pushing them out of their normal grounds. Yet my wife continues to let out her bright white Himalayan cat to roam around the yard and woods behind us. The damn thing is like a beacon for predators.
  9. I'm not a big jersey guy either. I have a blank one with the current classic logo, but I only wear it twice a year when the Sabres play the Canes down here. The only Bills jersey I ever owned was a Todd Collins I got from the $2.99 bin at TJ Maxx. It made for a great painting and changing the oil shirt for awhile. I'm usually a ballcap / t shirt / polo shirt kind of guy to support the team.
  10. Have fun. We stopped into the renovated Hotel Lafayette in July when we visited. It's like stepping back in time, I was very impressed. The Pan American Grill and Brewery inside had some nice beers on tap as well.
  11. My wife read those. It pays off.
  12. Lol. It's not like I'm actually talking ###### to people or letting it ruin my experience at the games. Who would get miffed about a vintage Patty LaFontaine jersey though? The goathead was not met with even a fraction of the disdain that the slug was. Everything about the slug and what it represents is bad, LQ, OSP, 7/1/07. Not to mention the logo itself is just god awful putrid. I just look at it as the new ownership did their part to de-slugify the arena, and fans should do theirs.
  13. I'll save you the trouble of posting your critique of the DNC, when they proceed to do the exact same thing next week. South Park had it right, we have a choice between the douchebag and the sh!t sandwich. Either way, we all lose.
  14. I don't know, I just hated them so much it still bothers me when I see people wearing that crap. It represents a bad era of Sabres hockey to me. That's why when I put the suggestion in Ted Black's box to have a sale on new logo merchendise, I also suggested that you needed to turn in a comparable piece of slug wear in order to get the discount. The more of that ###### that we can get out of peoples closets, the better.
  15. Taking the family on a trip to DC this weekend. This is mainly for my seven year old son who in the last year has become obsessed with US presidents. He collects the presidential dollar coins and has memorized facts about nearly every president. When we were in Buffalo in July the highlight of his trip was visiting Millard Fillmore's grave at Forest Lawn. I'm just hoping my daughter can hold out for some of the tours and sight seeing. Should be awesome.
  16. I do. Fox News without question presents the conservative side of hard news bias, but this is a relatively recent phenomenon. The networks and major newspapers have slanted left for decades.
  17. This is a common misconception of what people mean by 'liberal media'. The guys you mention above in addition to the O'Relly's, Olbermann's etc aren't part of any media bias one way or the other. These people are hosts of opinion shows and you know going in what way they lean. The liberal media bias is entrenched in the hard news outlets of network TV and major newspapers. Places where professional journalists are meant to report and not show bias in the process, to most fair minded people there is absolutely no question that this bias exists in those media outlets.
  18. Ouch. I feel for you man. This reminds me of a similar complaint. Neighbors who never watch their kids and let them run wild around the neighborhood. I live at the end of a cul de sac and I have a private backyard with a tree house swingset and outdoor TV, so I understand and encourage my kids to play back there with their friends. But one of my neighbors will shoo their kids outside on the weekends early in the morning and NEVER come out to check on them all day long. I like to cook breakfast for my family on weekend mornings, and these kids are knocking on the door at 7 am! The mother of the kids is literally addicted to exercise and triathalons and will sometimes leave the eight and six year old home alone for long periods of time while she goes for a run or bike ride. Suddenly I'm left feeding these kids lunch and having to put up with their sibling quarrels while she neglects them. I've told my wife she has a week to put a stop to this her way or else I'm going to and I won't be nearly as nice about it.
  19. Translation = It doesn't matter what Pegula / Black do or don't do as long as Regier and Ruff remain on the payroll.
  20. Yeah, on the roads the average driver is just your garden variety moron. But in parking lots they take it to a whole new level.
  21. As it should be, they had the slug appreciation day sale last year too. They shouldn't be selling that ###### anymore though, it irks me to see fans wearing that garbage at the games still.
  22. Now we're getting somewhere! Some honest debate early on has devolved into "it's only bad when the other side does it" all over this thread.
  23. It's getting a little PPP-ish in here.
  24. It isn't, or at least it shouldnt be, but way up thread you had a few posters unwilling to acknowledge the MSNBC bias.
  25. Coyotes or Canucks. If the Sabres even have a chance, which I don't believe that they do, its <1%.
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