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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. When they shut down our BSL-3 facility for decontamination they fill it with formaldehyde gas for a few hours. That should do the trick for you.
  2. spend, spend, spend. It's the American way!
  3. I work with probably a dozen or so people like you describe here. There are two in particular that if I'm ever forced to work with on a project again, then I will have no option but to hand in my letter of resignation the very same day.
  4. When I had my brothers stag party I ended up handing him $1500 at the end of the night. I sold tickets that covered the room, food and female entertainment. Then I had some sports memorabilia donated for a raffle, had a 50/50 split raffle where the winner ended up donating his half to the groom, I had two blackjack tables where the house cut went to the groom. The only thing I paid for out of pocket was the cab fare back from Ft. Erie after the party when our ride stranded us there. Who else is in the wedding party, can't they share some of the cost and planning?
  5. This cuts to the crux of the matter, people are so entrenched in the belief that their guy / party have theirs (and the country's) best interests in mind when it comes to these matters, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. I never understood the 250k = rich argument. If you are a dual income household pulling down $250k and raising 2 or 3 kids then you are probably pretty comfortable as long as you're not an idiot with your money, but you are nowhere near "rich".
  6. In the wake of Javon Belcher we have this happening in my normally quiet community. My next door neighbors were pretty close with this family, and their young daughter is friends with one of the kids coming out of this tragedy. What a brutally senseless and evil act. http://www2.nbc17.com/news/2012/dec/04/25/exclusive-911-call-scene-murder-suicide-sheds-ligh-ar-2832059/
  7. Been there, done that. :pirate:
  8. Not sure, my neighbor told me he went to a game a few weeks ago here in Raleigh, but I can't find anything online to indicate that happened.
  9. Charlotte Checkers played a game in Raleigh.
  10. Ask Howard about that, or me when I tried to get a second radio discount on my wife's Odyssey XM radio. They aren't the same company when it suits them.
  11. The only reason I have satellite radio still is for Howard 100 and Howard 101, so if you are into Stern then I'd say Sirius. Otherwise I don't think it matters really.
  12. And here you have the guy who would be Matrix had Romney won. And round and round we go. So why does anyone vote for either one, when they both have us on the path to ruin?
  13. I don't know, I'm not so sure that Joe Biden is up to the task of creating a technology equivalent to the Internet.
  14. That money will be gone within 3-5 years, guaranteed.
  15. Disney World. Despite the fact that every single thing that happens once you enter the parks is designed to separate you from more of your $, the place is run like a well oiled machine and the memories it creates for your kids are priceless.
  16. Again, promising to take less of what someone has EARNED, is not a "giveaway".
  17. Researcher: The average radio listener listens for eighteen minutes. The average Howard Stern fan listens for - are you ready for this? - an hour and twenty minutes. Pig Vomit: How can that be? Researcher: Answer most commonly given? "I want to see what he'll say next." Pig Vomit: Okay, fine. But what about the people who hate Stern? Researcher: Good point. The average Stern hater listens for two and a half hours a day. Pig Vomit: But... if they hate him, why do they listen? Researcher: Most common answer? "I want to see what he'll say next."
  18. My in laws have been here since Saturday, my wife will probably be pissed but I'm going to tie one on tomorrow once my turkey prep duties are over.
  19. I feel for your situation with the lab co-worker from hell, but the bold is not necessarily the case, especially if he finds a job in industry. I work with a whole host of scientists who are woefully incompetent in the lab, and some of them thrive here usually because they play the office political game so well.
  20. This looks like a great deal, if I hadn't just bought a new TV I'd jump on it. http://reviews.cnet....10014586-3.html
  21. Smoking the bird on the Weber and collecting the drippings for a delicious smoky gravy. I'll also tap a keg of Pale ale that I brewed last month.
  22. i'm here at work as well today. The parking lot is very sparse today, and if I stay much past 1 pm I'll be the only one here for sure.
  23. That incident I do remember, but I don't recall if anyone died as a result. To be honest with all the idiocy that I've witnessed at the Stadium over the years, it's really surprising that we don't have sad stories like today occur more often.
  24. That was around the time when I was still a season ticket holder, but I don't remember that either.
  25. I agree 100%, the moon must be blue again. :P
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