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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Could Ted Black fire them on his own? I would think that he'd have to get Pegula's approval before doing that.
  2. No. Only truly bad or dysfunctional teams play like the Sabres have recently, if they were trying to lose it would be much less obvious, like the 1919 Black Sox.
  3. Agree 100%, I'm just trying to gauge where TP finally gets fed up.
  4. Ted Black essentially said as much in the interview this morning, another reason to read between the lines.
  5. Yes, this is exactly how I heard it. The uncomfortable pauses from Black indicate his frustration and hopefully a sign that patience is wearing thin at the top.
  6. I'd fire Lindy, then resign.
  7. It's all about where TP's breaking point is. Forget Darcy, on his own he would NEVER fire Lindy. TP has to get to the point where the majority of us are now with Lindy Ruff as coach. If the Sabres finish last in the league is Ruff gone? IMO absolutely. Bottom 5? I'd say 50/50. 9th place? There would be way too many convenient excuses, yet again, for him to justify keeping Lindy on board.
  8. Of course Lindy won't be fired if its solely up to Darcy. You'd have to be a complete fool to think otherwise. It's Darcy's boss who needs to be pushed past his breaking point for Lindy to be shown the door.
  9. I brought this up jokingly in a thread a few days ago, I think the problems with Tyler Myers' game right now go beyond what any new defense partner could help him with. I still hope the kid can turn things around, but he's really regressed.
  10. I'm with you brother. The team is such a collective mess that it's not even worth the effort to begin singling guys out as problems. When it gets to this point a culture change is in order, and that starts with the head coach. You just have to hope that the guy at the top eventually has the balls to first recognize it, and then actually do something about it.
  11. Back in the day I used to park on the other side of Michigan at the corner of Fulton and Marvin streets and walk to the games. Not sure if that area still works with the development that has gone on, plus it's right there by the perry projects.
  12. That's another one my buddy, or should I say mate, from Oz uses a lot. One of my favorite aussie phrases is "chuck a sickie". As in "Why don't you just chuck a sickie on Monday so that we can brew, mate?"
  13. Never will this make you crappy fan. Just by the fact that we are here on a message board wrestling with this issue speaks towards our level of commitment as fans At the end of the day, following sports is a form of entertainment, and if it's no longer entertaining then it's only natural to find a better use of your time until things change.
  14. I think Pegula is absolutely correct in his apparent assessment of Lindy Ruff as a head coach. I agree that Lindy is a very good coach and is thought of highly around the league, the problem is that Lindy is NOT a good coach for the Buffalo Sabres and he hasn't been for quite some time. Set him free and allow Lindy to find his success elsewhere. It's time Mr. Pegula. Do the right thing.
  15. No. I'm way too busy with family, work, side business etc. to waste much of my free time on an inferior product, plus I just dropped Center Ice so I can't watch even if I wanted to. It was kind of nice to just have RJ on in the background in my office last night while I actually got some work done.
  16. Ok, thanks for the perspective. Hamilton was talking about putting him on waivers and warning the fan base to avoid anointing the next backup as the second coming of Hasek after only nine games.
  17. Paul Hamilton just lambasted Enroth. Has he really been that bad? I'm just listening to the radio.
  18. I just registered for my 5th straight National Homebrewer's Conference in Philly this year. For all the homebrewers / beer snobs out there, you should definitely try to make one of these if you haven't already, it's a blast.
  19. Bugger. My aussie friend uses this one all the time. Dodgy would be a close second.
  20. Besides the squirrels, the only critter that I've ever seen out there was a possum nosing through the trash when I came out of the cave one night, but I'll keep this idea up my sleeve for our next bet! I do have a (never before used) sex swing out there that I might be able to throw into the mix as well.
  21. And if someone like Adam Pardy ends up being personally responsible for the introduction of Alan Six into your relationship.............well then that's a story for the grandkids.
  22. Yep. Go all in and put everything on the table. The more taboo the act, the better.
  23. I'm not saying that it's a legitimate one, but it's going to be at least hinted at when the Sabres end up falling short of the playoffs. You can take it to the bank.
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