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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Yep.. Just give it to 'em play at 2:02 PI at 2:15 Disgusting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbJ-2YaRLIc
  2. True, but I even hear it at work from other highly educated people who cry about paying 28% in taxes when Romney only paid 14%, but it's like talking to a wall.
  3. They haven't. As someone said earlier, it's all about the oil.
  4. I have to say I'm getting sick of being inundated on facebook, twitter and email by dunces who don't understand the concepts behind capital gains tax rates, marginal income tax rates and effective tax rates.
  5. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm saying we could have PA as President, with that D emblazoned behind his name and things would have improved greatly with European relations. Yep blindly following neither, quite unlike you.
  6. I don't know how much Europe really counts in respect to what Obama has specifically done. I mean if you polled Europe before the 2008 election I'd be shocked if it wasn't 75% or more in favor of Obama. Any warm body with a (D) behind his name would have resulted in an improved perception of America among Europeans just by taking office.
  7. I think things are no better or worse under Obama in regard to the middle east, my point being that his apology tour early in his term did no good whatsoever, and likely just served to embolden our enemies.
  8. No matter what our political differences are domestically, it is extremely weak for our commander in chief to parade around the globe apologizing for America.
  9. See my above post. A weak, please like us foreign policy can be just as damaging as the sabre rattling of the Bush adminstration in the long run.
  10. That would be my exact criticism of the Obama "please like us" foreign policy. Works great with the Europeans, but with the Middle East not so much.
  11. Again, neither guy is going to get my vote, but the Obama administration has demonstrated diplomatic success how exactly?
  12. If you believe that the Democrats have a way out of this that the Republican's don't that's fine. I know that neither guy (party) is prepared to take the necessary steps to improve things. My point in addressing the Romney airplane gaffe was that this is a prime example of the 'gotcha' politics that dominates the discourse in this country. It's pure nonsense and serves no purpose other than to reinforce the 'it's only bad when the other side does it' state of american politics. So instead of talking about issues we are left with gotcha moments, and BOTH sides have plenty of those to dole out. You and PA were both quick to minimize the Obama 57 states gaffe, but if that came from Romney's mouth you'd both be here hammering him just like you are for the airplane thing.
  13. Right. I'll wait for your next first criticism of President Obama.
  14. You are part of the problem with this. Excusing your guy and hammering on a guy you don't agree with. Of course you think that, the fact that you are a partisan lemming has been on full display in this thread.
  15. The sad state of american presidential politics, when EVERY word these guys utter is over analyzed and spun. And before some of you respond, ask yourself if you really believe that our current president thinks there are 57 states.
  16. I disagree. All the special interest $ goes to the two parties and the lemmings who blindly follow. That's why they will do whatever they can and join together to prevent any other options. The only way a legit 3rd option could ever materialize is with a true grass roots effort when people finally realize that both parties suck. I agree that's it's a pipe dream though.
  17. You're absolutely right there. These guys are bought and paid for and beholden to special interests by the time they reach high office, even if they wanted to rise above the fray, they can't. You know when it is that you'll see both parties standing together fighting tooth and nail for the same cause? If a legit third party alternative were to ever become a serious threat.
  18. Victory Headwaters APA. Give it a try, it's great stuff. If I could clone this beer, and I will attempt to, it would be on tap in my kegarator always.
  19. My brother in law is a pro golfer and he played in a pro-am last year with Brian Campbell. He texted me to ask what he should ask Soupy when he got a chance. I told him to ask if there is a center for excessive sweating in Miami and that he would think it was funny. A few hours go by and I ask my brother in law if he asked him and what his response was. He replied tersely "I did. Not funny"
  20. Agreed. Deadwood is still the best show HBO ever produced.
  21. Except the report doesn't recommend increased revenue through taxes. In fact it recommends sweeping changes to the tax code with tax cuts for everyone. What party refuses to put that one on the table since it creates a convenient class warfare slogan for their campaigns? Is Obama right in that we aren't going off the cliff in the short term? Probably, yes. Is he correct in that it's just fine in the short run to ignore the problem and do nothing about it? Absolutely not.
  22. I think the unfortunate reality is, and neither party is willing to face it because they're too busy bickering and trying to convince the electorate their way is the only way, is that to fix this it's going to be painful for everyone. I hope everyone has read the bipartisan report from The National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. This is a commission created by President Obama that he and the GOP proceeded to ignore. Neither side has all the answers. From the report Ehhh..not so much Good idea. Throw every last one of them out for ignoring the problem in the almost two years since this report came out. Didn't I just hear President Obama on Letterman the other night say that the national debt isn't a concern in the short run? I'm sorry guys, we are one the road to ruin with either one of these clowns.
  23. I apologize for not being clear, of course they differ on what they supposedly stand for in regard to specific issues. That's exactly how they whip up their respective bases and get lemmings to follow along. I meant they do the exact same things in terms of political tactics and in demonizing the other side. On the whole though I maintain the two parties are more the same than they are different, especially in regard to the biggest issues facing this country, the national debt, economy and out of control spending. I have zero confidence that either can or will do what it takes to solve the problem.
  24. The sooner we as a country figure out that this is the main motivating factor behind virtually all our elected 'leaders' on the national stage, the sooner we can move on from sending the crooks from the same two teams to Washington ad infinitum. But carry on with the arguments of why my guy is better than the your guy, even though my guy does the exact same things.
  25. Ruff's still the coach and DR is still the GM. Until that changes, Pegula = idiot. Speaking of Pegula. He's #132 on the Forbes 400. http://www.forbes.com/profile/terrence-pegula/
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