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Everything posted by Claude_Verret

  1. Interesting. It does appear in a peer reviewed journal (North American Journal of Psychology) so that does give it validity, but when you look at the study design I'm not sure how any findings can really pertain to the professional sports realm.
  2. Mora says PLAYOFFS!!? Now do you believe Sabres? top pick MacKinnon
  3. My wife went to high school with what I guess can be termed a puckbunny. She told me that this girl was always obsessed with dating a Sabre during high school, actually ended up dating a few, then eventually married a prominent member of the team.
  4. The Canes. 1-9 in their last 10 and looking to be in great shape for top 3 pick, the friggin Sabres just can't tank a season properly.
  5. Good luck, I hope all turns out well. I can say that I have felt your pain as I've had a catheter jammed in there on more than one occasion. Unfortunately, I cannot lie and have to say to those who haven't had to endure it, that yes it's as bad as you might imagine.
  6. You're spot on there. I don't know that I'll ever be able to forgive my own Dad for the the life of disappointment and pain he raised me into. I still remember after watching Norwood's kick sail wide right and eventually calming down after punching a few walls and doors, I turned to my Dad and said... You know this really sucks, but imagine being a Vikings or Broncos fan, I'm not sure I could take that. Uh huh.
  7. Steve Ott and any other Sabre for that matter absolutely have the right to speak their minds about what they think about the booing. I think the point most are trying to make is that it's just not a wise battle to pick with the fans. .
  8. Agree 100%. Booing has never been my thing, although I don't begrudge anyone their right to do it. If anything this team has brought me to the point where I watch games with detached apathy, but if you're going to be a miserable sourpuss going to a hockey game then it might be time to give up your seats and find another pursuit with your free time.
  9. I was talking more about the Eagles, but yes in general Philly fans are brutal on their teams when things aren't going well.
  10. Philadelphia edit: If Ott tried to pull this in a place like Philly or NY he'd get lambasted.
  11. I didn't see the game and I really love what Steve Ott brings, but he's dead wrong on this. It's part of what comes with being a professional athlete. Suck it up.
  12. This. Come the last 1/4 of any season the Sabres are as predictable as the rising sun.
  13. Nice, have fun, the weather this weekend is supposed to be pretty damn nice in Eastern NC.. Edenton Brewing is pretty good from what I remember if you get a chance to pick up some beers.
  14. Heading down to Arapahoe, NC at the coast after lunch today for a weekend camping trip with my son's Y Guides tribe. Should be a blast and F'N fantastic.
  15. I have one jersey, and I only wear it twice a year when the Sabres come to town. I know it's probably viewed as poor jersey etiquette (don't care) but mine has no name or number. I figure that since I'm only rooting for the crest on the front and that these guys turn over so quickly that it's the only way to go.
  16. I hear you there. Two weeks ago it was in my chest and I was coughing up mountains of sputum every morning. It seemed like I was getting better last weekend, then on Monday I woke up with a head cold and my sinuses pounding. This sucks. Not even my self prescribed regimen of drowning the virus in ethanol seems to be working.
  17. I like this non trade for now. Drew being here can only help in our race to the bottom.
  18. I'm sure there are plenty of teams asking about Ott. The vultures are circling and he is a juicy morsel left from this rotting carcass of a team. If you can get a team to overpay substantially for him then I'd be on board with a trade. Darcy said himself that everyone is at least up for discussion.
  19. Pommers no trade list floating out there FWIW. Columbus, Nashville, Phoenix, Colorado, Calgary, Dallas, Florida, Carolina.
  20. Agreed. If Darcy is able to unload that brutal contract on another team for ANY return it will be the steal of deadline day.
  21. When you're at your local pub and you order a steam beer, but they bring you a saison instead. Before you are able to inform them of the mistake, the waitress realizes it and brings you the steam beer. 2 for 1. That's awesome.
  22. I may actually watch some tonight. Any Sabres win from here on out I just look at as moving us farther away from that elusive top 3 pick. A Pens loss to end the streak? meh... it will matter little to them or us when they are still playing in June. Plus I'd rather see the Pens solidify the top seed over any of the teams with even a remote chance of catching them like Boston or Montreal.
  23. At this point I honestly can say it will bring me more joy to see another team continue a winning streak at our expense than having our broken and dysfunctional team end that streak.
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