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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. I remember that game. JP Losman's finest hour as a Buffalo Bill.
  2. It does have a way of creeping in by osmosis. I've caught my wife saying "y'all" a few times. That drives me nuts.
  3. She seems to display a lot of the very best traits of canes fans that I often come across. Bitter and filled with rage about all things Buffalo. I bet it would be a blast to tailgate with her.
  4. This is my expectation as well, the canes will come out playing with their hair on fire. If the Sabres can weather that and settle in then I like our chances. If the canes get an early one before we've even had a chance to read our fan behavior cards then it could be a long night.
  5. Would you guys and gals please stop? Geez, don't you know that we are expecting a "wintry mix" here in NC tomorrow? Brine the roads, raid the grocery stores, delay the schools, freak out and PANIC!!!
  6. Cody Hodgson is centering a line that has 13 pts in two games. If he can keep up anything close to resembling that pace I will not care what kind of player Zack Kassian becomes.
  7. Yes, that's right. You are correct, it's more likely than not that in the big picture I'm completely out of my mind, but I've got to hold onto every little piece that I can.
  8. We'd likely still have Roy and therefore no Ott if Kassian were still here
  9. I've been to both the Capital Blvd and Lake Boone Trail locations. I have to say that I wasn't too impressed with the wings at Lake Boone Trail location considering that the owners are indeed from WNY.
  10. Ok thanks for confirming that I'm not going crazy. My friends and I would watch that show religiously.
  11. I have to say one of the most enjoyable wins I've witnessed at RBC/PNC was a few years ago when the Sabres won like 6-1. All the Canes fans were gone and you could hear the 1,2,3....we want x!!! chants throughout the last 10 minutes of the game. Speaking of that chant, do fans still do that one at FNC or has it gone away as well?
  12. Someone hinted at this on the Canes board in that thread that Doohickie started. I will be watching those two closely tonight for sure.
  13. Nobody? Somebody has to have a copy of one of these shows on a VHS tape in their attic somewhere in Buffalo. If you miss Hockey Hotline, your head would explode watching Ed and the boys. I did find this. It's mostly the watered down Roby, but still some good stuff here and there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-gD-9RNWJ8
  14. I've got an extra ticket for the game tonight if she'd like to join us.
  15. I left my driveway this morning to discover the wailing cries of women being taken against their will, children screaming in terror and the mouth watering scents of roasted baby flesh filling my nostrils. The sweet cacophony delights my senses like a beautiful orchestra. Hockey heaven has indeed arrived in North Carolina my brothers and sisters. Let's Go Buffalo!! edit: and on a serious note, I did find my Sabres car flag buried on a shelf in my garage last night. It seems as though the lockout has dulled the passions of the local fans somewhat. I only got the finger twice on my ride into work.
  16. Rush is coming back to Raleigh for the first time in a decade and I got my tickets yesterday. Awesome. They announced that Foo Fighters will induct Rush into the hall of fame in April. Also awesome.
  17. If I remember correctly I think they banned eball over there a few years ago, and he wasn't even trolling. Its a miracle that you've lasted this long Doohickie.
  18. I know that I still have that list stashed somewhere. There were like 40-50 quotes on it.
  19. Thanks for reminding me. I'll have to pull out my flag to drive into work tomorrow. Everyone get out of my way!
  20. You've got 'em riled up over there Doohickie! Now they are disparaging the public school systems in WNY. I find that interesting when considering the absolute joke of a mess that the public schools are down here. That's one big savings I'd have if I ever moved back to Buffalo, I'd have no problem sending my kids to public school there. Here I send them to private school.
  21. I believe I've asked this before on here, but does anyone remember the old "Ed and the boys" show on Channel 2 after the news at 11? Maybe it was just a segment on the old Sports Extra show that they used to do, I don't quite remember. But during Sabres season it would be Kilgore, Robitaille, Lorentz, Ted Darling and maybe Stu Boyar having a round table discussion. But it looked like they were in a friggin' police interrogation room with the darkened room and the bright light above the table. Roby would chain smoke for the entire show and throw out classic quips left and right. It was great stuff. I'm thinking 1985-ish time frame. Does anyone recall this?
  22. The Roby of old will never be back. Can you imagine him saying today "You know, someone has to remind Drew Stafford that this game isn't played by little boys in short pants." He wasn't afraid to skewer anyone and make non-PC comments back in the old days, but it's clear to me that he was told to cut that stuff out at some point.
  23. Does anyone here know the buffalo Is neighborly guy from the Canes games? He is like the anti-Drunkard, a big guy who wears the buffalo horns and a shirt/jersey that says "Buffalo Is Neighborly". I've seen him at most games I've been at and talked to him once or twice. He's usually just quietly mingling with the fans, both Sabres and Canes fans alike, in between periods and post game at the pub that they keep open. I'd be interested to hear what his game experiences are like there.
  24. I could definitely be that guy. If I had a nickel for every time my wife has smacked me over the years for my loud voice that carries...
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