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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. From my days as a STH. This kicked off a long night of partying downtown for me and some buddies. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QekOFHFThc&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  2. Those PETA a-holes infiltrated our research animal facility a few years ago. Useless POS.
  3. It's Friday during lent so I'll be having the Knights of Columbus fish fry tonight.
  4. Yep, and the Oskar Blues new brewery is in Brevard, NC not too far from Asheville. It's amazing the craft beer revolution that has taken place in this state considering that when I moved here in 2002 you couldn't buy beer above 6.0% abv.
  5. No, Abbey is the dubbel. It looks like New Belgium isn't anywhere in the NE yet. Virginia is the farthest north for the east coast.
  6. Well this could have just as easily gone in the Awesome or What are you eating/drinking threads but here is probably best. I went to a New Belgium beer pairing dinner last night at a local high end mexican restaurant. It was a five course meal and it was awesome... Tortilla soup with Fat Tire salad with Shift lager braised pork belly with Ranger IPA. This was absolutely fantastic. hickory smoked filet with 1554 belgian black ale. I'm a big smoked meat fan, but this was almost too much smoke for me even. churros with Abbey ale. I know New Belgium isn't in NY yet, but I asked the rep if and when they plan to expand distribution there. They are building a new brewery in Asheville scheduled to open in 2015, so after that it's likely they will be able to expand to other states, NY included. In the meantime, if you find yourself travelling to a state that carries New Belgium beers, do yourself a favor and try one. The Ranger IPA and Shift pale lager are my faves.
  7. A diet low in cysteine and methionine will do the trick. Ouch. Don't jinx me! I just thawed some hybridoma clones that I put into LN2 over a decade ago, a mycoplasma infection at this point would really suck.
  8. This happens at least once a month here at work. It's annoying as hell, half the people respond to all with"OMG TAKE ME OFF THIS LIST" as you said, then there are the other equally idiotic folks who reply all with "STOP REPLYING TO ALL!!"
  9. This one is in the queue on my Kindle, let us know what you think of it.
  10. Definitely Great Lakes, one of my brewing pals has been a few times and he raves about it. I think he has mentioned that there is a market nearby, not sure if its the one mentioned above.
  11. It seems like they arrived at the Bills level, you turn the game on as a matter of habit, but eventually there is only so much that you can take before switching to some real hockey. Sad.
  12. Besides those of you who already have tickets, is anybody actually still sitting through and watching these games in their entirety? Suddenly I'm not so pissed ar Direct TV anymore for forcing me to cancel Center Ice.
  13. So Mark Cuban was on Howard Stern this week, at the end of the interview Howard brought in some of his staff to pitch some ideas to Cuban like on his show Shark Tank. One of them, although obviously allowed onto the show mostly for it's comedic value, is actually an awesome idea IMO. Cuban thought so too. Shittens If these we around when my kids were in diapers I would have been spared from a lot of, well, ######. This was awesome too. My brother in law got to drop the puck at the Sens-Rangers game the other night, his daughter gives Alfie a pretty good smack! http://video.senator...=203817&lang=en
  14. Depends on time of year. If you go June through September its crowded, and I've rented beach houses at Emerald Isle, the outer banks and Oak island. You ever tried going to a grocery store at the beach when checking in on Saturday?
  15. Yep, and he also acknowledged 2006 as the one that likely got away due to an unprecedented string of bad luck.
  16. I have wanted Lindy removed as head coach for a long time, but at the same time I always said that I loved him as a coach and knew that he would have a better chance to win a cup elsewhere. He has always been and remains a class guy.
  17. Very nice. I just might have to pull out the Miracle bluray and fire it up in the home theater tonight.
  18. I don't hate it either, but I'm not sure that a new GM would ever want to open that can of worms.
  19. Agree with everyone, quite an impressive display from Lindy. He will get his cup somewhere else and I'll be cheering for him all the way, unless it's for one of the handful of teams I despise, then I'll just be secretly happy for him.
  20. At a canes bar, I asked them to turn the game on and they did!! Of course I asked them to turn on the Toronto game.
  21. I can see them trading anyone on the roster at the deadline if they are out of it. But DR just said they fired Lindy to try to make the playoffs, so I don't see them moving their leading scorer at this time.
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