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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Nice. Good deal there. It seems like they are charging a premium these days for the smart TV's with 3D, features that I have absolutely no use for. I just got word that my new man cave TV is waiting at my friends house as I type. He works for Panasonic so he got me a 50" plasma at his discount rate. <$600. :thumbsup:
  2. Yes, F you for still being a dick about it now, 14 years later. Said in no different a tone than I would say to my friends when they rib me about something I've done. It's not like I'm sent into a frothing at the mouth rage by Brett Hull or anything he does. It is all fun, but he's still a dick. In fact I've always thought he was kind of a dick even before no goal so that certainly doesn't help either.
  3. I had to do a switch when I got there. My intention was to attempt a clone of Victory Headwaters pale ale, but they didn't have the hops (Citra) that were required. I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised by that. So instead I pulled out my phone and looked for a Sierra Nevada Tumbler clone recipe as I've been truly enjoying that beer as of late. I was surprised to learn that SN puts a bit of smoked malt in that beer, but I don't get any out of it when tasting it. I'm also going to try the Wyeast 1450 for this one as it's supposed to attenuate well and still accentuate the malt character of brown ales.
  4. This is my take about what fans feel about it as well. My memory at the time was that all the hate was directed at the league and the refs, why would there be any hate directed towards Hull for doing what he's supposed to?
  5. If he's carving pumpkins about it 14 years later, then he's either obsessing over it all on his own or he's being reminded by others.
  6. Heading out to the homebrew supply shop during lunch to pick up some yeast and hops. I'm brewing this weekend for the first time in months. :thumbsup:
  7. i'm not sure why he has stock among the left either. After all, he's another one who 'lied' to us about Iraq.
  8. So can we shut this thread down and go back to fire Lindy and Darcy threads the second a winner is declared? I'm so ready for this nonsense to end.
  9. You're right, we can't. My gut tells me otherwise. I just think he has to hear it so much that I'm not sure how it couldn't be annoying to him.
  10. This was the outro movie from the last tour. i'm sure they've come up with something new for this one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lWrZG89XVM&feature=related
  11. There's still plenty of lasers, lights and video screen stuff at a Rush show. As the band themselves often say, since they're not much to look at, they had to create a light and screen show to provide something interesting for the audience.
  12. Damn I'm jealous. They play Charlotte on Tuesday and I was going to go but I have a stupid work event I have to attend that night. I've read that the string section is awesome and really adds something special to some of the older songs. Enjoy.
  13. Again I think you're blowing this out of proportion. Do I think Hull paces the floors of his house every day stammering about those F'n Sabres fans? No. Do I think there are any Sabres fans left who are ready to punch through walls when they hear Hulls name or see the no goal replayed? No. At this point this thread seems to be more about certain posters trying to defend Hull for being above and beyond all this, while ignoring the fact that because he did what he did it indicates that he is not. The guy is one of the most prolific scorers in the history of the game and yes he has the ring, but like it or not the no goal thing is indeed right in there with those other accomplishments as part of his legacy. And I don't think it's solely Sabres fans who are responsible for reminding him about it. I'm sure he gets ribbed by other former players and gets asked about it in interviews. Yes it's a joke, but at the same time he's not doing it and calling out Sabres fans if he's not bothered by it on some level.
  14. Absolutely! Not sure I follow you here. Did Brett Hull carve a pumpkin depicting a controversial no goal that has become part of his legacy? How is this about Buffalo fans?
  15. I think you might underestimate how truly fragile some of these guys egos are.
  16. This might be the main reason why he is so bothered by Sabres fans. For such a prolific goal scorer to constantly hear the words "no goal" it must be like a red hot poker jabbing deep into his psyche.
  17. That's a hell of a day for sure, but the first part resonated with me. I work in a very international workplace as well, and out of all the accents the thick Indian accent is most often the toughest for me to make out. I had an Indian guy in my group until recently who I could hardly ever understand, in meetings I'd often find myself just nodding in agreement when I didn't understand him only to find out later that I had agreed to do something I had no idea about. It was like the low talker episode of Seinfeld where Jerry ends up agreeing to wear the puffy shirt.
  18. Rock The Vote!!
  19. I drop my son off at school every morning. The school is situated in the middle of a residential neighborhood so it's not normally a high traffic area. This year the principal has been out front directing traffic since 99% of the kids carpool and there is no bus service. He has done an excellent job with managing traffic flow in and out of the parking lot this year. So this morning there is a line of about 10 cars waiting to turn right into the school when I get in line, some guy about five cars ahead who isn't waiting to turn into the school is "stuck" in this line. Instead of waiting the 30 seconds to a minute it might take to keep going, he breaks out of line into oncoming traffic just as the principal had let traffic coming to other way proceed. This of course results in a major cluster fukc and grinds traffic flow to a halt. What a tool.
  20. I have to agree, that avatar is brutal.
  21. How dumb or important it is obviously only depends on what side of the aisle you come from, but the reason Romney dropped it in the last debate has nothing to do with suddenly realizing the error of his ways, and everything to do with carefully crafted political strategy.
  22. Your post made it sound like there are more than a handful of posters here who believe it was legit. Apparently this is a touchy subject around here for reasons even beyond the goal / no-goal dispute, and I'm not searching years old threads for something like that.
  23. Who besides Bettman, Hull and the rest of the 99 Dallas Stars believes that goal should have counted though?
  24. I work with a guy who went to college with Coulter. It's all shtick.
  25. Especially since your're voting in NY. :thumbsup:
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