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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Kind of. I work with plenty of foreigners, and it's probably because we just mangle their names horribly.
  2. That would be a nice tour. I've had some Starr Hill beers before and enjoyed them. In my not-so-small-anymore NC town, three women have started a brewery called Bombshell Beer Company. This brewery and taproom is literally a stone's throw from my backyard man cave. If they make good beer, I could be in some trouble.
  3. Wow. The other night when you hinted that you had a story to tell about the exchange student experience, I said that I was sorry to hear that it hadn't quite worked out like you hoped it would. Now I see that was the understatement of the year on my part. I feel bad for all involved.
  4. You're crazy. Brind'amour could have went down to injury and the Canes would have been just fine that year! Ask any Canes fan, they'll tell you themselves that injuries don't matter.
  5. Classic! I didn't have that Bobby Hull version, but the later version like at the top left in the link below. My brother and I would play that game for hours. http://tablehockeygames.com/coleco.htm
  6. WTF?? If true, now we know the source of that "retard gas"
  7. Have you read Cain at Gettysburg ? Many reviewers claim that it even surpasses Shaara's classic work. I don't know if I'd go that far, but it's close. The horror of battle is described in brutal detail.
  8. I remember drinking a lot of Algonquin beer back in the 90's. Bobby Hull was somehow involved with that brewery, and I got his autograph on an old hockey card at the Consumers in Orchard Park circa 1993-94.
  9. Of course by now everyone knows the myth of Canadian beer being stronger has been debunked (abw vs. abv), but this is still a fun little ditty from our Canadian friends. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2E064kb3UnU&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  10. The top pick isn't the only part of the equation. A tanking likely also brings a fire sale of dead weight and hopefully a new GM. I've seen enough of this team the last three seasons to know that I want real change. No more false hope and expectations. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times ???
  11. I'm rooting for them to be who they truly are. IMO they are a bad team deserving of a finish in the bottom 3 or 4 teams.
  12. Blasphemy! ;) Actually, that's what I like about Pliny the most, its an 8.0% beer and it still remains exceptionally drinkable. The hop aroma and flavor is off the charts. In my opinion this beer doesn't get enough credit and its a shame that its not more widely available, but I understand why its not.
  13. I've had it. Its no Pliny or union jack, but its damn good.
  14. I'm a big fan of Southern Tier so looking forward to trying the Live APA. ST is available down here so I'll be on the lookout. Tonight I'm enjoying the brand new release from New Belgium, their Rampant double IPA. I scoured the stores all week and finally found some yesterday. I'm really enjoying this beer, its definitely a double IPA at 8.5%, but still very drinkable with all those IBU's.
  15. Lengua burrito? I get one every once in awhile from the taco truck down the street from my office. Awesome stuff.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFgayzZ5KTM&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  17. Sorry to hear that the experience didn't turn out like you had hoped, but I am looking forward to the epic story.
  18. Cool to see them doing well. I tried their APA at the Blue Monk when I was in town in January and thought it was just ok. To me it tasted like a lot of homebrewed APA's I've tried. It wasn't bad, but some flaws were apparent, the biggest being a lot of chill haze.
  19. I've never had that, but I see that it's highly rated on beer advocate with a 95/100. I've had Ithaca's Cascazilla before and enjoyed it. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll ask my brother to bring me down some Flower Power for his next visit.
  20. Claude_Verret

    Keep 5

    Hodgson Vanek Miller Ehrhoff Ott
  21. Yep. Don't know what ya got 'til it's gone.
  22. Sounds like we are getting a bit thin skinned with the Leaf fans! The next thing you know, Pegs will be handing out fan behavior cards at the gate and the scoreboard will be taking cheap shots at the city of Toronto.
  23. Pretty much the only thing that I don't miss about Buffalo is the winter that extends well into spring.
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