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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. My condolences LPF. 2012 can't end soon enough, way too many people in my life have passed well before their time this year. My two petty complaints this week. Why does an auto parts store have a large candy display at the checkout? I had to go pick up a few things the other night with my four year old daughter in tow. And there is the candy prominently displayed by the checkout, which of course leads to her grabbing every package and then throwing a fit when I put it back. The grocery store and drug store I can understand, but the auto parts store, WTF?? Traffic in the Triangle area is horrible and only getting worse, my commute to work each day is about 40-45 minutes in stop and go traffic. Today the long awaited Triangle Expressway opened, so I hopped on it and from my driveway to office it was a blissful 22 minute commute on cruise control. Great, right? Not so fast. When they begin tolling the road in January, the cost for that commute will be ~$2.30 each way, so $4.60 round trip each day to commute back and forth to work. And it gets better, the part of the road servicing the northern part of the county has no toll. So because our great elected leaders kept raiding the DOT budget all those years for their pet projects, now we have to pay exorbitant tolls that should have been paid for out of taxpayer dollars if we wish to utilize the road and its benefits. While I can afford it, I won't be using it when the tolls start on principle.
  2. Ahh ok. I went to Hamburg High with a bunch of Boston guys and I played a lot of travel baseball with some St. Francis grads. My mom wanted me to go to St. Francis, but I talked her out of it.
  3. Where did you go to High School?
  4. Great news. Especially good since it comes before the holidays for you and your family. Cheers!
  5. One thing is official, unless I get it for free there is no f-ing way I'm paying for Sunday Ticket again. There will be no bluffing with the CSR either, there is just no need for it when I end up having the RZC on 80% of the time. Come to think of it, same goes for CI if the NHL ever comes back, I will not give a dime to these a-holes.
  6. This. My cousin committed suicide at 16. The signs were always there, but of course were never crystal clear until it was too late. The distance of time heals some, but that was a dark, dark time for my family.
  7. As the parents and others with young family members here can attest, a kindergarten classroom is one of the happiest places on earth. I know it always invigorated me to see my son and his classmates so happy while learning, playing and discovering. Their whole lives in front of them. For something like this to happen there, of all places, is just beyond sickening. Hug your kids a little more and a little longer tonight. I cannot imagine the deep sorrow and despair that those poor families are enduring.
  8. Nice. Are you subjected to those brutal flourescent red bright leaf hot dogs over in Charlotte? I swear those things are equal parts red dye and hog offal. Nasty stuff.
  9. Gangbang Style Probably obvious, but audio only NSFW.
  10. I never used to get the shot until I eventually got the flu one year. You feel like you want to die. If you haven't got your flu shot folks you should definitely do so ASAP as this is shaping up to be a bad season and strains that have been showing up so far are closely matched to the ones chosen for the vaccine. Also, in recent years they have seen an increase in circulating strains that are resistant to antivirals.
  11. Same with my kids. The elf is ALWAYS watching, although I'm not sure how much longer it's going to work with my son. He's seven going on eight and when I was driving him to school this morning he asks "Dad, are you sure that you and mom don't just move the elf every night?"
  12. Based on where I was driving, probably not, but you never know.
  13. That is awesome. Good luck!
  14. I was there for this one. My buddy and I had season tickets that year, and he was prone to debilitating migraines (still is), he had a particularly bad one that day but still went to the game. He watched the whole game through sunglasses while holding his head in his hands, but when Plante scored he was going ape ###### right along with everyone else. Great memories.
  15. Was behind this guy on the way in this morning. How appropriate.
  16. http://www.cfosurvey...ressRelease.pdf
  17. Be careful it's not flu. My wife works in pediatrics and she has seen a huge uptick in flu positive patients in the last week, nearly all of them did not get the vaccine by the way. Not sure what it's like in NY, but flu season has hit hard here in NC.
  18. Damn that sucks. My wife could keep hardly anything down the entire nine months with both our son and daughter. Both times after she delivered she was actually down about 20 lbs from when before she got pregnant. Her doc always said the same thing, the baby is healthy so no need to worry.
  19. Interview with Geddy about induction. http://www.rollingst...miling-20121211 I guess that I can't argue with Geddy here. They should go and enjoy the moment.
  20. Nah, they "sold out" 30 years ago when Geddy lent his vocals to this. I still wish Rush would have refused induction. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svOVJzmhAjw
  21. My friend is a coffee roaster as a side business and he offers an awesome coffee dry rub that I use quite often when grilling. I've used some of his coffee in beers I've brewed as well. https://muddydogcoffee.com/specialty-foods/384-coffee-bbq-rub
  22. Nice. On the bright side I actually got some yard work done yesterday instead of wasting three hours. I had the game on in my backyard on the outdoor TV while I was raking / blowing a mountain of leaves that accumulated while we were in Disney. When the Bills went three and out with about five minutes left, I told my wife (who doesn't care about the Bills or sports in general, but I had to go on record) that they would have been better off running that punt snap out of the back of their own end zone for a safety because I know how this game ends: 1. Rams burn almost all remaining clock to score late TD. 2. Fitz picked off on ensuing desperation drive. I really went way out on a limb there, didn't I?
  23. Is he actually laughing or just sitting there in detached amazement at how utterly predictable this joke of a franchise is?
  24. The ultimate in road skull.
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