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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I had the Pens over the Blues in the other prediction thread.
  2. I'll get back to you, my office mate runs the NMR instrument at our facility. I'll run this by him.
  3. I disagree. There is no way that they both survive if they miss the playoffs both this year and next. The man said three years, and it hasn't been three years yet. Lindy and Darcy will be running this team for the next two seasons at minimum, everyone knows this. If we are sitting here two years from now with no playoffs and no changes have been made, then we can begin excoriating Pegula, until then I take the man at his word.
  4. I agree that the timing seems odd, but again why the gnashing of teeth? Even if Darcy just got a 10 year extension, it will matter little if the next two seasons bear any resemblance to the first under Pegula. Pegula hitched his wagon to this duo to carry out his three years to a Cup plan, anything short of that and I think at least Lindy is shown the door.
  5. I'm now officially in for this game, my buddy just came through with some free tickets. Five canes fans and me. :D
  6. They did indeed, thats why I like the idea of the reported FA visitation period under the new CBA, it gives the Sabres a fighting chance to at least put their best foot forward when trying to sign guys.
  7. Its on my Direct TV guide here in Raleigh. 12:30 NBC.
  8. Hey, you never know. Ask Bruce Smith.
  9. Did Ville get his flu shot?
  10. I'm gonna fire up the smoker for the game tomorrow, not sure what I'm going to do yet. I'm tempted to do a brisket, but I have never been totally pleased with the results.
  11. Are you still going with the Marfan's theory?
  12. Good ######. Wanted to go when I was in town last week, but they were closed Sunday.
  13. Filtered! I guess I can't call someone ###### retentive around here.
  14. Goals: Vanek 21 Points: Hodgson 40 56 pts. 5th seed. Win first round, out in 2nd. Stanley Cup: Pens over Blues in 6.
  15. My condolences. 90 is a great run.
  16. sheik is awesome, they used to have him on Stern a lot. Hilarious. He once even beat Artie Lange at ###### ring toss.
  17. :rolleyes:
  18. They are already canceling and delaying school here in Raleigh based on the possibility that we MIGHT get 2-3 inches of snow overnight. And good luck finding and milk, bread or eggs in the grocery stores. Insanity.
  19. Sorry to hear about your grandfather, hopefully the doctors can provide him some comfort. And you're right about weave, I have tried to avoid that thread so it wasn't on my radar.
  20. Never mind the inconvenience, that north campus is a fargin' wind tunnel in the dead of winter.
  21. Your reasons may not be moronic or conspiratorial, but outside of the few exceptions that I mentioned up thread, your reasons for not getting vaccinated can't be good ones.
  22. I hope it's one of these and not something related to your new found employment?
  23. I don't know, the CDC website has surveillance data that addresses that, but I'd have to dig for it. The vaccine each year has three strains an A/H1N1 , A/H3N2 and a B that are chosen based on data collected by the WHO. Flu virus of course can mutate rapidly, which is only made easier by having a large population of non vaccinated people. Fantastic!
  24. I'm just telling you what I know, having extensive research experience with influenza both on the vaccine and diagnostic side of things. And no, I do not nor have I ever worked for big pharma.
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