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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. In that they happened to suck at the absolute best possible time, then yes.
  2. Wings are an outlier. They either have the best or luckiest GM/scouting staff in the league with Datsyuk and Zetterberg falling into their laps. Pegula could make the changes to get us the best front office, but being Buffalo we all know that we will never have the luckiest.
  3. That sucks. Best of luck to him as he begins his post hockey life.
  4. I saw that on my twitter feed the other day. Rush are playing a few gigs that they haven't done for years in 2013, they haven't done a rock festival since the 70's, but they are playing one in Sweeden this year.
  5. Please do! Dare I dream of a Sabres game down here on St. Patrick's Day? They haven't seen pillaging like that would bring.
  6. I agree. The worst thing you can do right now is find reasons to muster any false hope in this roster. Give me rock bottom.
  7. If you find yourself in the Raleigh/Durham area on Saturday let me know.
  8. I've heard a lot about the St. Patty's parade in Savannah, but I haven't made it there yet for one. My wife and I will host our seventh annual St. Patty's party on Saturday. I have 10 gallons of homebrewed irish stout in the kegerator, and I'm scouring the grocery store ads for the best deal on corned beef briskets. Last year I cooked 14. I also need to hit the ABC store for some Jameson and Baileys for the car bombs that begin to flow late in the evening.
  9. No, but I'd be fine giving Vanek less ice time within games so that Grigorenko can have more at this point. Goalies are different in that respect, but you already knew that. Really? You don't think Enroth's career thus far has been half world beater, half ECHL hack? I don't think the Sabres have any clue what they have in Enroth at this point. They might have if they had used him in a way that most NHL teams utilize their backup goaltenders, but they haven't, so here we are. Exactly.
  10. The Bills have released a statement on the Deadspin report Link
  11. I can believe that, but did you ever get the CEO's to keep calling you back multiple times after you've posed as a CEO of another company?
  12. And sometimes a back up is called upon to take over for the #1 when he's injured. What's wrong with playing Enroth every fourth or fifth game for a time AND choosing a stretch where he plays six in a row. My point is that we already know what we have in Miller and a few others, so these games would be best used to evaluate depth and/or showcase some guys for the trade deadline.
  13. I'm not saying you give Enroth more time to see if he can replace Miller, I'm saying give him more time to see if he can even be a competent back up in this league. That's a huge question mark at this point, You explain that to Miller, we want to see if we want to keep Enroth around as your back up next season so we are going to give him more work, plus we don't want to risk injury to you playing most of the rest of the games in a lost season.
  14. I hadn't considered that angle, will be interesting to see what happens. But how can an NFL GM not have multiple contact numbers for all the other NFL GM's at his fingertips at a moments notice? Yet Buddy keeps calling back again and again over a few days on a hang up call from a number he doesn't recognize? Why didn't he just ask his secretary for Dominick's number? Jeez, I know he is 73 and may not be up on some recent technology, but phone technology has been around for quite some time. The Bills are such a joke.
  15. He doesn't have to agree to anything, he plays when the coach tells him to play. I'm not one of the ones who thinks Miller is part of the problem here, but if he throws a fit about losing playing time on a deeply flawed team in a lost season then I'd be all for getting some assets in return for him at the deadline.
  16. Buddy Nix gets duped by pranksters. I'm so confident with this man leading the way as free agency begins. Nix-Dominick Prank
  17. I suspect that this sinus infection may linger for awhile. I see no reason to ride Miller into the ground at this point, at minimum Miller and Enroth should split the games the rest of the way to see if Enroth can truly perform in this league on a regular basis.
  18. Claude_Verret

    Plan B

    The Canes of course. <_< Actually I don't really follow or root for any other team as a secondary team. I'll turn on a game if it looks like it will be an entertaining and good match up, something that really can't be said about a Sabres game for a ###### age. Edit: Interesting that c.o.o.n's gets filtered. So I googled it and some people I guess assume that the phrase "c.o.o.n's age" is racial, but it's actually not. It appears that hillbillies used to think that racoons were somewhat immortal, thus the phrase.
  19. I'm in the same boat. From my teens to early 30's sports dominated a large portion of my life. I played fantasy football and baseball in multiple leagues, insane march madness, baseball and golf pools. Bills /Sabres season tickets, and when I moved here I immediately bought the ticket for both sports and I'd watch every Bills and Sabres game from beginning to end. Now I do none of that, I haven't been in a fantasy league in years. I still follow the Bills, but honestly for the past three or four years Bills games have just been an excuse to grill outside and hang out with some friends and neighbors. Whether they win or lose I'm just numb to them. The Sabres were the last holdout to the sports fanaticism of my youth, but the last few years have begun to wear on me. I canceled Center Ice in January, and I didn't even realize that the Sabres were on NBCSN Sunday until about midway through the second period. I turned on the game, watched a bunch of guys skating around trying to look like a real NHL team and quickly turned it off to watch the Walking Dead. They are quickly approaching Bills territory for me, if they aren't there already.
  20. That was the first SP song I ever heard, and that first line had me hooked as well.
  21. I must admit it's one of their weaker offerings with the Bon Jovi sound. I prefer it when they ape Maiden, Def Leppard, Motely Crue and Van Halen.
  22. Ok, so I know that I've linked to these guys a bunch of times, but this is by far the most awesome video so far. I got this in an email from a friend who I just introduced to the band last month and now he's obsessed. Anyway, very NSFW for shot after shot after shot of very awesome playmate boobies. Steel Panther live at the Playboy mansion. Frankly, I don't know how this is even allowed on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp6VJQzk1pg
  23. I don't feel bad or sorry for anyone. Put the nose to the grindstone and fix what is wrong. Now.
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