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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Just like the team we follow. All is good.
  2. If you're going to do that based on such a small sample size, then you at the very least have to take into account certain factors like having Fitzpatrick, Janik et.al. playing minutes against your opponents top lines.
  3. I also remember it being not clear at all heading into 05-06 which of Miller/Biron/Noronen had the inside track. It was all up in the air.
  4. Win and the atmosphere changes at FNC. Period. Until then I don't begrudge any fan their right to cheer, yell, boo, clap, sleep, text, stuff their face, get bombed etc...If they've bought a ticket then they can do whatever the hell they want as long as it doesn't violate common sense fan code of conduct at FNC.
  5. I understand where people are coming from when they say that they can't bring themselves to root for the Sabres to lose. I find it difficult to do myself, so I don't. Instead I look at it as believing in a team to reach their true potential. Kind of like how we all felt about the 2005-2006 Sabres but in reverse. I truly believe that this team blows donkey balls and that they should be rewarded in kind for their level of suckage. Of course what will probably happen is that instead of Jay McKee's MRSA, we'll get John Scott scoring a hat trick in the last game to cost us last place. That's just how we roll.
  6. Interesting topic, but for me it all boils down to Cups. When I look at that list I see more teams that have won cups during my personal fan lifespan than those that have not. I imagine having those to look back on as part of your fan experience will temper some of disappointment that comes with a bad four or five season stretch. Of course I can't know that since we've yet to enjoy a cup celebration in Niagara Square, but my gut tells me that we'd all be freaking out just a bit less around here with some Lord Stanley in our back pocket.
  7. Nice. My wife took our daughter for her kindergarten evaluation today before she starts in August, she was going to be dropped off for two hours so the teachers could observe her and the other kids. Before I left this morning I asked if she was excited for it and she answered "Yes daddy, I go to kindergarten so I lose my teeff." The only thing she associates with kindergarten was when her older brother went and began losing his baby teeth. Time flies, those five years went by in a blur. Which brings me to... I remember feeling all of that before my son was born.... wait I still feel like that some days! Seriosuly it is truly awesome, but nobody said it was easy.
  8. His recent play is also error prone and lazy... Maher fan sin drone
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNF2KNcRm-U
  10. My sister in law delivered a healthy baby boy yesterday so that is F'N fantastic. My BiL is not in town so my wife had to go to the hospital with her sister for the delivery, and if the complaint thread was still open I could complain on how that threw a wrench in yesterdays steak & BJ day celebration.
  11. Also because it was Gerbe in his very first game back after being out for an extended time due to an injury sustained on a similar type of hit. Inexcusable.
  12. She very well might have been, what stood out to me that night was that my section was almost completely devoid of Sabres fans. I literally think that I was the only one, but the sections to my right and left had plenty.
  13. Yes. I don't buy that thinking about potential penalties ever enters Myers' thought process. If that happens to a teammate and you're first on the scene, you either woodshed the guy or you don't. It's instinct. The Sabres don't have much woodshed instinct on the roster. No. It was in the next section over, and I was about 20 rows up. Her kind was not in short supply at PNC that night though.
  14. I was at the game and it happened just to my right, I was livid at Myers at the time for his useless response. I find it funny that the season has devolved to a point that we are reduced to scoping out talent in the stands.
  15. On D they will have to give a new definition to brutal if they hope to be worse than last year. But since this is the Bills we are talking about they just might be up to the challenge.
  16. I was getting the St. Patrick's Day party playlist together last night. Now stuck in my head.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKsmgiQb5co
  17. Yes it was. One thing I will give the Canes crowd is that there is some great talent in the stands usually, plus they have ice girls. Not a bad distraction from the game when the Sabres are shitting the bed.
  18. That does sound uncomfortable for sure, but look on the bright side and know that there are much, much worse places to be cathed. Unfortunately I know this from experience.
  19. And you guys aren't helping the collective cause by buying into this Pi day nonsense.
  20. As you are leaving the house on the morning of March 14th, you kiss your wife goodbye, and she says unprompted "So what kind of steak do you want for dinner tonight?" Awesome.
  21. No complaints today gentlemen. It's March 14th.
  22. I'm bidding high on that Joe DiPenta slug jersey.
  23. And there is where it all falls apart for the Sabres. Also, I'm not rooting for the Sabres to lose, instead I'm just wishing that they play to the true abilities for the rest of the season. If they do that, then I believe they draft at a position commensurate with their current rosters ability to compete with the rest of the league. I've seen the mad dash for 8th place enough to know that I don't like what it brings in terms of draft position, inflated expectations and the propensity to maintain status quo.
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