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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Robyn sold ######-wich Aging but hard nosed player Good luck in LA
  2. I think I've seen maybe three minutes of Sabres hockey since the last Pittsburgh game where they ###### the bed late. Maybe I'll tune in tonight to (hopefully) say goodbye to a few more Sabres.
  3. He was tricked right along with the rest of us.
  4. Can't comment on Peters as a hockey analyst as I've never heard the show, but I can say that he is a pretty cool dude. One of my friends posted a picture on FB the other day of his son and a bunch of his buddies playing street hockey. One of the participants towered over the rest of the 8-9 year olds. It was Peters. The boys went and knocked on his door to ask if he would play with them, and not only did he come out and play, but he stayed for a couple hours. Good stuff. :thumbsup:
  5. Let the selling frenzy begin!
  6. Today and tomorrow I'll be consuming my homebrewed "Holly Springs IPA". Marris Otter, Victory and Crystal 10 for the malt. Generously hopped with Citra & Chinook hops including 4 oz of Chinook dry hop, and fermented with 1056 american ale yeast. It comes in at 7.1% abv and a ###### ton of IBU's. I still have a few gallons of my stout from St. Patricks day on tap as well, it was a crowd pleaser.
  7. Great Lakes makes a pretty good Irish Red, but I can't remember the name of it.
  8. No. I've had it before, and while it's damn good, I'm not sure if it's $17 a sixer damn good.
  9. Admittedly this is juvenile and low brow, but these pranks are still awesome when they work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTODkW-fV3k
  10. I went at lunch time, but they didn't have any. Just Unearthly, 2X IPA and stout from Southern Tier. It takes a little longer for their new releases to make it south. They did have the Ballast Point Sculpin IPA mentioned up thread for $16.99 a six pack!
  11. What a city does or doesn't have going for it has little or nothing to do with it. Become a team where players see a chance to consistently win and be in the Stanley Cup conversation year after year and they will come. MLB players aren't beating down the door to play for the Pittsburgh Pirates, but football and hockey players sure do want to play there when given the opportunity.
  12. I'm just glad that I don't watch these games anymore. Miller to the Canes? They need a high priced average goalie to replace their injured high priced average goalie to turn their season around.
  13. I'm going to stop by the craft beer store on my way home to see if they have any.
  14. The Canes are in free fall, normally that would make me very happy, but in this waste of a season I'll be very pissed if they surpass us in the race to the bottom. Very pissed.
  15. It happened again. This is the fourth time in the past 18 months that I've received news of someone from my life passing on way too young. This time it was an old friend, someone I knew from kindergarten through graduating high school. Gone at 41 years of age and leaving behind a wife and three young children. Life just ain't fair sometimes. His father in law wrote a real nice tribute to him. In memory of a Cub fan
  16. Yep, that's why I think they were able to fleece the Canes in the Staal deal. Staal was way more valuable to the Canes than he'd ever be for the Pens.
  17. The styles that are conducive to aging usually aren't my cup of tea either so I'm no expert in this area. What I do know is that one of the first things to go in a beer with age is hop flavor and aroma, so ipa's and double ipa's probably would not improve with age. The styles I mentioned before along with lambics probably do the best with age. As a suggestion for one you can pick and try would be Sierra Nevada Bigfoot barleywine, I know a lot of people who purchase that and don't begin to consume it until the next years batch comes out. Actually the bottle of Westy 12 I just received had a best by date of like 5/2015 stamped on the cap.
  18. Yes for most beers you do want to consume them fresh, but as a general rule some of the higher alcohol styles like barleywine, imperial stout and belgian quads do benefit from aging.
  19. You're probably right, just selling a few obvious pieces like Stafford and Leopold would likely end up improving the team. Only a complete gutting is likely to increase the successful tanking probabilities, and since Darcy is running the deadline we all know that isn't going to happen.
  20. So a brewing friend of mine just got back from a work trip to Europe and I stopped by his place on the way home from work yesterday for a pint or two of homebrew. As I'm getting ready to leave he says that he forgot something, so he runs inside and when he comes back he hands me a bottle of Westvleteren 12 straight from Belgium! This stuff was selling for $85 a six pack retail back in December, now it would sell for many multiples of that on the secondary market if you can find some. I'll need to age this beer and save it for a truly important occasion.
  21. I know that two of the original CBC partners recently sold out and some new partners have come on and made some significant changes in how they market their brand. Your friends neighbor might be one of the new owners. And yes Wake Forest is a pretty good haul from Holly Springs, I'd say a 45 minute drive minimum in optimum traffic conditions. I keep a sankey connector handy in my kegerator so in case my homebrew runs dry I can just head over to CBC and pick up a keg of their beer to have on tap.
  22. Do something Darcy Do something right f%$#ing now Let's tank this mofo
  23. Cool. Have you been to Aviator Brewing when visiting Fuquay before? They have a great taproom in an old train station in the historic part of town, and a restaurant across the street that from what I hear serves some great eastern NC bbq. Also, there is Carolina Brewing Company, this is another brewery that I can walk to from my house. They do a tour every Saturday at 1 PM with free beer, and this isn't your typical brewery tour with 4 oz free samples either. I went a few weeks ago for the first time in awhile and had four pints. Free. You just can't go wrong with that!
  24. From what I heard, it was because of their average goaltender.
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