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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Two, plus the FA QB that will likely be brought in. There wouldn't be enough reps in camp and preseason games to properly evaluate any more than that.
  2. i'm with you and chz on Tropp. I liked what he was bringing last year.
  3. I have complete faith in carp to develop an appropriate statistical model.
  4. Where's Drunkard? We have some raping and pillaging to plan.
  5. Understood. My point wasn't so much about third parties, that's a pipe dream, but about people not being freaking lemmings. In other words, an electorate made up less of the DeLuca and Matrix types and more of the weaves and yourself. Voters who would hold elected leaders responsible regardless of party, but that's probably an even bigger pipe dream. Until then, we get exactly what we deserve out of Washington. ######.
  6. Breaking Bad. As Chris stated above do not miss this series, IMO the best show on TV by a country mile. Mad Men Hell On Wheels
  7. Until the majority of the electorate comes to realize what you have stated and decides to actually do something about it, we'll just continue to have the same old partisan nonsense you see right here in this thread day after day. We as a country get exactly what we deserve.
  8. Yeah you could really get going on those things. I also remember an ambulance always parked on the top of the hill on busy days. My friends and I always tried to take each other out when we went there as teens.
  9. Do they still have the toboggan run open?
  10. An article about sledding at Chestnut Ridge in The Boston Globe of all places. Brings back great memories of sledding and tobogganing there as a kid. http://www.bostonglo...mljN/story.html
  11. After 13 years of irrelevance I'm too just way too apathetic to care about who is brought in to coach or what supposed changes will be implemented to turn this organization around. At least Brandon admits that its all just words at this point. Show me the results.
  12. Happy New Year to all. It was a man cave new years celebration here in NC with some neighbors. I don't venture out on amateur night.
  13. You're absolutely right, but win or lose there is nothing I'd rather see more than 15k or less fans in attendance next week. In fact, that's probably the only thing that would actually get me to watch the game.
  14. An investment guru, William Bernstein, has a famous quote that is very true.. "A young person saving for retirement should get down on his(or her) knees and pray for a market crash." Although I probably don't quite qualify as a "young person" by his standard, I've used the events of the past few years to not only catch up on my retirement savings, but get way ahead.
  15. I spent the day driving back from Asheville. I stopped in Hickory, NC at Olde Hickory Taproom for some great craft beer and in Burlington, NC at JR cigars for some sticks. Not once during my travels did I turn on the radio or check my phone for the score. When I arrived home I flipped on the game just in time to watch Fitz throw that INT at the 1 yard line. Funny stuff.
  16. Congrats on the early Christmas present! For my bit of awesomeness, I took the family to the "real" Polar Express on the Great Smoky Mountain Railroad in Bryson City, NC. They recreate the whole ride from the movie. From dancing chefs serving hot chocolate and cookies, stamping the kids golden tickets, giving the kids their own bells and Santa boarding the train when you arrive at the North Pole. The truly awesome part was when Santa came to visit our seats and our 8 year old son, who has been growing a bit skeptical of Santa. My son is doing excellent in school, but has been slipping in math this year. So Santa asks if my son has been working hard in school, and he of course nods his head yes. Well old Santa points his gloved finger at my son and says, make sure you keep working hard at that math. The look on my sons face was priceless, and with that we've bought at least one more year of believing. Awesome.
  17. If you enjoy this book you may also enjoy Helmet For My Pillow by Robert Leckie. The excellent HBO miniseries The Pacific was largely based upon the first hand accounts detailed in these books.
  18. I believe I still have my copy somewhere in the attic.
  19. While it wouldn't cause me to lose much sleep at this point, I certainly wouldn't be fine with it. The NFL would definitely be dead to me though.
  20. My condolences LPF. 2012 can't end soon enough, way too many people in my life have passed well before their time this year. My two petty complaints this week. Why does an auto parts store have a large candy display at the checkout? I had to go pick up a few things the other night with my four year old daughter in tow. And there is the candy prominently displayed by the checkout, which of course leads to her grabbing every package and then throwing a fit when I put it back. The grocery store and drug store I can understand, but the auto parts store, WTF?? Traffic in the Triangle area is horrible and only getting worse, my commute to work each day is about 40-45 minutes in stop and go traffic. Today the long awaited Triangle Expressway opened, so I hopped on it and from my driveway to office it was a blissful 22 minute commute on cruise control. Great, right? Not so fast. When they begin tolling the road in January, the cost for that commute will be ~$2.30 each way, so $4.60 round trip each day to commute back and forth to work. And it gets better, the part of the road servicing the northern part of the county has no toll. So because our great elected leaders kept raiding the DOT budget all those years for their pet projects, now we have to pay exorbitant tolls that should have been paid for out of taxpayer dollars if we wish to utilize the road and its benefits. While I can afford it, I won't be using it when the tolls start on principle.
  21. Ahh ok. I went to Hamburg High with a bunch of Boston guys and I played a lot of travel baseball with some St. Francis grads. My mom wanted me to go to St. Francis, but I talked her out of it.
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